The most important question first: Is there good and evil? My answer is yes, there is. I would describe it logically as good: “Decision working/ok for everybody”. Evil: “Decision not working/ok for everybody”. While you should be aware, that opposition does not mean its evil. Maybe a decision is still right with opposition. You can fight for it peacefully. The point is, what is right, logically. What could logically work, with the right results, and the right way. Of course there is space in between good and evil.
The guidelines are being created with the goal in mind, to try to find the best solution for the best result AND the best way to it. Without making trouble. With the mind absolutely set that it has to improve EVERYBODYS life – that it has to be fair to everybody, that everybody can agree that its really an improvement in the end.
I'll always only give hints to that direction, how this goal could be met, I won't force anything.
The basic Principe is [size=small]“Believe, no egoism – objectivity, reasonability, truth, appreciation”[/size]
Everything else is based on that. Since the guidelines can't cover everything, you should most of all try to build this base up. When I say 100% objectivity is not possible, 99% may be.
This is an ongoing process, and the guidelines can still have “unoptimized parts”. Also some things may develop further eventually. What's important is the the basics and being able to use them. The guidelines should absolutely not stop you from thinking yourself what's best (for everybody) and search own solutions. Everybody can make suggestions and talk about it.
What does the “best for everybody” even mean? Basically nobody should be given up, and everybody should be doing well, based on how much good they contribute to society (if somehow possible for them). It should be viewed with long-term effects if possible.
There's a danger of overdoing some things, of passing some goals and going to far. A healthy mediocrity can often be good/reasonable.
When making the guidelines, there's a danger to generalizing to much. Maybe one thing is a bigger problem for one person, and less for another person?
Also when “evolving your mind” don't set the scale on others that you set on yourself. Go easy on others in a reasonable way.
These guidelines are meant to give life structure, to lead into a positive balance without force.
The five basic principles are the most important things as a positive base to do develop a good world in my opinion. And what's the biggest problem countering it? “Manipulation” in my opinion. This can be fought by “opening up”. Nowadays manipulation is everywhere. Just look at the news. But it's getting better I think. Please differ “manipulation” and “influence”. The difference with “influence” is, that the recipient has a real choice if he wants to take the influence in. “Manipulation” especially with “lies” change the person without knowing it. Eventually not to the better.
About the five basic principles and how to understand them:
About reasonability and objectivity
Why are those so important? It was put way to lightly in the past. But reasonability combined with objectivity are the core things to find the right way. And that's exactly it. Finding the right way. Knowing “how to think” instead of “what to think”.
About Reasonability
What do I mean with Reasonability? There are 2 ways to view it that I know of.
About Objectivity
Some people want to tell you that objective views are not possible. That doesn't make sense. Why would you have the standpoint that everything below 100% objectivity is 0% objectivity? Why should we not try to act and think as objective as possible to us? Sure our eyes are bound to our heads, so we are born with “egoistic view” just from our eyesight already if you want to see it that way. But our minds are capable of objectivity. The soul and spirit is not necessarily egoistic by nature. If you use your experience, reliable information in memory or try to get it, reasonability, and will you can build up objectivity. But the most important thing is to think about everybody, and not just yourself with actions and thoughts, to become more objective. Objective view can be trained. But you have to stay on it all the time, and question yourself on it.
More about the basic principles:
Please mind that every single element in the boxes goes theoretically from 0% to 100%
100% can't really be reached by humans, but you can go up very high.
I think they are one of the possible solutions, that could theoretically solve almost all problems in this world and beyond your life to some extent. That sounds like a lot, reasonably it can't be “completely perfect”. Basically just because of the amount of work everyone would have to put in individually.
UPDATE: Ok that one might be the most important one point of all.
Ok better solution?
Let's think about that systematically - To change for the better you need:
You need believe in God to get objective will
You need Goodwill to do it right (good works for everyone)
You need purpose to fire you on
You need important reason to not slack of
You need to know about the importance of advancing yourself to get happy
The only problems here are really "purpose finding" and the "reason not to slack off". Because the rest should be understandable logically.
One does find purpose, by finding his strengths and looking at how he can help society with it.
"Reason not to slack off": that's the difference between important and urgent. When something seems urgent, it's easier not to slack off.
Let's look at it a different way:
Currently many define their expansion physically... If your defining your expansion with your mind instead it'll better... Not saying we should get rid of physical advantages
But basically money itself is quite a problem really... Hm... Like a core problem somewhat... Against real happiness not for
But maybe either learn something or make yourself useful... And if the job gets boring advance/learn...
So basically just go from bad jobs to good jobs by advancing yourself...
Everybody gets the same access to things.
So basically you have to advance yourself to get great jobs
Education does the rest
Also since you cycle between jobs it means more challenging life more advancement
That would also solve the problem of high ranking people not having the right mindset. Since they went through the advancement.
It would also solve not doing the work you want for money.
And high ranking people in jobs actually being decent.
So basically go from unpopular jobs to popular by advancing yourself, also with education, everybody has the same access to physical things
But I'm like 95% sure that's the main answer.
-People might confuse this with socialism, but it's further away from it than most European economy systems
-Some People might want people to confuse this with socialism, but again, not even close
-Some people might think, everything's socialism that's not unregulated capitalism
Just look at following: What are the core ideas of socialism and capitalism?
In a way, this no-Money idea is further away from socialism than capitalism is. “The life your dream” idea is much deeper rooted here. And more realistically possible to do.
The focus on the physical things is just not good and gives bad mindsets. Just look at some current developments, wars for oil, bankers in politics, financial crisis, everything can be bought from power to lives. Society always pays.
Like I already wrote, you need a important reason to not slack of to improve yourself as a person. And that can't be money. So it could just be your dream job you actually want to do.
Also the “spectrum” of things should get wider. Because people can make the things they dream of. Not so many ideas will die at the graveyard.
Of course the basic principle is still very much basic. I'll detail it more some other time.
The two main question are “what would that look like exactly” and “how could we develop there peacefully”.
For the “what” the biggest question would be what does “Everybody gets the same access to physical things as long as he “participates”” actually mean?
Basically that also means: “No going out shopping, just to buy some unnecessary things to have them”. Either things you need, or you have to bring extra effort individually. The attitude, to just buy unnecessary things to have them(because you are bored or something) is problematic to say the least. This works like a drug around the real problem without fixing it. When you actually want something unnecessary, you should have to do some effort for it. That way it should actually still work out. Since you get happy from the advancing yourself, and the amount of wasted materials and problems for the environment get limited more.
What does advancing even mean?
Basically advancing in doing the “how's” better. In school we've learned the “what's” not the “how's” before. But advancing means you get better at the “how's”.
How to think, how to lead, how to drive, how to talk.... You'll have to face challenges, and master them. Just learning examples by heart is not enough, it'll only help to start with.
How do the people profit:
-happier lives from progressing more throughout
-fair distribution of things for everyone
-less war and danger
-people everywhere are going to be just better people
-you can life your dreams way easier
How does the environment profit:
-Way less wastage
How does the economy do?
-Probably good, just because the basic resource of success – the mind – gets optimized all over the place
-Mover diversity more people get to to their ideas, as well as less danger to it.
-In a way it still works out like in capitalism. Because things get a “rating of cost”. And people have to bring extra effort for it. Means there's a “demand” / “offer” system like in capitalism. Just lots of less wastage, less unfairness, less power shifting in wrong directions.
-For the absolutely necessary things, these should just get “planned”. Should work for those necessary things at least.
How do costly ideas get financed?
-By sort of “banks”, similar like now. You need to convince them of your ideas. But both win and loss is more to the society then.
How do Company's get effective economy wise in this?
-So how is managed how much material and personal a company can use?
Could be similar to capitalism probably for limiting it – since there's a demand / offer system. So basically it depends on the demand. But its more social still.
The guidelines are being created with the goal in mind, to try to find the best solution for the best result AND the best way to it. Without making trouble. With the mind absolutely set that it has to improve EVERYBODYS life – that it has to be fair to everybody, that everybody can agree that its really an improvement in the end.
I'll always only give hints to that direction, how this goal could be met, I won't force anything.
The basic Principe is [size=small]“Believe, no egoism – objectivity, reasonability, truth, appreciation”[/size]
Everything else is based on that. Since the guidelines can't cover everything, you should most of all try to build this base up. When I say 100% objectivity is not possible, 99% may be.
This is an ongoing process, and the guidelines can still have “unoptimized parts”. Also some things may develop further eventually. What's important is the the basics and being able to use them. The guidelines should absolutely not stop you from thinking yourself what's best (for everybody) and search own solutions. Everybody can make suggestions and talk about it.
What does the “best for everybody” even mean? Basically nobody should be given up, and everybody should be doing well, based on how much good they contribute to society (if somehow possible for them). It should be viewed with long-term effects if possible.
There's a danger of overdoing some things, of passing some goals and going to far. A healthy mediocrity can often be good/reasonable.
When making the guidelines, there's a danger to generalizing to much. Maybe one thing is a bigger problem for one person, and less for another person?
Also when “evolving your mind” don't set the scale on others that you set on yourself. Go easy on others in a reasonable way.
These guidelines are meant to give life structure, to lead into a positive balance without force.
The five basic principles are the most important things as a positive base to do develop a good world in my opinion. And what's the biggest problem countering it? “Manipulation” in my opinion. This can be fought by “opening up”. Nowadays manipulation is everywhere. Just look at the news. But it's getting better I think. Please differ “manipulation” and “influence”. The difference with “influence” is, that the recipient has a real choice if he wants to take the influence in. “Manipulation” especially with “lies” change the person without knowing it. Eventually not to the better.
About the five basic principles and how to understand them:
About reasonability and objectivity
Why are those so important? It was put way to lightly in the past. But reasonability combined with objectivity are the core things to find the right way. And that's exactly it. Finding the right way. Knowing “how to think” instead of “what to think”.
About Reasonability
What do I mean with Reasonability? There are 2 ways to view it that I know of.
- Common sense. So like “in Rome, do as the Romans do” basically. Thinking as the mass does. This one has flaws. If there should be change. Or if there is manipulation. But its not entirely wrong and its why democracy's make sense. They basically say, the more people think that x makes sense, the more reasonable. But even the mass can be manipulated. It could have been reasonable for someone in the past to think the earth is a plate. Democracy still is good, since it recognizes what the people want, but we have to fight manipulation.
- “General positive logic”(not only scientific) + “regional culture”. This one is good if you can handle it. “Regional culture” means everything Humanity created in the area plus the nature around it. “General positive logic” means intelligent conclusions based on reliable experience and other reliable information with the goal to make sensuous decisions for yourself and all others.
- Is it reasonable to cross the traffic lights on red? =>”General positive logic”=> Dangerous for your life/Bad influence on others => No not reasonable
- Greet with greetings hand or bow down? => If you are in Japan for example, look at the one before you and make intelligent conclusions what he expects. Take culture into consideration. (It is possible that greeting with greeting hand is expected when Japanese people meet foreigners in japan.) Going by disease transmission, bows are logically better, but that can be countered with hygiene and the risk is comprehensible then. If you are in a hospital or have a cold, the risk can be higher. Then it might be more reasonable to not greet with greeting hand. Since bows aren't common in this area, it can be most reasonable to just leave it at a “hello”.
About Objectivity
Some people want to tell you that objective views are not possible. That doesn't make sense. Why would you have the standpoint that everything below 100% objectivity is 0% objectivity? Why should we not try to act and think as objective as possible to us? Sure our eyes are bound to our heads, so we are born with “egoistic view” just from our eyesight already if you want to see it that way. But our minds are capable of objectivity. The soul and spirit is not necessarily egoistic by nature. If you use your experience, reliable information in memory or try to get it, reasonability, and will you can build up objectivity. But the most important thing is to think about everybody, and not just yourself with actions and thoughts, to become more objective. Objective view can be trained. But you have to stay on it all the time, and question yourself on it.
More about the basic principles:

Please mind that every single element in the boxes goes theoretically from 0% to 100%
100% can't really be reached by humans, but you can go up very high.
- Objectively will to improve yourself <= There's just one single “real 100% objectivity”! That would be if you rate every single other human just as important individually as yourself, and also rate “Environment” and “Animals” - “correct”. What's the “correct” answer there I'm not exactly sure.
- REAL Reasonability <= Reasonability takes culture highly in consideration. The main thing is “Logic” based on “Objectivity” though. So all in all that means there's also just one “real 100% Reasonability”. Mind that that counts for a specific point in time. That means 100% REAL Reasonability at point of time x and situation x is different from time y and situation y. Because the boundary conditions changed.
- Believe <= God wants “the good for people” I'm definite of that. By my definition “Good” just means “works for everyone in a positive way for everyone”. You should want a “good relationship with god”. The rest can be derived, and should lead to objectively will to improve yourself. To improve your belief further, you should just “want to do it for god” as main reason, out of thankfulness/love for example.
- Required virtuous
- Truthfulness+Openess <= “Truthfullness + Openess” also goes from 0% to 100% - just because even if you never state a lie ever, and don't hide anything it still doesn't mean its perfect. Don't get me wrong on that one, what I do mean with that, is that you would also have to perfectionize “how you work your communication and thinking out right” - I'll explain it like that: Stating everything straight forward can hurt people more than necessary. It's better to “work around a lie” NOT by hiding, but instead explain it right. Real Truthfulness means not only to “talk no lie” but also to “not think a lie” and feeling right about things.
Example:“Your son asks you: My teacher is a terrible person, don't you think?”. Boundary Condition: He's not actually a terrible person, just has a bunch of flaws. You would “in your previous state” tend to dislike him, because of his difference:- Level 1: You think his teacher is terrible, and state: “Yeah, he's terrible” <= 0% difficulty
- Level 2: You think his teacher is terrible(or something along those lines), and state: “But why, your teacher is great” <= 5% difficulty
- Level 3: You think his teacher is terrible(or something along those lines), and state: “Well... maybe” <= 10% difficulty
- Level 4: You think his teacher is terrible(or something along those lines), and state: “Well... everybody has errors, your teacher also. Maybe just a little more” <= 20% difficulty
- Level 5: You think “Well... everybody has errors, your teacher also. Maybe just a little more”. You DON'T have negative feelings about the teacher and state -“Well... everybody has errors, your teacher also. Maybe just a little more”<= 70% difficulty or something along those lines. Not sure how to improve on this more than that yet.
- Also really sorry if I hurt you with these lines. Not sure how to state that better in a way where it still works well though. To be fair I'm somewhat failing these lines in this instance with stating it like that itself? Have to rethink how to state those. TBD. Actually I thought to highly of myself when I stated that not thinking enough of how that would make others feel. That was a big mistake really. That I guess I can't do it just yet right. I'll correct those when I think I can do it right. So basically I've messed up, yes. I've failed this on those, yes. I'll try again and do it right next time. Not hiding my error, now that I see it. Probably have a weakness there, because I don't socialise much. Maybe I'll try to socialise more? Don't see yet how to make that work without failing it in itself. Hopefully I'll eventually see.
- Appreciation
Appreciation of all that is good, basically gives you positive drive.
- Truthfulness+Openess <= “Truthfullness + Openess” also goes from 0% to 100% - just because even if you never state a lie ever, and don't hide anything it still doesn't mean its perfect. Don't get me wrong on that one, what I do mean with that, is that you would also have to perfectionize “how you work your communication and thinking out right” - I'll explain it like that: Stating everything straight forward can hurt people more than necessary. It's better to “work around a lie” NOT by hiding, but instead explain it right. Real Truthfulness means not only to “talk no lie” but also to “not think a lie” and feeling right about things.
I think they are one of the possible solutions, that could theoretically solve almost all problems in this world and beyond your life to some extent. That sounds like a lot, reasonably it can't be “completely perfect”. Basically just because of the amount of work everyone would have to put in individually.
- The economical system “capitalism” isn't optimal in its current form. Reason: The pressure to perform well gets bigger and bigger with time, which leads to life quality of the individual decreasing. Also there's the problem that very hard work isn't economically worth as much sometimes. There's also the problem with greed and profit maximization in combination with the environment and wages.
Because of that people from different competence areas should give hints/suggestions on what to improve. The goal should be to find the best possible economy system for everyone, from a as objective as possible point of view. There should be open discussions for that. Important: Changes should be done peacefully on the discussion/democratic way.
UPDATE: Ok that one might be the most important one point of all.
Ok better solution?
Let's think about that systematically - To change for the better you need:
You need believe in God to get objective will
You need Goodwill to do it right (good works for everyone)
You need purpose to fire you on
You need important reason to not slack of
You need to know about the importance of advancing yourself to get happy
The only problems here are really "purpose finding" and the "reason not to slack off". Because the rest should be understandable logically.
One does find purpose, by finding his strengths and looking at how he can help society with it.
"Reason not to slack off": that's the difference between important and urgent. When something seems urgent, it's easier not to slack off.
Let's look at it a different way:
Currently many define their expansion physically... If your defining your expansion with your mind instead it'll better... Not saying we should get rid of physical advantages
But basically money itself is quite a problem really... Hm... Like a core problem somewhat... Against real happiness not for
But maybe either learn something or make yourself useful... And if the job gets boring advance/learn...
So basically just go from bad jobs to good jobs by advancing yourself...
Everybody gets the same access to things.
So basically you have to advance yourself to get great jobs
Education does the rest
Also since you cycle between jobs it means more challenging life more advancement
That would also solve the problem of high ranking people not having the right mindset. Since they went through the advancement.
It would also solve not doing the work you want for money.
And high ranking people in jobs actually being decent.
So basically go from unpopular jobs to popular by advancing yourself, also with education, everybody has the same access to physical things
But I'm like 95% sure that's the main answer.
-People might confuse this with socialism, but it's further away from it than most European economy systems
-Some People might want people to confuse this with socialism, but again, not even close
-Some people might think, everything's socialism that's not unregulated capitalism
Just look at following: What are the core ideas of socialism and capitalism?

In a way, this no-Money idea is further away from socialism than capitalism is. “The life your dream” idea is much deeper rooted here. And more realistically possible to do.
The focus on the physical things is just not good and gives bad mindsets. Just look at some current developments, wars for oil, bankers in politics, financial crisis, everything can be bought from power to lives. Society always pays.
Like I already wrote, you need a important reason to not slack of to improve yourself as a person. And that can't be money. So it could just be your dream job you actually want to do.
Also the “spectrum” of things should get wider. Because people can make the things they dream of. Not so many ideas will die at the graveyard.
Of course the basic principle is still very much basic. I'll detail it more some other time.
The two main question are “what would that look like exactly” and “how could we develop there peacefully”.
For the “what” the biggest question would be what does “Everybody gets the same access to physical things as long as he “participates”” actually mean?
-New form of money, but everybody gets the same amount. You can “save up”. <= This one doesn't really work well. Eventually it ends up with similar issues.
-Other idea: Work not for money, but for what you want. Let's say you want a Porsche. Then you say you want a Porsche. Then you are told you have to advance and contribute x amount for that. The basic things you need you'll just get anyway as long as you participate. So you never get “money” and never work just “for money”. You never spend money just to get it spend, because you have it anyway. No “saving up”. So basically “if you want extra things, give it extra effort individually for it”. <= This one should be a lot betterWhen you look at it closely, you'll see that you are going to be happier from the advancement then from your Porsche, but anyway, its a drive
Basically that also means: “No going out shopping, just to buy some unnecessary things to have them”. Either things you need, or you have to bring extra effort individually. The attitude, to just buy unnecessary things to have them(because you are bored or something) is problematic to say the least. This works like a drug around the real problem without fixing it. When you actually want something unnecessary, you should have to do some effort for it. That way it should actually still work out. Since you get happy from the advancing yourself, and the amount of wasted materials and problems for the environment get limited more.
What does advancing even mean?
Basically advancing in doing the “how's” better. In school we've learned the “what's” not the “how's” before. But advancing means you get better at the “how's”.
How to think, how to lead, how to drive, how to talk.... You'll have to face challenges, and master them. Just learning examples by heart is not enough, it'll only help to start with.
How do the people profit:
-happier lives from progressing more throughout
-fair distribution of things for everyone
-less war and danger
-people everywhere are going to be just better people
-you can life your dreams way easier
How does the environment profit:
-Way less wastage
How does the economy do?
-Probably good, just because the basic resource of success – the mind – gets optimized all over the place
-Mover diversity more people get to to their ideas, as well as less danger to it.
-In a way it still works out like in capitalism. Because things get a “rating of cost”. And people have to bring extra effort for it. Means there's a “demand” / “offer” system like in capitalism. Just lots of less wastage, less unfairness, less power shifting in wrong directions.
-For the absolutely necessary things, these should just get “planned”. Should work for those necessary things at least.
How do costly ideas get financed?
-By sort of “banks”, similar like now. You need to convince them of your ideas. But both win and loss is more to the society then.
How do Company's get effective economy wise in this?
-So how is managed how much material and personal a company can use?
Could be similar to capitalism probably for limiting it – since there's a demand / offer system. So basically it depends on the demand. But its more social still.