how do you define it?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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loneliness is not getting what you want, despite your efforts and your good intentions.

loneliness is hoping that other people would be miserable, because you are miserable.

loneliness is playing a game that when you win, people will boo you, but when your opponent
wins, they all cheer.

loneliness is an unanswered prayer.

loneliness is when god is angry at you.

loneliness is when nobody believes in you.

loneliness is being envious of what other people have that they take for granted, like being
with someone special.

loneliness is when daydreaming seems to be your favorite pastime.

loneliness is looking at yourself in the mirror.

loneliness is when people call you names. (jokes are always HALF MEANT. it will hurt
even more if its true. e.g fat, short, big nose, etc. bullies just make fun of what they see)

loneliness is failing in an exam, despite the fact that you studied and gave it your best.

loneliness is falling in love with someone that will love you... only in your dreams.

loneliness is not knowing your purpose in life.

loneliness is when people hate you just because of the way you look.

loneliness is not getting invited to any parties or social gatherings.

loneliness is when nobody comes to your party.

loneliness is when your supervisor tells you that your project SUCKS, the one that you
think is your most beautiful creation.

loneliness is being rejected by the girl you like that you have been courting for several years,
only to know that her current boyfriend courted her only for three weeks. then, you see them in the school hallway
looking at you with disgust. they end up hating you for some reason you don't know.

loneliness is when people laugh at you...when your not joking.

loneliness is when people dont laugh at your jokes.

loneliness is waking up when your having a good dream.

loneliness is when your father tells you that you cant do anything right.

loneliness is when your co-worker does something better than you do... at half the effort.

loneliness is when you realize that you've been sad for 15 years, and you forgot how to laugh.

loneliness is when you realize that not all people are like you...some of them are happy.

loneliness is when you realize that the only constant companion that you have is your self.

loneliness is when you try to kill yourself, only to stop and realize that if you do, you'll
probably go to hell where the devil is waiting for you, getting ready to thrust you with his
pitchfork up your ass... sideways!

loneliness is when you realize that it sucks to be you.

If you ask me, loneliness is a desert island in a sea of people... But despite the hard time we all have with this feeling/situation, we can make it better, a bit at the time... So then again, loneliness is an island with hidden boats and docks...
Eyael said:
If you ask me, loneliness is a desert island in a sea of people... But despite the hard time we all have with this feeling/situation, we can make it better, a bit at the time... So then again, loneliness is an island with hidden boats and docks...

i hope when we sail in this sea of people, the weather would be great so that we won't capsize and drown in the crowd.
Well, sunshine is always nice, but if we think of the bad weather as bad or unpleasant things, then a little wind will be necessary for the boat to sail, and find new things. Mathaphores can really mean a lot, and ease your thought. :shy:
yeah, i guess you're right. even if the boat capsizes and we find ourselves drowning...hopefully we can find the strength within us to swim to shore.

or, maybe god would take our hand, and let us walk on water.

oh boy, this is deep.
LOL. thanks for the reply!

a small act of kindness (deeds or encouraging words) makes the heart beat faster.

it means thank you very much, friend. (its in tagalog, my native language)
Life is a lot about depth of thought:D

So I reply to your kind words in my own language:

Obrigado, pequenas palavras com a intenção certa são poderosas!
Thank you, small words with a good and true intention are powerfull!

Thank you truly:D

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