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Sep 21, 2009
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wut do u do wen ur with someone 4 over 3 years brake up n start seein someone else n really like them n then get back with ur x????? i love the guy im with but he cheated on me with a childhood friend n the other guy is already talkin 2 about 3 other girls besides me but he says he likes me alot. im confused n need advise thats not from my friends lol
Sounds like a hard choice, do you really want to stay with a guy that cheated on you? Go for the guy that treats you the best.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that if he is trying to date a bunch of other girls, and has already cheated on you, he is lying about liking you. His goal here is probably to have sex with all of you, which will result in him seeming like a 'player', which is sort of a macho badge of honor among certain circles of guy pals.

I deal with liars on a daily basis at work. I am surrounded by them on all sides. And they do things exactly like that, though perhaps not the same context. They will say something to your face without batting an eye, and you can know it to be untrue. You can even call them on it, citing your evidence, and they will deny it. I know this type all too well.

This guy is one of them. You can either be a notch on his headboard or look elsewhere.
msmaryjane4200 said:
wut do u do wen ur with someone 4 over 3 years brake up n start seein someone else n really like them n then get back with ur x????? i love the guy im with but he cheated on me with a childhood friend n the other guy is already talkin 2 about 3 other girls besides me but he says he likes me alot. im confused n need advise thats not from my friends lol

My advice is: he says he likes you just because he wants to be sure that you are there when he needs you, when the others girls he sees are not available. He is playing with you, with your feelings. Go away from him. No relationship lasts when it is based on lies. The only one who will be hurt at the end will be you and only you. If you dump him now, you will be sad and you will go thru a very hard time. But it will not be as painfull as it will be if you stay with him. And believe me, I know what I am talking about...... Hope it helps.

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