Hiya to all of you from guitar guy!!!!!!

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Hiya to all the members and to all new members of this site!! hope you are all fine and well.

I am a new member and it great to be here and thanks to admin of this site for letting me on as its appreciated .

I am very lonely as well and it horrible…don’t like it at all. Have two dogs though so they are good company and love animals a lot.

I work in the social services and have lot of contacted with people. I am a people person by nature but still feel very lonely in my private life.

Part of the problem is I have a mild disfigurement on the left side of my face so always felt different

Anyway great to be here with you people and look forward very much to getting to know you people more.

Take care

Guitar Guy.
Hello there guitar guy.

Glad you're here in the forum. Hope you'll enjoy your stay. And hope to get to know you. All the people in this forum are great so don't be shy to talk to anyone of us.

Winkz winkz... T-T
Welcome GuitarGuy, The dogs sound cool. Good to have you here, BTW you sound cool as well.

Also I think having something different about us like having a mild disfigurement on your face can sometimes make us moor attractive. You just have to have a matching personality. That's the difficult bit, if its not matching. But after all what is normal?
Hey thanks for the welcomes guys {matt,stone-rose,Nevermore,toxic -tears,bluey,blue-sky and mink}as I mentioned really nice to be here. I must say I been looking for a site like this for ages but never found one until last weekend night. so that’s very cool.

Hi Nevermore. My dogs breads are, German Sheppard and the other 11 year old one is half Alsatian/half lab,. His got the Alsatian markings but the body of a lab, head of one aswell. His ears are up but if you but them down he looks exclusively like a lab. so his two dogs in one really so thats cool in its self lol.

looking forward to posting.

Take care guys.
bluey said:
Also I think having something different about us like having a mild disfigurement on your face can sometimes make us moor attractive. You just have to have a matching personality. That's the difficult bit, if its not matching. But after all what is normal?

Exactly, the human race has no median to judge normalcy on, ain't it great:)

Your dogs do sound great, Alsatians are beautiful dogs, and labs have one of the best temperaments, best of both worlds,lol

I have a little Maltese dog,he's probably only the size of your Germen Sheppard's head:D but he's wonderful, I love animals too
hi guitar guy. i wanna see pictures of your dogs!!! i had a lab/terrier mix named butch. he looked like a lab puppy. had to put him down over the summer. he was 17 and well, it was beyond time. miss him like crazy. he was a good friend. on a lighter note, i play guitar too. how long you been playing? what kind of music do you play? what kind of axe(s) you own?
:p we have simmilar names
btw, i'm new too
i play a nylon string acoustic, what kind of guitar do you have?
i play a steel string acoustic purty blue ibanez and an epiphone les paul knock off

Glad you are here... i am pretty new myself and so far it has been fun.. the people here are great!


GuitarGuy said:
Hiya to all the members and to all new members of this site!! hope you are all fine and well.

I am a new member and it great to be here and thanks to admin of this site for letting me on as its appreciated .

I am very lonely as well and it horrible…don’t like it at all. Have two dogs though so they are good company and love animals a lot.

I work in the social services and have lot of contacted with people. I am a people person by nature but still feel very lonely in my private life.

Part of the problem is I have a mild disfigurement on the left side of my face so always felt different

Anyway great to be here with you people and look forward very much to getting to know you people more.

Take care

Guitar Guy.

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