Girl auctions her virginity to repay student loan!

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A 22-year-old woman in the United States is publicly auctioning her virginity to pay for her college education, sparking a heated online debate about sex and morality.

The student from San Diego, California, who is using the pseudonym Natalie Dylan for "safety reasons," said she had no moral dilemma with her decision and found it "empowering."

But few bloggers sided with her and some suspected her intentions.

"I don't think auctioning my virginity will solve all my problems," she told celebrity television show The Insider on Wednesday. "But it will create some financial stability. I'm ready for the controversy, I know it will come along. I'm ready to do this."

"We live in a capitalist society. Why shouldn't I be allowed to capitalize on my virginity?" she added.

The woman, who has earned a bachelor degree in women's studies and now wants to start a master's degree in marriage and family therapy, is hoping the bidding will hit $1 million.

The online auction site eBay turned her down so the auction will take place at a Nevada brothel, the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, where her sister is working to pay off her college debts.

The date for the auction was not immediately available.

In a flurry of media interviews and appearances, she admitted that her mother, a fourth grade teacher, does not agree with her decision. Many on the Internet also disapprove.

"Maybe this is the conservative in me coming out, but this seems so wrong," wrote one blogger, Mike. "Isn't this prostitution?"

"I must say I feel sad for the future of our society," said Mike from Montclair State University in New Jersey.

"What disgusts me about this whole thing is the fact that she is promoting it so heavily. It seems less about having some guy pay for her virginity and more about trying to get her 15 minutes and a reality show," said a blogger called "Ent Lawyer."

She does have her supporters -- not surprisingly Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.

"I think it's a tremendous idea. Why lose it to some guy in the backseat of a Toyota when you can pay for your education?" he told reporters

$1 Million!? Wow. If that is the case someone should buy her virginity and make her get monthly gyno checks to ensure that she stays a virgin. If she doesn't that is breach of contract right there! :D
Different strokes for different folks. She has the right to do what she wants with her body. It's hers. People use sex for all kinds of reasons. The only thing I hope that she has considered is the consequences of her actions; both long and short term. It's easy money but, I am willing to say it is more than her virginity she will be giving up. I hope she thought it through.
DayvanCowboy said:
$1 Million!? Wow.

That does seem to be the most hopeful expectation that i have heard of from those that have tried it.

Carys Copestake 2007

A baby-faced 18-year-old has offered her virginity for the price of £10,000 ($A23,493) to help her pay for university tuitions.

News website Maltastar is today reporting Brit Carys Copestake used a false name to advertise herself on a website popular with prostitutes, with her parents having no idea of the bizarre way of getting cash for university.

The ad reads: "Virginity For Sale £10,000".

Rosie Reid 2004

A lesbian university student who auctioned her virginity on the internet to pay for her studies is reported to have had sex with the highest bidder. Rosie Reid, 18, from London, slept with a 44-year-old BT engineer in a hotel room in Euston after he paid her £8,400.

Avon and Somerset police are investigating if Reid is guilty of soliciting. A London man paid £8,400 by banker's draft to sleep with the lesbian student.

The man involved is a 44-year old divorced father of two. He is a BT engineer and lives in south east London, according to reports. She told the newspaper: "It was horrible..."
Minus said:
The man involved is a 44-year old divorced father of two. He is a BT engineer and lives in south east London, according to reports. She told the newspaper: "It was horrible..."

It's better than posting herself on gregg's list.lmao

**** it....I lost mine for a six pack :(
I guess experience dosn't pay now a days....

Okay...If I havn't had sex in a while...and forgot how to do it,
dose that qualify me was a virgin again? :rolleyes:

My ass is virgin though...but I'm not built like that.:(
$1 Million, Who can blame her? I mean am not gay and I would say most of the guys on this site is not. But guys! really, Who would not take it up the ass for One million dollars? lol

Her choice. I do think she is missing out on that first special time through. I mean I don't know what she is expecting but there is not that many girls out there that really enjoy the first time (even with there first love). I think she is in for a rude awakening.

This is nothing moor then glorified prostitution. Not that I have a problem with prostitution. If someone wants to pay for sex and someone is welling to do it for money then who am I to disprove. Its up to them and doesn't bother me any. But lets not sugar cote it. If she dose this then she is nothing moor then a prostitute. What makes this sad is that she already has a bachelor degree. I mean she could make good money else where I think. I think she is just lazy and greedy. And I would not pay her $1 to sleep with her. It for me is a total turn off.
Bluey said:
$1 Million, Who can blame her? I mean am not gay and I would say most of the guys on this site is not. But guys! really, Who would not take it up the ass for One million dollars? lol

Her choice. I do think she is missing out on that first special time through. I mean I don't know what she is expecting but there is not that many girls out there that really enjoy the first time (even with there first love). I think she is in for a rude awakening.

This is nothing moor then glorified prostitution. Not that I have a problem with prostitution. If someone wants to pay for sex and someone is welling to do it for money then who am I to disprove. Its up to them and doesn't bother me any. But lets not sugar cote it. If she dose this then she is nothing moor then a prostitute. What makes this sad is that she already has a bachelor degree. I mean she could make good money else where I think. I think she is just lazy and greedy. And I would not pay her $1 to sleep with her. It for me is a total turn off.

Definitely well said man, put into words most of what I was thinking.
Bluey said:
$1 Million, Who can blame her?

She is hoping for a million. So far none of the people who have done this have come anywhere close. It sounds like she is doing well at advertising but i believe her hopes of a million are to ambitious.

If she comes close to even one tenth of that then you can expect a sudden rise in this type auction.
Minus said:
Bluey said:
$1 Million, Who can blame her?

She is hoping for a million. So far none of the people who have done this have come anywhere close. It sounds like she is doing well at advertising but i believe her hopes of a million are to ambitious.

If she comes close to even one tenth of that then you can expect a sudden rise in this type auction.

Well then, if she achieves that then am going to put my virgin ass up for some action lol I got a cute booty BTW ;) I would say its well worth a million.
A while ago I read somewhere else that a girl was offered something stupid like $1.87 million in an auction where a guy wanted to sleep with her.She accepted but changed her mind just before it went through.crazy world we live in lol
I'm about as far on the fence on this one as someone possibly could be, I mean it is her life and she can do whatever she wants but imagine growing up knowing your mother sold off her virginity on the internet, not going to live that one down at school now are you,lol
Havent seen the chick on TV or anything, but I think photoshop was used on that pic. :p

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