Do you have any superstitions or personal omens?

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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
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Where the faeries live, Silly.
I notice certain events that happen in sequence in my life. I think for the most part things are not random. Like thinking about people and having them contact you. One time, I had someone on my mind all day and had a nagging feeling and I couldn't stop thinking of him. He called me and the first thing out of his mouth was,"I can feel you."
I believe in deep connections with people on levels that can't be explained. So when I get that nagging feeling and can't get someone off my mind, I take note. There was one time I didn't, and I will regret that the rest of my life.
So, if I am really mad at someone and I think about it all day, they'll get the notion that I'm pissed? Even if I dont talk to them?
Katia said:
So, if I am really mad at someone and I think about it all day, they'll get the notion that I'm pissed? Even if I dont talk to them?

Especially if you don't talk to Nothing speaks as loud as a woman's
I'm not sure if that's good or not.

On one hand I'm really mad, but on the other hand I hate to be on bad terms with another person.
I've had a few incidences.
1) there were two people, 1 my sister and 1 a friend that were having babies. I was at work and new when my friend had her baby. I stood up and looked at the clock and said to myself Tracy had her baby, I called her sister that night to find see sure did. :) My mom was worried about my sister being overdue, I told my mom not to worry she would be two week overdue and she would have a baby girl (not knowing the babies sex). My mom called me and asked me how I knew.
2) One Saturday when I was working I felt like a co-worker had just died. I ran out in the hall to find him fine. The next Saturday to the minute he passed away unexpectedly.
3) Once I went to a book store where people were having card reading, and other readings done etc. I met a women that said to me I could be reading people, little did she know I touched her and I had a feeling her dad was ill. I said nothing to her. The next time I went to the book store someone told me she had to go to see her father.
4) Another co-worker was having bad headaches, I had a funny feeling about them so I told him to go to the Dr. He hadn't come to work for a while after that, I asked where he was. I was told he had a brain tumor removed. He recovered and returned to work.

This is kind of a weird feeling to some people. At first I wondered about myself. Then I found people asked about this more often and I have gotten use to things happening. :) I wish I could meet someone that could teach me to pay more attention to the feelings. Am I weird or what?
No, not really.

Although one time a co-worker was reading palms and did say some pretty accurate stuff, but I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to everything.
Sorry guys, but this is gonna sound a little awkward to you.

I remember two instances last year in my physics class where something strange like that happened to me. I sat next to my friend and during the class it felt as though menstrual cramps were coming on but I knew it was the wrong time of the month. I got slightly worried and then as we were walking out my friend complained about starting her period. Anyways, as soon as I went to my next class (not with her), they went away. Then it happened one more time, and that time I wondered about my friend again and I was right - I was feeling crampy because she was on her period. I don't think it's as strange as what Blue2008 said. There is probably some biological answer to it. But it was still very odd.

Again, weird topic but we're all mature here right?
Wow, Blue, I would call that more than a few
Have you always been that way? Or is it something that has developed?

Katia, it is a bit of an odd thread :) I think it's cool you have such an experience. Was your friend surprised?

Unacceptance, nothing wrong with being skeptical. You can't really believe somthing you haven't experienced. That would be silly to do so :)

Sorry it took a while to reply to all of you.
NO, not me!:p

First of all, I have a Guardian Angel, His name is Billy, he was my uncle but was killed when I was really young. (On a motorcycle.) I've seen him many times watching me and he speaks to me all the time, I have learned to listen. (I have a thread here about the first time we met. It's under the express yourself "how it all started".)

I wear a crystal to absorb negative energy.
I carry several differant stones that protect me from many things.
I have one for air travel and water travel, others for protection while on one of my paranormal investigtions.

I burn incents or candles to change my bad karma or bring me luck.

So, no, I don't think I'm superstitious at all.:p

And Naleena thinks she's a hippy!:D LOL

If only I had something to help me find true love.:(
I avoid walking under ladders. If I walk under one then I get a feeling all day that I'm done for and my number is coming up. :(
Naleena said:
Wow, Blue, I would call that more than a few
Have you always been that way? Or is it something that has developed?

I guess I've always been that way, I just don't always make a connection right away. A thought, image, or feeling goes through my mind for a second, then I usually find out something has happened.
The funny thing is I'm a "I'll believe it when I see it person"
I have received "vibes" when something bad is about to happen to someone I care about - although whom it will effect always remains a mystery to me until after the fact.

The vast majority of my close friends and relationships have been with people who possess either a fire or an air zodiac sun sign. Lol, its become so regular, I don't even think of it as odd anymore!

I've always had the idea that when I die, it will be from drowning. I've no idea where this comes from, as I love the water and am a fair swimmer.
I guess i have to say that I am superstitious and I believe that we do have connections to ther people, like feel what they feel, like feel the aura they are creating. And that everyone has a sense of premonition. Some people are more aware of it than others.

I also think that there are some people that can have connections to the dead, like see or feel them around you.
I dont know if anyone has gotten this feeling before and I hope im not weird or anything, but does anyone ever get that feeling that they are being watched, or like someone is there, but there really isnt?
or you feel like someone has touched you, or that you get goosebumps for no reason at all?
oh yea! ive got mine!
~when im walking over to my friend daniels i pass by my ex's friends house, and i always quietly say "sorry girls" to my self, like if i dont say it bad karma will come haunt me.
~if a car passes with one headlight out ill slap the roof of my car for good luck.
~ive even been caught throwing salt over my shoulder if i spill some. ive never been that dumb , but i do.
i could keep going but yall gonna think im crazy soon........
Well this thing that Naleena has explained happens to me quite often.

Rebel001 said:
I guess i have to say that I am superstitious and I believe that we do have connections to ther people, like feel what they feel, like feel the aura they are creating. And that everyone has a sense of premonition. Some people are more aware of it than others.

There are certain techniques with you can develop your premonition or your sixth sense.
There is this technique where you can see a person's aura. Taken that I can concentrate I can see their aura. When a person is photographed with Kirlian's photography, you can either see a red aura, blue aura or purple aura being released from them. I can see this without making photos of them. This talent exists in all of us and we call it......."finding the other person sympathic, likeable, finding their aura pleasant or non-pleasant".

I also think that there are some people that can have connections to the dead, like see or feel them around you.
I dont know if anyone has gotten this feeling before and I hope im not weird or anything, but does anyone ever get that feeling that they are being watched, or like someone is there, but there really isnt?
or you feel like someone has touched you, or that you get goosebumps for no reason at all?

I also believe in reincarnation. I also believe that souls have died can go into an animal's body. When I think about beloved family members who passed away, I always have some beautiful bird or a butterfly comes by. Coincidence?

I also believe in the existence of guardian angels. Also believe in fate and that everyhing happens for a reason. "What goes around comes around" is existent in all spiritual "systems" and "religions". So I believe that too.

I don't believe in stuff like crossing under ladders, Friday the 13th or black crows or black cats. I love black cats and find crows to be very interesting animals. 13 is my lucky number. I am also not afraid of things like demons and ghosts.

I have studied Gematria which is a numerology/code system created by the Rabbis. If you read the Bible Code you know what I mean. Each of us have certain meanings that are already in our name, and this we can find out by decoding our names. However I do not believe that one can tell the future by using the Gematria.

I also believe in the Evil Eye. I never tell anyone things to make them jealous or insecure. I reflect a humble reflection of everything that happens to me.

I also believe that the minute we are conceived in our mother's wombs, our future partners are also born and created elsewhere. My other belief is that we have a multiple number of people, 5-6 people, who can be our potential partners. I am not talking about every partner we date or meet. I am talking about real "soulmates".
Rebel001 said:
I dont know if anyone has gotten this feeling before and I hope im not weird or anything, but does anyone ever get that feeling that they are being watched, or like someone is there, but there really isnt?
or you feel like someone has touched you, or that you get goosebumps for no reason at all?

This happens to me very often... to say.. everytime when i m alone...

Even when I am typing this now (I am alone now), at this instant, I feel like somebody is watching me from behind (and the weird thing is i always have the feeling that i m being watched from behind)... I feel it as a supernatural force, dont know whether its good or bad... But I sure know if that is evil, I will fight back coz all my life, from the day I can remember I m living with another feeling that some great force is surrounding me to protect me from anything coming against me...

This might sound a little insane but its true...
I have to have the shower curtain closed...ALWAYS.

It keeps the shower monster from getting out and ransacking the place.

It also hides the fact that I seriously need to clean the shower. :(
JustLost said:
I have to have the shower curtain closed...ALWAYS.

It keeps the shower monster from getting out and ransacking the place.

It also hides the fact that I seriously need to clean the shower. :(
I'm the same way. :D

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