I hate my free time.

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2007
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Provo Utah
Today I had my first day off in a long time where I had nothing at all had to do I just sat around in my underwear all day messing around on my computer. I thought it was going to be a great day since I haven't had a full day off like this in weeks. I should be enjoying my free time but I am not. I figure between school, work and my internship I put in around 70 hours a week. I think if I didn't do this though I would go crazy with free time. Kind sad how most people would kill for some free time in my sitation but I have nothing at all better to do.
I'm sure there's something you enjoy doing but it's normal for someone to be used to being busy.
I understand this. Only day I have any free time is Saturday which I usually use to catch up on sleep I've deprivated during the week, but days like today where my body seems to have slept its full course find me with a lot of free time. Then it seems to boil my blood because I feel too idle but it's my day off and I know to remain healthy in spirit, mind, and body I need the rest.

Josh said:
Today I had my first day off in a long time where I had nothing at all had to do I just sat around in my underwear all day messing around on my computer. I thought it was going to be a great day since I haven't had a full day off like this in weeks. I should be enjoying my free time but I am not. I figure between school, work and my internship I put in around 70 hours a week. I think if I didn't do this though I would go crazy with free time. Kind sad how most people would kill for some free time in my sitation but I have nothing at all better to do.
Maybe in the future when you know that you are going to have some free time, you could set yourself a plan of things that you could do for that day so that you don't feel so lonely.
oh.. c'mon.. i spend a lot of time @ my computer too... sometimes i'm mad on me.. bkz i've spend a whole day by doing NOTHING @ aLL ....

try to see some movies.. if you are @ the computer ... ;)
... man.. computer is wonderful thing if you know it well :D ( i think you underst00d me ...ggg.. )

P.S. clean up your room if you don't have to do anything else
i like having free time, but i really don't know how to organise it so it's a lot better to be busy all the time, at least like this i know i'm useful!
You don't have to do stuff all the time. Sometimes it's great to just have a day off, doing absolutely nothing. Sure, you may feel a bit lazy, but no one needs to know ;)

If you want to get away from the computer, go outside for a walk. Everyone can do that. You don't need any reason to do it. Just walk. Get a bike if you want more speed, like me ^^
Josh said:
Today I had my first day off in a long time where I had nothing at all had to do I just sat around in my underwear all day messing around on my computer. I thought it was going to be a great day since I haven't had a full day off like this in weeks. I should be enjoying my free time but I am not. I figure between school, work and my internship I put in around 70 hours a week. I think if I didn't do this though I would go crazy with free time. Kind sad how most people would kill for some free time in my sitation but I have nothing at all better to do.

I understand all to well what you feel. I too have had sometimes entire days when I, at last, could be able to rest, and unfortunately just couldn't think of anything worthwhile to do. The worst about it is that I work, when in school, almost constantly, and struggle to have free time... only to, when that time has arrive, panick at the idea of what to do.

I've thought quite extensively about it, and here are a few solutions I came up with :

- Perhaps the root of the problem is expecting too much of that free time. As if the one day or one week could be the polar opposite to a very depressing day or week . I think that if we expect too much of our free time, we end up, even inconsciously, feeling guitlty of not having had enough fun.
Working, obviously, acts as a sleeping pill for loneliness and sadness : when my mind is set on something to do, I temporarily am forced to forget some of my problems (I guess I am a "workaholic").

- Loneliness and depression have a way of making absolutely everything seem bleak. I often don't find any amusement at all at activities that are normaly my hobbies.
Why ? Being alone already cuts us off vast numbers of fun things to do, like talking to friends, girl/boy friends, wives/husbands, etc... Being alone I have found is unfortunately not being able to discover unexpected new ideas, projects, feelings. When I have free time and no one to talk to about it, I only feel lonelier.
By contamination things I usually find fun feel too repetitive ; and thus, I'm even more bored.

- A simple but efficient way to fight against this has been (I know it sounds stupid, but it has worked for me) to, when I'm in a better mood, make a long list of all the fun things I could do... stuff I'd probably not think of on a bad day.
The other solution is to dare something new, even if the outcome is negative. I very often start to write poems I know I'll never end, a perspective I know will sadden me, but by writing some of them I achieve some sort of satisfaction. Likewise, daring to read something different, to go somewhere else, to speak to somebody with different ideas, can, I've found, prove to be helpful.
Josh, suppose some idiot where to object that there are places to go all around you, and all manner of event calendars available online. How do you explain their lack of entertainment value for you? -Aside, of course, that no one befriends you...
Yes I guess it is my own fault I live like a shut in and I hate that I do. My problem is that I just don't know how to get out and do things anymore it seems. Now before someone says it is easy just have to get out and do it. It's just not that simple to me.

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