Have you ever...

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I've played strip poker, but no processed meat product variation.

Have you ever jumped off a bridge into a river?
MisunderstoodVacancy said:
Unfortunately no

Have you ever played bacon strip poker?

I really want to know what this is lol?

^ Yes I have quite a few times.

Have you ever called someone a Grandmother and it turned out she was the Mother?

Have you ever wrecked seven times in one week in a winnebago while running from the police to go live in another state while you ran away from home with an idiot who tried to sell parsley to a retired hooker for emergency funds/gas money?
I have had two fingers broken.

Have you ever been to the Emergency Department as a patient?
Haha, yes. I've even fallen UP the stairs. :p

Have you ever had food come out of your nose while laughing?
Food?! Good God, no! I've had various beverages come out my nose. Someone once bet me I could not hold a whole cans worth of Vimto in my mouth and then made me laugh when I did and I blew the entire can out my nostrils...

Have you ever taken part in a street fight?
Yes thus my fear of clowns.

Have you ever sucked a drink out of someones navel?
I don't think so, but it's possible. I've taken part in a great many peculiar activities.

Have you ever sniffed glue or solvents?

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