Goal: I'm going to Stop Swearing

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I don't know why, but I've decided I'm going to try to stop swearing and see if I can figure out other ways to express strong feelings instead of using profanity because I've figured out that I admire people that can express themselves without doing this, and also, I've come to think that swearing is verbal violence. :/

Spare and Estrios have inspired me to try this. :)

Thank you. Let the psychological experiment/goal begin!

good luck

Does that mean I have to not swear to you, cuz if it does, it might be better not to talk to me (hehe) :)
Callie said:
Does that mean I have to not swear to you, cuz if it does, it might be better not to talk to me (hehe) :)

You're going to be a bad influence! :p

I love you though. :cool:
Now the real trick is to still sound intelligent WHILE swearing. I strive for this, and in some cases I do pretty well I think... When my opponent is a moron anyway....
SkuzzieMuff said:
Now the real trick is to still sound intelligent WHILE swearing. I strive for this, and in some cases I do pretty well I think... When my opponent is a moron anyway....

I made my psychologist laugh once during a therapy session when I swore. o.o I don't think she was expecting it.
Good luck with that. May you suceed in all that you do...

I had a lady friend wanted to do the samething..shes a very kind lovinng person. Very spiritual..
A week into it..she was all stresssed out from daily living. All tensed.
So she was like..fresia..fresia fresia
fresia this honeysuckle..fresia that honeysuckle..fresia all U all..N fresia you too :p
then she was like...I feel much better now..
She dosnt curse as much anymore..not that she did that much to begin with. She just focus in on the time that she did rather then the times that she didnt. 99% of the time she didnt curse to begin with anywho.
Lonesome Crow said:
Good luck with that. May you suceed in all that you do...

I had a lady friend wanted to do the samething..shes a very kind lovinng person. Very spiritual..
A week into it..she was all stresssed out from daily living. All tensed.

Thank you LC for your well-wishes. Actually, I think it was your post about not calling one of your woman friends names because it was verbal abuse that made me sit back and think about how we speak to others affects how they view us and speaks volumes about our respect for them.

"You know, I never thought of it that way until LC said that. I think he's right."

We'll see how it goes.

Liley said:
:D that's a good goal

Thanks for the support!
SophiaGrace said:
Spare and Estrios have inspired me to try this. :)

Yay! I think its a wonderful goal. But it can be tough for others. Just stick to it and take small steps. I know you'll be great!

And I can't say I have never swore before. But, I can say that the few times that I had It sounded weird coming from my mouth. lol. So I decided after experimenting with a few words once or twice - never again. lol.
Are you giving up swearing and substitute words for swearing (like darn it, shoot, crap, etc), or just swearing in particular?
Im just sayih dont beat urself up if youre not so perfect...youll simply just catch urself faster during the transitions as you learn to communicate in other manners..youll simply curse less n less.
If you like you need to vent...vent.
Lighting is not going to strike...

Its not so much that I dont curse around francis..I do from time to time..Its beyyound that...
I simply dont attack her..
I know FRancis feels bad enough as it is..and beats up herself. I dosnt need me outting her down or attacking her.
Francis made certain chioces before Renae cameback into my life.
Rancis N I still remains friends.

Renae is due to be here in days...Every lessons Ive gone through with francis
Renae said if any man ever calls her a stupid *****..shes leaving..lol

The ironic tiwst of it all.
As u know Chelle N I was suppost to bet together...so we tried.
She told me if things didnt work out between us..we wish for us to remain firends...well it didnt happened.

Which is Y Im vey fond of Francis. she an amazing person even though she not perfect. She had given me something other women cant..to remain friends even though we dont remain lovers.
which was something Chelle never took notice of...Ive nevered attacked chelle nor called her names either.
Chelle is an abusive marriage.
I dont hate chelle..I jsut vent sometimes about her.
I want a piece of this action. Lately I've been using foul language around a few people at work when I once had a rep of not using foul language. I'm going to get back to that. Online, I usually censor foul language but I think I'm going to just stop using it.
I also know this plays a role in ur healing process SG.

I have 2 very beautiful biological daughters that I have not see since.
I wish to have a relationship wiht both of my duaghters..but its more complicated than I want it to be.
I hope waited until my daughter are old and mature enough to understand. it been very difficult
I wish I can just let by gones be by gones.. I wish to make things right
for my daughters..
But my daughters only kniows of informations givven to them by their mothers..
Chelle is Joran's mom.
Renae is Kimerly's mom.

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