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well my relationship is doing that well, and its making me never want a relationship again, because i just don't think that relationships are the thing for me.
but you see i've ended up cutting myself, normally around the shoulder area so my shirt will cover it, and no one knows.
but i don't know is this normal?
Cutting yourself is never normal. lol

just because your relationship sucked/sucks, doesnt mean that all relationships do. maybe instead of thinking that they are all bad, learn from it and choose abit wiser on your next partner. ending a relationship isnt the end of the world, you just need to man up and get on with your life.

Just think of it as life experience.

And seriously, get a punching bag or something, do something worth while instead of cutting yourself. Iv never seen the piont in doing it, I mean going for a run, swim, anything takes your mind off everything alot more then cutting yourself. all it does is leave a reminder of all the negative's in your life.
liposuctionlol, I do hope your not cutting your self to badly or to often. They can get infected you know. If you must do it then please make Sher the knife and your self are clean be for you do this. It well make the risk of infection a lot less.

Dose anyone close to you know about you doing this? I do know that it can be addicting cos of the feeling of the realise of pain you feel.

Dude, You are welcome to PM me if you would like to talk about why you are doing this in privet. I seen in another thread you say that you don't write to good. I think you write better then me and I understand perfectly what you say which is the important bit :)

Here is something that might work. Instead of cutting your self every time you feel the need, you seat down and write/type what you are feeling. Cry, Punch something (soft) anything to get it out but you have to try and move on from the cutting mate.

You stay strong dude and be reshard there is a lot of help out there for this. You just have to make the right ppl in your life aware of how your feeling. That is the hardest thing i would say.
liposuctionlol said:
but you see i've ended up cutting myself, normally around the shoulder area so my shirt will cover it, and no one knows.
but i don't know is this normal?

No cutting isn't normal, it is a form of self harm. It is far from unheard of though and there is probably even others here who have done it. There are a number of self harm/self injury forums that focus on the topic if you decide you have any interest.
Bluey said:
liposuctionlol, I do hope your not cutting your self to badly or to often. They can get infected you know. If you must do it then please make Sher the knife and your self are clean be for you do this. It well make the risk of infection a lot less.

Dose anyone close to you know about you doing this? I do know that it can be addicting cos of the feeling of the realise of pain you feel.

Dude, You are welcome to PM me if you would like to talk about why you are doing this in privet. I seen in another thread you say that you don't write to good. I think you write better then me and I understand perfectly what you say which is the important bit :)

Here is something that might work. Instead of cutting your self every time you feel the need, you seat down and write/type what you are feeling. Cry, Punch something (soft) anything to get it out but you have to try and move on from the cutting mate.

You stay strong dude and be reshard there is a lot of help out there for this. You just have to make the right ppl in your life aware of how your feeling. That is the hardest thing i would say.
well no one knows that i am, once someone noticed a cut on me but i just lied so no one knows.
and the thing is i can't cry, it just feels like euphoria after i take my anger out on myself, like punching a punchbag wouldn't work because i can't feel that, i have punched sidewalkbefore but i couldn't really write well for a week so i don't do that anymore
Hi Lipo,
Cutting yourself is a way to cover up pain. When you injure yor body, it releases endorphines in response. It's not a good idea. Minus is right. The self harm/self injury forums might be a good place to visit.

Take care of yourself, take care of your body, because you are important.
Naleena said:
Hi Lipo,
Cutting yourself is a way to cover up pain. When you injure yor body, it releases endorphines in response. It's not a good idea. Minus is right. The self harm/self injury forums might be a good place to visit.

Take care of yourself, take care of your body, because you are important.

but thats just the thing
i'm not important
i am just carbon that is it
i am made from the same atoms that every single other human being is made out of
i'm just another brick in the wall
Your are as important as anyone on this planet. And to the ppl that love you like your family you are one of the most important things in there life's am sure. I think you just lack a little confidence.

Well if I had seen a cut on a boy your age I would not be to concerned ether. For a lad your age cuts and browsers are normal. I would say that this is one way why you have maneged to hide it from the ppl that care about you.

I think probably the only way someone is going to fined out your doing this and that's if you tell them yourself.

I ask you have you told anyone at all in your life about this? and if not have you thought about saying something to someone?

If not to a family member then maybe to a teacher at school?

I have had a younger cousin that got court doing this. She is only a year younger then yourself. Well she is older now but at the time she was a year younger. She had some counseling and is now doing very well for her self. It is a common thing that a lot of young ppl go fro to my limited understanding of it.

If nobody knows about it then this means you have to deal with it yourself. If your dealing with this yourself then do you see yourself stopping this from happening any time soon? Asking for a little help from time to time is noting to be ashamed of. None of us are islands and all need a bit of help now and again. You are still very young. The longer you leave this and the longer you carry on doing this the harder it well be to ask for that help and stop.

I know what you mean about the punching things and stuff. I used to punch and even head but walls when I was really hurting. Punching soft things just did not do it for me :( But you need to fined another out let for the pain your feeling. I know you say your not feeling anything. But you are, its just your brain and the cutting that's preventing you from feeling the feelings that well hurt you but still need to come out. Do you understand what I mean there?

I have read a few of your other posts as well. You come across as an amazingly friendly guy :) Just you take care. And learn to go easy on yourself. Sometimes taking life to seriously or what other ppl say to seriously is not a good idea. just be relaxed and enjoy what ever moment you may be in and things well improve.
You may only be another brick in the wall but without those bricks the wall doesn't exist...every brick is vital to it's construction.

You are a vital part of the brick wall and as such should never under estimate the role that you play.
Dave and Bluey gave you such good advice. There's not a lot I could add to that. You are more than carbon. You are more than your body. You are a unique human being. When you were born you came into this world with gifts. I believe you have a purpose in this life and you are important- even if you can't see it right now. Talk to someone you trust. Get some help. You are going through a hard time right now but, you don't have to go through it alone. I'm available if you need a friend to talk to :)

Great big monster hug!!!!
i'm thinking about hypnotism because that might alter my mind so i wont do it
and if i wasn't a brick in the wall another brick would replace the place that i am in
First, never underestimate the power of good drugs.:p The legal kind, that is. These days, doctors have a plethora of good medicines to help people. Granted, the medicines won't take your problems away, but most of them can at least help you deal with them a little easier. As for the cutting, well, I guess that we can sometimes feel like we're about to explode with anger, sadness, frustration, despair or whatever, and maybe the cutting is the only way you feel some kind of release. Or, maybe it's that your body is one of the few things in your life that you have complete control over, so you feel like you can do as you wish. As far as relationships, I don't know you and won't even attempt to give you well meaning relationship advice. I will tell you this, however. I spent the first ten or twelve years of my adult life in one crappy relationship after another. Everytime I exited a bad one, I left the relationship with a more clear picture of what I did or did not want in a relationship. Very few of us EVER get relationships right the first time. Heck, usually not even the second, third, fourth, etc. times. Figuring out what will and won't work for you, is a work in progress. Keep working at it. Look back at the good times, just as much as you look at the bad times. Learn from every mistake you think you make. Each mistake we make is a learning opportunity! And another thing...you're not a brick, you're a person. Bricks can be replaced, people can't. And guess what? If, at this time in your life, you don't think relationships work for you, then take a break from them. Too many times, we let who we are with (or without), define who we are. Our value is not in who we are with, but in who we are or can be or want to be. The only person that you can ever really change to suit you is.....well, you. Keep your chin up, dude. There seems to be quite a few people here, on this forum, who have a genuine concern for you. That's rare, don't take it lightly.


liposuctionlol said:
i'm thinking about hypnotism because that might alter my mind so i wont do it
and if i wasn't a brick in the wall another brick would replace the place that i am in

That is a good idea :)

Hypnotherapy can be a very effective tool. Most of the ppl you would go to for help with this would be professional and not say anything to any one else about it ether. (You may have to pay privet for that though.) But ether way I would still go to your doctor and tell him whats happening.

And to the ppl in your life and the ppl that love you, You are not just another brick. You are unreplaceable. just like Naleena said, you are unique in every way. There is not another person like you on this planet anywhere. You to have a purpose in this life and you to like every one else deserves to be happy.

Moor on your doctor

Your doctor would have seen many cases like yours and would not be shocked at all by what you show him are tell him. He would have probably seen someone else with the same problem as you with in the last week. You would have no need to be embraced about seeing the doctor.

Also again the doctor is not allowed to say anything about what he knows about you. He/she would lose there job if they did. Not that the doctor would even think its that of an important thing to talk with anyone else. I mean they see this all the time and especially with younger ppl like yourself. I would say the absolute best thing you could do is to make an apartment with your doctor and tell him what you have told us here. You would not be wasting there time. Its what there their for.
just an update to people i found a good way to feel better
going to the gym
i work out until i can't work out anymore, than i work out some more
at the end i'm so exhausted a feel so amazing that i go to bed happy
Exercise is a great way to feel better. Its something that almost always makes me feel better when I can get the motivation to work out.

Good on ye mate :) That's good to know you are finding other things instead of the cutting :)
liposuctionlol said:
well my relationship is doing that well, and its making me never want a relationship again, because i just don't think that relationships are the thing for me.
but you see i've ended up cutting myself, normally around the shoulder area so my shirt will cover it, and no one knows.
but i don't know is this normal?

some people need to let out their feelings in a more physical way.
but please be careful, it's more addicting that you'd think, hurting yourself to release those inner pressures.
another update i borke up with her today
and its been over a year that we were going out

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