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^^ easy to do and very tasty!! :)

I LOVE to bake. I miss not having the kids around to bake for, but I send them parcels. I just had a request from my son in College for some homemade buns.!

Do you like to read recipe books and try new things?
I used to, but these days I'm too busy with other things. My wife used to roast pumpkin seeds... tasty.

Do you like to argue?
I don't mind the dark- I like both it and daylight in equal measure.

Do you like talking to yourself?
Yeah. I think out loud. And I talk to my dogs. They look at me like they are listening ( it has nothing to do with having cookies in my pocket ) ;-). And I talk to the birds so that they don’t startle when I fill their feeders.

Do you like to fly?
some of them, yes, too abstract ones, no.

do you like opera?
yes, though I`m not much of a contributor

do you like biting your lip?
uhm, I`m not reading every post and I`m not sure I`d like it or dislike it. could be fun though.

do you like Halloween?
hm, never did it, but I like watching it.

do you like sports competitions?

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