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Oct 21, 2009
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Does anyone know when exactly the HAMP guide will launch? I just read an article that it is suppose to come out soon but when? People in my locality including me are frantically waiting for it [/u]
It's a social program from our current administration here in the U.S. that takes my money and gives it to people who thought it would be a good idea to buy a house they can't afford. No financial sense? No problem! The Government is here to make everything better so you don't have to worry.

Until they run out of other people's money, anyway.

Not that I'm bitter about it or anything. Please, by all means, tax me more. What do I know? I'm just another of those racist, sexist, hate-mongering, backwards, uneducated, rich, greedy, brainwashed, violent fascist bastards. The ones the government tells you about who do horrible things like disagree with their agenda and ideas. What a monster I am to question things.

" I don't know were [Obama] got the money, But I know that he's giving it to us..."

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