Friday night

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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So it's Friday night, I decide for the hell of it to drive into town.
I grab my keys and go in alone. I cruise around, find a parking space, get out and walk around. It's around 10 o 'clock. I'm feeling pretty shitty, I'm checking out the pubs, clubs, just kind of wandering, watching people have fun and all that. I'm just drifting around the place. I feel so lonely, all I wanted was someone, anyone to just approach me and say something, I dunno, fresia.

I didn't even want to run into anyone I knew really, it'd be just a drag. I just wanted to talk to someone new. I'm pretty shy so I wouldn't just start chatting to a random girl in a pub or anything. I'm too much of a pussy for that, even though I wish I had the confidence to. I think movies and tv have ruined me to be honest, I keep waiting for my dream girl to just pop up out of nowhere, It's absolutely ludicrious. I keep waiting for these moments, these moments I've fantasized about, where you make eye contact, have a connection that compells you to approach eachother and boom, you live happily ever after. I'm just too bloody cowardly to hit on girls, it's unbelievable, I just freeze up around them, it's absurd. I mean what the fresia is wrong with me? I try pumping myself up when I see a girl I like at a party or something, but I just can't do it. Everytime I tell myself "just go up to her, jesus it's not that difficult, JUST DO IT!", but I can't.

So anyways, it's around midnight when I feel like the night is over for me, not like it ever started. I have a last little wander about, then make my way to the car. I cross the bridge and stop to look down on the river. I feel like just jumping in, get a little attention from people or something, I dunno, I just don't know. So another fruitless friday evening. I feel so frustrated with myself. But it's not with this friday night, it's pretty much every night I go out. I'm too bloody cowardly to hit on girls, it's unbelievable, I just freeze up around them, it's absurd. I mean, in my head every other jackass I see will have a girl by the end of the night, it's probably not true but I can't help thinking it. Ah I sound so pathetic, I'm sorry.

Anyway, If you actually read this self-pity tosh, thanks. Really.
I don't want any advice or anything I just wanted to blow of some steam or something. Anyway I'd love to hear those kind of stories from people, and if you do better than my sorry ass. Thanks.

I'm just lonely.

it's ok my friend im in the same boat as you, but at least you can say you tried and went out i on the other hand don't even bother going out fridays so even if you didn't accomplish much you still did something that others like myself don't even try cause of fear of the unkown and just that simple act of going out to town and trying to make something happen requires courage for some people...

So no for me you are not cowardly at all, you may have a hard time going up to girls but alot of guys do, i have yet to get a gf or even kiss a girl cause of my lack of confidence and just being overlooked so you are not alone, and i know how horrible it feels not doing anything like you said saying DO IT! and not doing anything cause after you feel like crap and feel you blew it so i get you on that matter..all i can say is im with you friend and just try your best something i need to do myself..
Fitz, what you described is what life was like for me years ago....but I matured.

Now I just don't bother....I see it as a waste of time. Going out, hitting the bars and clubs looking to fill the void in your life (or meet a nice girl) is the wrong place and may contribute to feelings of despair (just like you described). Think about this....You can rarely find treasure in the sewer....start looking elsewhere my friend.... :)

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