First Kiss

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Frizbit said:
Took a girl out for a surprise dinner picnic at the beach. Looked at her and she had this face that said 'kiss me now!' and I dived right in. I was such a horrible kisser the first time we made a large smacking sound with our lips. Hehe.

hehe... NIIIICE ;)

p.s. good for you... (you knew she wanted a kiss ;) so you did it... bravo ;) !!!

Was it a stranger of agirl you knew?

Frizbit, kissing skills come with time and practice. The practice part is fun!
ha ha this is absurd but I was actually only 5 the first time I kissed a girl,she was also 5,it was in this little dug out area near a big old tree all the kids use to play near.Was she my first true love?I suppose not but it had that little kid innocence that makes it sweet.
lonelygirl said:

Was it a stranger of agirl you knew?

Frizbit, kissing skills come with time and practice. The practice part is fun!

It was someone I knew
Yay! Kissing is so fun.

Sorry but 5 year olds don't count lol

I was probably the one chasing boys around the playground trying to kiss them--Georgina Porgy.
doesn't count?why of course it does!ha ha ha,next thing you know you'll tell me my girlfriend in 4th grade wasn't really my girlfriend ;)

But okay my first one as a....teenager,I was 15 at a New Years Eve party,at her house actually,he were sitting calming talking on the sofa and as I was saying...ummm something she just kissed me and I just went silent,what I will always remember is the smile on her face,it was wonderful,it was so sweet felt so nice to see her look at me like that.I was also quite stunned,granted I liked her and she me and I did know that on some level but well I was not expecting that.I actually asked her "did you just kiss me?" ha ha ha ha,,yes I know what your all thinking smoooooooooooth ha ha.Well what can I say I was 15 and even more neroutic than I am now(well in some ways)I lived on 2 hours sleep every night,1 meal a day and pure nervous energy.I just wasn't made to be a teenager ha ha.
Hey Angelus,

That is so sweet. Yeah, I think 15 years old counts more than kid smooches. Because that kiss is based more on a deeper kind of attraction, which is not just physical, but mental. Very romantic!
ok... nice, romantic...

i think we need more "stories" ;) for deciding the MOST romantic kiss

P.S. don't forget about the
dates, gifts
please... share your best moments in your life...​
I did mention about my all-time most romantic moment---the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

Shouldn't tell you about one of the most erotic moments, but it involved honey...

My 1st kiss was nothing was on a fishing pier. Funny, it was the only first kiss I ever initiated.

However, my last girlfriend and I had a very romantic first date.
We saw 'Night at the museum' at the movies, then went to a dark kinda secluded beach. We had an interesting nice chat on the lifeguard stand about some of the craziest things we've done. Then after about a half hour of that, held hands walking to the beach. After a minute or so of just watching the sea, she went straight for my mouth and there we were, making out. I played with her hair a little bit and we walked back up the tower, held each other close and talked some more. Her personality was a perfect match for me...too bad I had to screw it all up.
lonelygirl said:
I did mention about my all-time most romantic moment---the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

Shouldn't tell you about one of the most erotic moments, but it involved honey...


there's NO limits :D
Snow, that sounds like such a romantic date! The ocean is such a beautiful place to be with someone during a romantic moment. It really symbolizes eternity.

Why do you think you screwed it up? And, you can have something like that again! It may not be with the same person, but this world is full of exciting, beautiful, and wonderful people to meet and date.
well i had my first kiss recentlly with my first boyfriend with which i am now; iwas kind of nice, but really strange! we were in a park and we were just talking (it was our first date) and suddenlly he just hugs me and slowly leans and just kisses me, i just didn't know what to do but we soon started practising and it's nice. he likes me a lot which is great and really cares for me; broken dreams said that , that boy got scared of her depressed side, and i can understand this, but i'm sure you'llo find a boy that loves this, like my boyfriend, he's not the lonely type at all, but he loves me just like i am and respects this lonely side of me;
angeLLblueshadow said:
well i had my first kiss recentlly with my first boyfriend with which i am now; iwas kind of nice, but really strange! we were in a park and we were just talking (it was our first date) and suddenlly he just hugs me and slowly leans and just kisses me, i just didn't know what to do but we soon started practising and it's nice. he likes me a lot which is great and really cares for me; broken dreams said that , that boy got scared of her depressed side, and i can understand this, but i'm sure you'llo find a boy that loves this, like my boyfriend, he's not the lonely type at all, but he loves me just like i am and respects this lonely side of me;

nice.... ;) thanks for replying to this post :D

did you wanted to be kissed? did you expected he will kiss you in that moment? ;) just curious .. =]

Kissing is lovely. When you see a person you're attracted to who has big, juicy, lush, Angelina Jolie-style lips, it's so very attractive!

I would say, for guys, don't be afraid to try to kiss. Here's one secret. If you are on a date, or whatever, with a person who you are attracted to, one easy thing to try is kissing her cheek. If she doesnt' pull away or look disgusted, that means she's probably open to kissing your lips. Look deeply into her eyes and try to see if there is desire there, or attraction.

Kissing on the cheek at the end of a first date--that is so sweet and sincere! (Depends on the girl. Some really forward girls might find that a bit of a rejection, but I personally find that to be very lovely. It's a sign that you are attracted to the girl, but not just interested in sex or a quick fling).
angeLLblueshadow said:
well i had my first kiss recentlly with my first boyfriend with which i am now; iwas kind of nice, but really strange! we were in a park and we were just talking (it was our first date) and suddenlly he just hugs me and slowly leans and just kisses me, i just didn't know what to do but we soon started practising and it's nice. he likes me a lot which is great and really cares for me; broken dreams said that , that boy got scared of her depressed side, and i can understand this, but i'm sure you'llo find a boy that loves this, like my boyfriend, he's not the lonely type at all, but he loves me just like i am and respects this lonely side of me;

who is the kisser... does he kisses good.. or he was at his first kiss too ;)

if it's too personal PM me :D
Mine was scary! I was in 7th grade and an older girl kissed me. SHOCKING! First love...? Yeah.
My first real kiss I think was back when I was 12-13. It was at a guys birthday party, four of us had girlfriends. Someone suggested that we all should start kissing. Don't remember much else. Just that it was weird, and pretty uncomfortable. Haven't kissed anyone since then, but I'd like to ^^

I fear that the day I try to kiss someone, I'll fail miserably ^^

You're so handsome I find that amazing you haven't kissed again since.

Don't be afraid of rejection! Just remember that inside, you know you are a good person. If that person can't see it, it's their loss.

Trust me if you put up a profile on some online dating site you will surely have your pick of girls to kiss.


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