i don't have anybody.

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Jun 16, 2011
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I am lonely and i have no friends, i cant speak to my family or anyone.
I am a self conscious mess who hates myself. I keep all of my emotions and feelings and thoughts to my self, coming on here is the only way i can talk about them, i know that is probably stupid.
I know exactly what being lonely is like, i have felt it ever since i started high school.
The only time i speak to friends was on fbook but i have deactivated my account because it was making me feel depressed.
every thing about it, seeing people have fun, seeing people update there status all the time when i have nothing to say. seeing pics of my self which i hate.
I cant look at myself in the mirror without feeling disgust.
I made one friend who was very nice to me, it turns out he only wants to have sex with me.
When i started high school i was bullied everyday until i quit.
I am now 18 and i do not have any friends what so ever.

I am finding it very hard right now not to hurt myself in some way and keep having suicidal thoughts.
I want to see a doctor but i am scared they will just brush it away and tell me it is nothing and i have no idea how.

I am very lonely anybody want to talk? i am an ok listener too, so if you need to talk i am here.
thanks everbody, hope your all ok. :eek:)

You know too much. You should consider being wrong more often. It's very freeing. I hope that you find the peace that you are looking for. If that involves suicide, just make sure that's its something you want and not something you are fleeing from. Best wishes. Seriously. I make the best wishes... I just thought you should know that.
The only time i speak to friends was on fbook but i have deactivated my account because it was making me feel depressed.
every thing about it, seeing people have fun, seeing people update there status all the time when i have nothing to say. seeing pics of my self which i hate.

I do have to say, those people on facebook are just trying to make themselves look good. There's nothing meaningful behind their updates that probably talk about the latest viral youtube video or wherever they went that day. I don't think you should let stuff like that depress you too much, because in the end they're all just putting out an illusion of their supposedly cheery and carefree lives. Ok, maybe I'm bitter too. XP

I think you should see a counselor. If they don't take you seriously and brush it away, then they're probably not the right counselor for you, go find someone else. Hang in there, things will get better somehow. I understand how you feel, but don't give up just yet.
*hugs frog*

:) I felt very similar when i was 18, I had no friends the only thing that kept me going was knowing i was about to be done with high school forever :D you've still got a lot ahead of you and your life isn't set in stone

please please if you are worried about hurting yourself please see a dr or a psychatrist, they won't brush it off ( unless they are terrible at their job) Their job is to help people like you in times like these

but this feeling won't last forever and you can meet new people it's hard at first, but if you keep trying you'll start to feel more comfortable and confident

also remember this feeling doesn't last forever, are emotions are changing often

and this too shall pass


Yes, not having friends sucks. Try not to live in your head so much.
Take baby steps...if FB is triggering bad feelings...then it was the right chioce for you.
Becuase you're comparing yourself with other people....competing and comparing oursevles with other people will eat away at our self esteem.
It's not a healthy habit our behavior..as your starting to figure out.

Stay active...start off small. Maybe just say helllo or hi to people. You dint always have
to go into deep conversations with people. If its shallow it's shallow,,but at least your learning
how to enteract with poeple. You'll get better as you go...so dont over think it.

Let go of your negative thoughts and feelings of lonliness and dont figure it out.
When you feel sad..just breathe it out as if you're breathing it out those feelings ..that what I do and it actually works. You actaully feel peace abnd not in pains.
When more negative thoughts and emotions comes up do the samething..after a while if you practice it enough..thiswill become habtual to you.
This will break your thinking and feelings patterns or cycle.
You'll have more engergy to get out and be active and meet people face to face.
The more you let go of your neagative thoughts and emotions...you'll have less and less mental and emotional baggages to carry around.
You 'll actually feel lighter and more at peaceful, which becomes eaier for you to get active.
When your at peace...people will tend to be more open to you. in any case you're making yourself more avaliable to people cuase your not living in your head.

Yoiu're not your feelings...you have thoughts and feelings.
Stop identifying yourself as your feelings.
If you have thoughts and feelings...you can chose to hang on to them or let them go...it dosnt have to stick to you.
You dont have to react to your feelings...rahter spond to them,
Well if you feel bad..you can repond to them by letting them go...instead of reacting to them and wanting to hurt yourself.
It will pass if you let them go. You can let go of them NOW...if you let go of them tommorrow...when tomoorow comes...you're always going to be in the NOW
LET GO of them NOW.

You can apply this very simple letting process with any of your negative feelings or emotions..such as grieving, feeling of not good enough, anger, guilt, shame,
jealouscy, lack, wanting to control, lack of control sadness,...any feelings you wish not to hold on to or shovle inside of you.

Or do this...wirte this out or change the way you speak....I FEEL lonely at the moment...not I'm lonely

Our thoughts also drive our emotions. Take some time to do this simple excercise...
Think of a very sad or hurtful moment in your life...See the images/thoughts...then notice the feelings right after.
Or you have been doing this away...you think your life sucks over and over again...so you feel like honeysuckle over and over again...
Simply learn to cast those negative thoughts or emotion aside or throw them out like trash...dont figure out trash...trash is trash.
Be proactive instead of reacting to your thoughts and feelings.

If you practice this for 4-6 weeks 3-4 times p day...you'll notice improvements and results, I know I did.

These are just some simple healthy living tools and copping skills that wasnt passed on to you. Stuff your parent didnt taught you ..maybe it's becuase they didn't know either.
Thank you all for your reply's i appreciate it. :eek:) thanks all
frog said:
I am lonely and i have no friends, i cant speak to my family or anyone.
I am a self conscious mess who hates myself. I keep all of my emotions and feelings and thoughts to my self, coming on here is the only way i can talk about them, i know that is probably stupid.

No, it's not stupid that's why most of us are here.

I made one friend who was very nice to me, it turns out he only wants to have sex with me.

Think of it this way, he must have been attracted to you in some way. They guy is still a dog though.

I am finding it very hard right now not to hurt myself in some way and keep having suicidal thoughts.
I want to see a doctor but i am scared they will just brush it away and tell me it is nothing and i have no idea how.

Like efan said, go see someone they won't brush it off unless they are idiots, and if they do just go see another one.

And like Crow said, let go of all those negative thoughts they are causing you so much pain. You just have to let it all go. It isn't easy to do, but you must. Every time you have negative thoughts or want to hurt yourself, try to think of something that brings you happiness, or makes you feel good. Once you can start to control and rid yourself of those negative thoughts you won't see yourself so negative either.

Welcome to the site, btw :)

thank you all so much :eek:)

I do try doing things i love, they make me happier.
all your advise was great thanks a lot :eek:)
Goto the doctor , you may need to see a counciller , GO , start small and things hopefully get better , if not you dont give up , you keep going.

Ive told alot of people , stay off Facebook , sometimes i feel that site should have a health warning , there is a link , you can totally delete your account not deactivating , you will be tempted to go back on.

Do it today , Facebook dont want people to leave , i had a little trouble deleting it , but its there , just hidden delibrately.

Good luck and you can IM me anytime , im always kicking around on the site , and no hidden agendas here.

Take care and good luck
I may actually understand what you are facing better than most folks.

The only thing I can add is that for me and so many others High School was when we hit rock-bottom. The lie about it being 'the best years of your life' has driven more then one teen over the edge for sure.

When I got my first 'real job' my own car and my own place to live was when I developed some actual control over my life things actually started to look up a bit.

Maybe that will actually help some. -SY.
Hi frog,

I just wanted to pipe in and say that no real doctor is going to just brush off what you have to say. I think most take depression pretty seriously.

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