Could be moving...again

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Wave Shock

Moving sucks. You think being a Military Brat, I would be used to moving by now (Moving 5 times being in 6 different states). Guess, I'm different...

Good news bad news situation. Good news is I got my first job a few weeks ago. I'm starting to get a little more social...getting to know some people and all...Bad news is there is a strong chance of me moving to a different state within the year, if not the next.

"Well, it's not like I have any friends, so it shouldn't be a tough move" I thought. I wasn't too worried about my bro (21) staying here since he's gone most of the time anyways.

I just feel that I want to restrict myself from socializing, as such at work, because it's going to be harder for me to leave.

The last state I lived in, I had to restrict my feelings for my best friend. She and I may have been in a relationship by now if I had stayed. Sure, it was only the 8th grade, but it still would have been something. Distant friendships isn't enough because they soon fade away...As I can see happening already.

Typical, when things are somewhat looking up, it comes right back down. Hmm...gravity. I'm 18, by the way, for a point of reference...Sorry for long post, just wanted to vent. Should I embrace what I have before I leave or something?

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