Failing health and doing it alone..

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Apr 14, 2010
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My smelly seat pillow
Hello..most of you don't know me from anywhere, but one or so do because one of you turned me on to the place, but no names..
Anyway.. I'm a caregiver for an elderly woman, 84 and I'm 50 and my health is falling apart faster than a 90 mph fastball it seems like sometimes.
I live in the old woman's backyard in a small building/shed which for the past few years has suited me just fine and to some degree still does, but I'm out here every day and night alone. My only companion is the old woman who I have grown to love like a mother even though my own mother passed away almost 20 years ago on my sons 10th birthday of all days. My son is now 28 so 18 years ..I guess I coulda done the math, huh?
Well..apparently I did.. duh.. kids live a long way off from me. I'm in Texas and they are in Ohio and Tennessee. I have a son as mentioned and a daughter 26 now with two kids of her own making me a grumpy old grampa except I never get to see them but when I do all my grumpiness disappears instantly..
I've only seen my daughter once in the past 7 years and haven't seen my son since I left home because of some legal issues I won't go into here.
My wife at the time joined me here for a while, but left and now we too are apart and I still miss her more than I'll ever be able to express. After 22+ years it's kind of tough, but I'm not the easiest person to live with under the best of conditions.
At least my kids still keep in touch and when I told them I should have been a better dad they told me I must be kidding. They both said nobody could ask for a better pop than me so that made me feel..well you figure it out..
And I am living in this little joint with no running water except the garden hose out here. There's water in the house, but I save that for special occasions like my monthly shower. :rolleyes: (probably another reason I live alone..HA!)
I take one more than once a month so don't cry to much for me..
Anyway..I'm in quite a bit of pain now days as I have a fairly advanced case of what my doc thinks is MS, but the results aren't in yet so it may well be something else. Walking is difficult at best most days. When I first wake up it's a bit easier and I usually don't need my cane till a little later as the day goes on, but if I have to go anywhere which i always do in the mornings I have to use my cane because it requires me to walk about 100 feet or so, give or take depending on the day.
If I know I might have to stand in line or be on my feet much more than a few minutes I'll usually take my walker and sometimes the old womans walker as it has a fold down seat to it..
There are other pains like when I go to the can..I'm waiting the results of a colon cancer screen so we shall see.. I hope it's negative, but if not's not then..
The medication I take it very constipating and I've taken it for years now so I'm kind of used to the Buick driving out on the can. It even squeals the tires sometimes.
Well..I've written enough for one day and the old legs are hurting and I feel like I'm sitting on a couple of door knobs my ass is so skinny so I'm going to go lay on my rack of nails and bid fair thee well or however it's sposed to go..
Thanks for reading..

I don't have anything to comment, but wanted you to know that I read this (as others have).

Take care.
Wow, it takes a lot to care for someone. Take care of yourself or you won't be able to care for old woman.

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