I Believe This Is Why Many Believe Barack Obama Is The Antichrist

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
I just want to say that I'm posting this for info purposes only. I've had many people ask me why so many people believe Barack Obama is the Antichrist. I take no sides. I'm just merely presenting material that could possibly explain some things.


Upon thinking about it, I guess it isn't fair if I only use the 1st part. Below are the remaining 3 parts in the doc.

Does it matter if he is? I mean, too many people already thought (for whatever reason) that he could clean up all the political honeysuckle that's been smeared because of this country... I honestly feel bad for him, AntiChrist or not, because he just couldn't live up to the expectation even if he was doing everything how it should be. It took how many lifetimes to make it this bad... It's going to take just as many, if not more, to clean everything up, and make it how it should be.
No, he's just a black man in power, which is disturbing to a lot of white racists.
As much as I would like to share my personal views, I can't. I posted these videos purely for info purposes. My opinion doesn't matter here.
Jason, how is this helpful? Calling the leader of our country the antichrist is harmful.

Where were you when Dubya was killing and murdering thousands of innocent men, women, and children, from not only our country, but from foreign countries? Not to mention driving us into a massive debt and recession, which we are still trying to recover from!
I don't think he's calling him that. He's just showing videos of the propaganda. He even said his opinion on it didn't matter.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Jason, how is this helpful? Calling the leader of our country the antichrist is harmful.

Where were you when Dubya was killing and murdering thousands of innocent men, women, and children, from not only our country, but from foreign countries? Not to mention driving us into a massive debt and recession, which we are still trying to recover from!
Hi man.:)

I didn't post this to disrespect President Obama. It's important to me that you know that. Many people believe that President Obama is the Antichrist. I'm not an expert on politics, but I'm assuming that maybe a republican or racist made these to smear Obama. I don't know.

Because others are aware I like to study the bible, people I know at the chess club I attend, and other places I go and along with my brother have asked me why so many people think Obama is the Antichrist like I'm some sort of expert on the subject. I'm far from an expert. Not even close.

I felt by posting these might help me help answer some questions on the issue. Nothing more. I didn't author this thread to share my beliefs and argue with others and what their take is on it. I hope you understand.
I guess I'm just tired of being a supporter of the president, and seeing all this hate towards him. I have to face all sorts of negative Obama-hate on Facebook, I really don't want to get into politics on here.

I suppose I overrreacted, but I hate thread titles like this. I'd blame our current Congress and the Republicans in it, before I'd blame our Democratic President. He's pro gay, pro-human rights, anti-violence, pro-education, and pro-better health care. These are all good things to look for in a president, and was the main reason I hated the one before him.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I guess I'm just tired of being a supporter of the president, and seeing all this hate towards him. I have to face all sorts of negative Obama-hate on Facebook, I really don't want to get into politics on here.

I suppose I overrreacted, but I hate thread titles like this. I'd blame our current Congress and the Republicans in it, before I'd blame our Democratic President. He's pro gay, pro-human rights, anti-violence, pro-education, and pro-better health care. These are all good things to look for in a president, and was the main reason I hated the one before him.
I understand. I should tell you that I'm Canadian, which means my opinion probably matters even less to Americans.
Dude, I thought you were American! What else don't I know about you? LOL

I think I overreacted, I just hear all this from people I consider friends, and I'm tired of it. Political threads never end well.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Dude, I thought you were American! What else don't I know about you? LOL

I think I overreacted, I just hear all this from people I consider friends, and I'm tired of it. Political threads never end well.
I like to dance naked to the Macarena.:D

Seriously, this is why I didn't post this thread in the "Up For Debate" category. I'm just posting it as info. Not looking to make a federal case out of it. Merely presenting it as one person's or group's take on the subject.
If this is really for informational purposes, I believe it would be better for a person to determine their view (preterist, historicist, idealist, or futurist) and apply it consistently.

If a person is a futurist, why would they try to connect things with current events which is prevalent?

See the dichotomy?

(The first great debate of the different views probably started with Origen.)

LoneKiller said:
I just want to say that I'm posting this for info purposes only. I've had many people ask me why so many people believe Barack Obama is the Antichrist ...
LoneKiller said:
I've had many people ask me why so many people believe Barack Obama is the Antichrist.

No disrespect intended, but there are that 'many' people asking you, specifically, about this? Really?
Nobody has asked me if Obama is the anti-Christ.

But, then again, if I hung around people who actually believed that, I would cut them loose as soon as possible. Mental stability, you know...
Why does it sound so unusual that people ask me questions about Obama being the Antichrist? I pride myself in what I've learned about biblical events and the different aspects related to it. Every week I play chess with people who are very inquisitive about things. Just because they ask me doesn't mean I'm some expert. I learn from them to.

The notion that Obama is the Antichrist is a popular issue right now.
I'm getting the feeling that you are questioning my honesty. It's understandable. Where I come from it's not unusual to discuss issues and ask questions to those who seem to know a little bit about any given topic.

I like it when people ask me questions about things I've studied. The conversations don't swing only one way. I often ask the guys questions about it myself. It's how I learn. Whether or not Obama is the Antichrist is very a stimulating thing to discuss in my opinion.

I understand where you guys are coming from, but I have nothing to gain by fabricating some story.
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