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hi. i like your username:) there is another smiths song running about here... welcome :)

the smiths - Frankly, Mr. Shankly lyrics

morrissey said:
Frankly, Mr Shankly, this position I've held
It pays my way and it corrodes my soul
I want to leave you will not miss me
I want to go down in musical history

Frankly, Mr Shankly, I'm a sickening wreck
I've got the 21st century breathing down my neck
I must move fast, you understand me
I want to go down in celluloid history Mr Shankly

Fame, fame, fatal fame
It can play hideous tricks on the brain
But still I rather be famous
Than righteous or holy, any day, any day, any day

But sometimes I'd feel more fulfilled
Making Christmas cards with the mentally ill
I want to live and I want to love
I want to catch something that I might be ashamed of

Frankly, Mr Shankly, this position I've held
It pays my way and it corrodes my soul
Oh, I didn't realise that you wrote poetry
I didn't realise you wrote such bloody awful poetry Mr Shankly

Frankly, Mr Shankly, since you ask
You are a flatulent pain the arse
I do not mean to be so rude
But still, I must speak frankly, Mr Shankly, give us money
Thanks everyone.

Eris :) yeah i am a big fan of the smiths, Morrissey And Johnny ( hes a busy bloke isnt he ? )

See what song are you listening ? thread :cool:
I thought i would give a quick rundown on how i have ended up like this , and how it creeps up on you bit by bit. My lonliness is partly a result of circumstances and my fault.

15-20 years ago everything was great. But now many people / things have gone leaving holes in my life that havnt been filled
family I am from a small family and a only child. I lived around the corner from my mum and spent a lot of time with her over the years. She died 5 years ago. My cousin and his wife mean well, but we have nothing in common and we tend to annoy each other.

Girlfreind I met the one for me and was seeing her for nearly ten years....but i started to get a drink problem. She would have stood by me , but i think we/ I made the correct decision to part ....esp for her. I think i knew that i would have to get worse before i got better. Not really seen anyone since.

Work Worked at sports centres for over 20 years( 40+hrs per week) Made lots of freinds(staff and customers ) and did lots of socializing. Again drinking and my mum being ill put a end to this. I now work mainly on my own doing odds and sods. I met many of my ex workmates at a funeral last week , and it brought it home to me how much i miss them, and working around people.

Socializing I used to spend a lot of time in the pub , long before my drink problem, and loved every minute.....so thats gone.

Pippa My mum always had dogs and i used to walk them/ play ball with them ect. When my mum died she had a little dog which i have had for 5 years . I had to have her put to sleep a couple of months ago. This was really the straw that broke the camels back......the house seems dead and empty now. I will get another eventually , but i will get a couple of holidays in first. I think its a bad sign that getting a dog is higher in my priorities than getting a girlfreind....maybe because thats out of my hands.

Its nearly 14.00 hrs now....and i might as well go to bed. I wont , but i will be in bed by 18.00 .
Mr.shankly said:
Thanks everyone.

Eris :) yeah i am a big fan of the smiths, Morrissey And Johnny ( hes a busy bloke isnt he ? )

I love em all :)

as for Johnny Marr.... it sounds so much like " j'en ai eu marre" ..

that is "Ive had enough" in french...do you know if that means anything ?

Yeah i see what you mean. He was born John Maher, but changed it to avoid confusion with a member of the buzzcocks.
SofiasMami said:
Hi! I'm sorry you had to put your dog to sleep :(

Welcome to the forum! Nice to meet you!


Thanks , and nice to meet you ;)

She was a little belter. Everyone in the town loved her. Passengers in cars used to smile and nudge the driver when they saw her at the lights.
{{{Mr.shankly}}} You've had some very rough times but it sounds like you are moving forward now. I think you'll make it back to happier ground. You're warm, friendly and open and like Weller!! Winner in my book! :)
Thanks Nina, i appreciate that :)....cant beat a bit of weller :cool:I think you have my personality sussed :)

I have stopped drinking after bad periods on it ( hospital once and detox centre once) After coming off it i steadily start feeling better, people are great, i get a few little jobs, start excercising ect.....and then everything seems to grind to a halt, and i have reached that point now. I am in no danger of drinking again , at the moment anyway....it wont help in the long run, plus i am going to Nepal in Feb. But in future years i badly need something to happen , i cant keep sitting in front of my PC and going to bed at tea time.

I'll be reet ;)
Maybe something wonderous will happen while you're in Nepal!! You've come a long way, I think you can "make" that something happen. ;)

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