Hi I'm new here

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May 29, 2016
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Hey guys Im new here.  I'm pretty lonely, and another lonely valentines day is right on its way.  I never been in a relationship before or anything near that.  Im entering my late 20's pretty soon and I'm now just finishing my associates in which I probably won't land a decent paying job.  Moved back with my alcoholic toxic father a few years back and still live with him. Don't have any real friends, they kinda abandoned me.  My life sucks this is hardly the surface of what I am going through, sometimes I wonder why I am still alive.
Sounds like you don't have a lot going for you right now. Don't give up though, you can work yourself out of all of that.

Welcome to the forum :)
Hello Ragnarok and welcome to ALL,

I know somthing about being under the influence off a toxic parent, not alcohol or drugs for mine though instead I got suspicion, paranoia and various mental issues, getting out from underneath that was a key moment in my life, I put it off for far to long because of my own fears and anxieties.

Sometimes I did wonder why I'm still alive, but today I'm just happy to say I am! Eventhough I'm still lonely, have zero RL friends and a non-existent social life.
MisterLonely said:
Hello Ragnarok and welcome to ALL,

I know somthing about being under the influence off a toxic parent, not alcohol or drugs for mine though instead I got suspicion, paranoia and various mental issues, getting out from underneath that was a key moment in my life, I put it off for far to long because of my own fears and anxieties.

Sometimes I did wonder why I'm still alive, but today I'm just happy to say I am! Eventhough I'm still lonely, have zero RL friends and a non-existent social life.

Thanks for the replies guys.  This is really good advice, my sister told me the same, to try to move out and get out on my own again.  If i land a job to support myself i will definity get out asap!  Imma continue and get my stupid BA lol, i hate school.  I have an average not soo great GPA but oh well, imma just push through and suffer, but imma just go part time or maybe just one 5 credit class.  Idk . . . I just gotta keep pushing through, maybe in a year or so I'll have the confidence I need.
Hi, Ragnarök, and welcome :D
You ain't alone, we are more ^_^ Feel free to join the chat room if you want to have people to talk to, is seldom empty if ever X)
I hope things get better, and a first advice would be to find some way of staying away from the toxic father (own room that maybe even could be locked, some park to take walks to...) Hope you'll feel at home here :)

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