Girlfriend trouble

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Apr 28, 2011
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This is really odd for me to write about.. but here goes. My gf and I have been with each other for 4 years now, however she has been with multiple men during that time.

At first, she was really sweet and innocent, never had a boyfriend and I asked her out. But about a year later she went to a party with her stupid cousin, and they both got drunk and made out with guys. Before my gf told me anything she broke up with me, and she was sort of seeing the guy at the same time then ended it with him a week later. Then she tells me after we get back together.

I just don't get though, how shes really cool, but then she tells me shes hanging out with friends (when in fact its just a guy) and now is having sex with them and acts like nothing is wrong. Today, I learned she hung out with a guy last night and gave him a hand job. I got pissed (not yelling, but gave her the cold shoulder). I'm really finished with her, and just told her to stay with that guy, and she starts crying?!?! And says she loves me.

How can she say she loves me, but has sex with guys? (Oh, and forgot to mention that shes hooking up with girls now too!)
Hook up with another girl. Make sure she's hot. Txt your gf saying "Right now my cock is in a vagina and it's not yours. Love me now?"

Actually that's terrible advice, that's my vindictive bitter self speaking.

The responsible, caring, helpful Kamya says that you should leave this girl and initiate the no contact rule for a minimum of 2 months. Its going to be hard (maybe) but it is for the best. Don't believe any of the honeysuckle she is saying. Do you really want to be second guessing what the weird flavors that you taste after kissing her really are? Yeah sorry if thats a little cruel but just think about that for a minute. Also, take your time before jumping into another relationship yup. I'm sorry she did this to you. If you are young just know that there are a lot of girls that are going to give you the same treatment. Just try to be careful about who you date and always wear protection mhmm.
Man, if I were you I'd get back at her see how she likes it. She's obviously got issues. It isn't good for you to be with her. Not even friends. Dude, break contact like Kamya said. IS THAT THE KIND OF GIRL YOU WANT TO BE WITH SAY 5 YEARS FROM NOW? Doing those kind of honeysuckle. Think about you. She needs help and well staying with her is encouraging her behavior. You're in the losing side in this no matter what. Sorry, man.
I'm not taking her side here, what she's doing is wrong, but have you asked her about it? Asked her WHY she's doing it? Why she thinks its ok to sleep around? How she would feel if you did the same?

Personally unless there's some reason tying you two together or you REALLY love her so much you can't stand the thought of being without her - it's probably best to end it. If only so she learns that she can't treat you that way.
You should drop her faster than a ton of bricks.

If she sleeps around, then she obviously doesn't give a **** about you. She only wants to use you as a fallback in case her other flings fail. Furthermore, she's gone from one end of the extreme to another - sweet and innocent to drunken promiscuous ho, evidence that she wants to live the life of the fast and furious.

If you truly care about your own future you should break up with her permanently.
Dump her. Doesn't matter how cool she is or compatible with you, if she's pulling crap like that, then she is definitely not a person you want to be in a relationship with. Get rid of her ASAP.
I'm sorry, but in my opinion, if she's sleeping with other guys, she's not really with you. You might want to rethink that.
She's obviously using you as her crutch and teddy bear so that she can go out and fool around with ********, so that she can come home to something stable and comfortable. If you're not sexually active, and she's going out and messing around with everyone else, get rid of her.

No matter how much she begs and pleads to get back together with you, don't. You'll be better off without someone using you like that.
This is one of those situations where she just really likes u as a cell phone "meet me at mickeyD's" where we going out tonight type chicks. abuse the relationship, and get yours on the side then tell her
Got to agree with most of what's been said here. Sounds like what she really wants is a safe source of sex & companionship (you) while she goes out and sluts it up. Which is great...for her. For you...not so good. The best thing to do is dump her ass. Release her into the waters of singledom. Either she will a.) feel really shitty and try to get you back, or b.) go out and do what she (perhaps) really wants to do, which is to explore her sexuality (get laid a lot). Either way, ACTION always forces a know? You might find yourself a lot more relaxed and relieved when you're not worrying about what she's up to.
I agree with what everyone else is saying. Kick her to the curb. Maybe she is okay with having an open relationship, but if that is not something you are down with best to end it now.

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