I look like a man

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Oct 19, 2013
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I have really low self-esteem because I look like a man. I am not a pretty woman at all, and people have been telling me this since I was 12 years old. I've never been in a relationship because of the way that I look, and my I have developed social anxiety because of it. I am scared of going out in crowds a lot of the time. I try not to let my looks get me down too much since I know there is more to life than looks, but it's hard to meet people. I'm always nervous about going to social events in my city. I am part of meetup.com so that I can new meet new people since I have one friend in this city. However, I've only been to one meeting. It's hard to have both social anxiety and shyness. Even if I manage to work up enough nerve to go to a social outing, I can barely talk to anyone when I first meet them. I just wish so much I could get plastic surgery.
I wouldn't blame the way you look as the sole reason you've never been in a relationship or developed social anxiety. Your perspective of yourself has caused this. If someone constantly tells you something it's hard not to listen, I get that; weather it's true or not doesn't really matter, it's whatever you feel about yourself that does.

Besides, it's not all about looks, if you're convinced it is then maybe you're around the wrong people.
No, my sole reason for social anxiety is caused from the bullying I've received from my looks. You could be right about whatever else you said, but I know my experiences better than you. And I know that being bullied is why I developed social anxiety. I don't appreciate someone telling me something that happened to me didn't happen when they've never met me.

But with any guy I've ever liked, they told me to my face they weren't attracted to me. I've never been asked out. And it's not really people I hang out with, it's everyone. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in. The city is five times the size that my town was. People here still call me ugly. So it can't be just the people I am around.
I highly doubt you look like a man. You could have body dysmorphic disorder. Im not going to lie and say your the most beautiful women in the world because you already know its a lie that would help no one. You say you have been feeling this way since you were 12 that has a big toll on relationships your mind set not just your looks. People can see that your uncomfortable in your own skin. You can be giving off unconscious cues that push people away. How can you expect anyone to love you or even like you when you dont even like yourself. You know what you could be the most beautiful women in the world but your mind is so clouded by self hate you would never know it. There is no greater enemy than yourself.

Hopefuldreamer said:
No, my sole reason for social anxiety is caused from the bullying I've received from my looks. You could be right about whatever else you said, but I know my experiences better than you. And I know that being bullied is why I developed social anxiety. I don't appreciate someone telling me something that happened to me didn't happen when they've never met me.

But with any guy I've ever liked, they told me to my face they weren't attracted to me. I've never been asked out. And it's not really people I hang out with, it's everyone. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in. The city is five times the size that my town was. People here still call me ugly. So it can't be just the people I am around.

Look at the people your hanging around what kind of person goes around calling another person ugly usually one that wants to bring a person down to their level. You hang or go after the people you think you deserve rather you see it or not. All the lies that bullies have told you have gotten so far in your mind that you actually believe them to be the truth. Your not going to listen to any advise given here useless people agree and say yes you do look like a man or any lie that a bully has told you. You only want to accept the truth that has been handed to you.
9006 was just trying to help, and it's difficult to always know what to say to someone. You shouldn't be so grouchy to him when he's trying to be encouraging.

I've personally seen women who were very mannish happily dating/already married. It has tons to do with personality and how you carry yourself and what you throw out there that other people perceive. The best thing you could do for yourself is love yourself more and not listen to the haters. See a stylist, get a good look to help soften your features. Makeup helps a lot if you feel self-conscious. I look ok without makeup on, with it people have called me beautiful. You need a makeover to help you feel more womanly. Someone to teach you how to enhance your features with clothes and makeup.
I would never have thought I looked like a man if people hadn't been telling me that I look like a man. I've always known I wasn't attractive, but people feel the need to tell me I look more like a guy than a girl. I've felt this way since I was 12 years old because even my mom and sister told me that I was ugly. Why would they do that if it weren't true?

Your not going to listen to any advise given here useless people agree and say yes you do look like a man or any lie that a bully has told you. You only want to accept the truth that has been handed to you.
I live in a different city than the town I grew up in. Why would people have the same opinion that I look like a guy in two different areas. Even if lets say it could be because people can sense that I have low self-esteem, why in the world would so many people have the same opinion? It's not possible for people to have the same opinion in two different areas if there isn't some truth to it.

I know plenty of people with low self-esteem. I don't think they are ugly. So why would people think that about me? I still find people attractive even if they have confidence or low confidence. I don't look at someone think: Hmm, that person has low self-esteem. I now think they are ugly. I thought they were hot before, but now that they have low self-esteem I am going to think the person has an ugly face. I find people attractive regardless. Why would people suddenly decide I look more like a guy than a girl based on low self-esteem alone? And in two different areas.

I only have one friend, no one else. She doesn't call me ugly. It's other people. So it's not people who I hang out with.

Honestly, I came on here to relate to people and everything. I don't appreciate being told what happens probably doesn't happen to me. I used to see a therapist, and even she agreed that I wasn't attractive. She said she wasn't going to insult my intelligence and call me a beauty, but that being said, I need to learn to move past it. Unfortunately, I had to stop seeing her because of my money.

So I don't get why people on the internet who haven't seen me can deny so quick that I can't look like a man, when I've been told so often by so many different people, and in two different areas.

9006 was just trying to help, and it's difficult to always know what to say to someone. You shouldn't be so grouchy to him when he's trying to be encouraging.
I apologize if I came off as rude or grouchy. I just dislike pouring out my heart about something only to have someone doubt me. I don't mind advice, or encouragement. I'd just rather people say I am not likely ugly, or I am likely not manly looking when I know I am. I just automatically get defensive if people on the internet deny that I am ugly. I am looking for advice, like you gave me. Not for people to say I am not ugly.

I belong to a lot of online communities, and I've been trying for years to talk about this. However, I always end up getting people saying I'm likely not ugly. So I keep moving on, hoping to find a place who can just take my word for it and not argue with me.
Hon you have to be a bit more cuddly if you want people to warm up to you. If this defensive side is what you show them it could be half your problem if not more. Just an opinion, for what it's worth. Trying to help, not hurt.
Dear Hopeful Dreamer: in an ideal good world, moms and sisters should never EVER tell that one is ugly, so I would already start doubting their judgement from there.

A thought that comes to mind : if even guys - real guys- manage to look like women, then possibly you have very good chances too, no matter what you look. As I don't know what you look like, I can't say if what you say is your impression or if there is a base of truth, anyway, again, if guys can look like girls so much that it's indistinguishable, you most probably can too.
But you have an advantage: when you see your picture after the right cosmetic process, you can say: hey I look like a girl - but also you ARE a girl, so you are one step ahead, and can not only look womanly but also feel womanly without surgeries and stuff, and feeling womanly makes you look more womanly, but one has to start with the looks to get the feeling (I think).

In case you wanted to send me a picture in a PM (in case you don't feel like posting your picture in the Faces thread) I'd be happy to give constructive feedback, and I am sure others will be happy to do the same.
I'm not like this offline, just online. Most people who know me thinks I am a happy go lucky girl. I only get defensive if people don't believe me when I talk about this. I never talk about this offline, only online. I don't like to come off as the negative person, so I keep all my feelings locked up, and just talk about this on advice sites (like this) or my blog. The problem is, as soon as I mention that I am ugly, no one believes me. Not even on my own blog. I don't understand why I would vent in a blog about that. I ended up having to disable comments on my blog because of it. It's something I've had to deal with for fifteen years, and it's hard. So to come online and to talk about this and ask for advice, it can be frustrating if someone doesn't believe me.

Like I said, I am friendly offline. So I don't think anyone can just assume I am ugly based on my personality. I am not a horrible person. I am a very giving person, and I help out people. Even though my sister tells me constantly that I am ugly, I give her money because she is a single mother. I don't ask for it back. Would a horrible unfriendly person do that? Once people get to know me they like me. So I don't get why they would still find me unattractive if it was just my personality. I find it more insulting when people online insult my personality than when someone tells me the truth about my face. I've spent most of my life trying to be a good person, and being kind to others.

A thought that comes to mind : if even guys - real guys- manage to look like women, then possibly you have very good chances too, no matter what you look.
To be honest with you, I've always thought the same thing. I mean men can get away with being transgender and some people don't guess at all. They can even look like hot women. So far, no matter what I've tried hasn't helped.

I didn't know if you could post pictures here. I'll send you one.
I'd tell your sister that you must be too ugly to take money from anymore, period! She can earn it herself since she created her own problems she can deal with them. Shut her up, first thing. People close to you are harming you, don't give them that power over you.
People here couldn't help somehow apparently, so I will try my way.

I´m sorry for you:(
You are hurt, no matter how, and we may never really understand. But what matters is that you are hurt. I´m sorry for that. And others are as well. I´m sure they are sad seeing that someone struggles, that someone is lonely, sad.
We may never know what to tell you, how to make you feel better, as we may only try. And as you see, people in here do. They care about you, even if they never seen you, and only met you one post ago.
But we will try. We want you to feel good, at least here. We wont stop being nice, being honest about what we think, and trying to make you feel love able.
We can only hope that one day, some of our words will get close to your heart, and you will feel that you may be happy, that you don't have to be sad for the reasons you are.

So in all, we may not have the final answer, ultimate solution. We may not know the cure to your pain.
But we can be nice:) Many of us struggles for different reasons, and we try to help each other, be nice to each other:) And maybe that will make you feel just a little better:) And if it does, we will be happy for you too:)

Btw, I like your nick:) Hopeful Dreamer:)
ForGrantedWife said:
I'd tell your sister that you must be too ugly to take money from anymore, period! She can earn it herself since she created her own problems she can deal with them. Shut her up, first thing. People close to you are harming you, don't give them that power over you.

Yeah but I don't want to punish my nephew in the process. It's all about him. I think she's always had resentment for me, that's why she likes to hit it where it hurts. Right now I am doing better than her (something she throws in my face) so she'll add an ugly comment because she knows it will hurt me. If I say no to giving her money, then she will say "Oh you're single with all this money, and I have no job with a child. That's selfish." so I kind of have to give in.

People here couldn't help somehow apparently, so I will try my way.

I´m sorry for you:(
You are hurt, no matter how, and we may never really understand. But what matters is that you are hurt. I´m sorry for that. And others are as well. I´m sure they are sad seeing that someone struggles, that someone is lonely, sad.
We may never know what to tell you, how to make you feel better, as we may only try. And as you see, people in here do. They care about you, even if they never seen you, and only met you one post ago.
But we will try. We want you to feel good, at least here. We wont stop being nice, being honest about what we think, and trying to make you feel love able.
We can only hope that one day, some of our words will get close to your heart, and you will feel that you may be happy, that you don't have to be sad for the reasons you are.

So in all, we may not have the final answer, ultimate solution. We may not know the cure to your pain.
But we can be nice:) Many of us struggles for different reasons, and we try to help each other, be nice to each other:) And maybe that will make you feel just a little better:) And if it does, we will be happy for you too:)

Btw, I like your nick:) Hopeful Dreamer:)
Honestly, I don't mind encouragement or advice even if people can't help. The only thing I am asking from people is to not doubt me. That's all. I don't care about anything else that anyone has to say, I will appreciate the advice. The only thing that will insult me is if people don't believe me. Honestly, I found this forum since it's the lonely forum because I keep hoping there are other people who go through the same thing. I know I am not the only person in the world who is insecure about my looks. That is what I am looking for. People to talk to, people who might have gone through the same thing. Anything besides doubt on my story.

So thanks. The whole point is to meet new people because I find it easier online. So please take my word for what I have to say.
I understand your frustration regarding people who don't believe you. I go through it every time I say that I'm overweight. But... 9006 didn't do that. You originally stated that you developed social anxiety because of your appearance. 9006 didn't comment on whether or not he believed you were attractive. He simply said that the issues you mentioned are most likely due, in part, to the way you see yourself.

It was during your defensive post that you said that you developed social anxiety because of bullying. Frankly, when it comes to bullies, they will find whatever your vulnerable spots are, and that's where they'll attack. Bullies don't have to believe the mean things they say for the bullying to be effective. The victims are the ones who believe it- and you did!
Ok fine your ugly I said what you so desperately want people to say what you have grown accustom to. Now that thats out the way what more do you want from it. If your mother and sister said your ugly then that is there problem not yours. If you had a child would you tell them there ugly? You would want the best for your child and to spare their heart not rip it apart. Your therapist said your unattractive not ugly. No matter what you think there is no such thing as ugly there are millions upon millions of people in the world. Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours. My advise to you is if you truly accept yourself to be ugly then get passed it easier said then done but thats what must be done. When you accept your own truth then what do you want from it or after it?
nerdygirl said:
I understand your frustration regarding people who don't believe you. I go through it every time I say that I'm overweight. But... 9006 didn't do that. You originally stated that you developed social anxiety because of your appearance. 9006 didn't comment on whether or not he believed you were attractive. He simply said that the issues you mentioned are most likely due, in part, to the way you see yourself.

It was during your defensive post that you said that you developed social anxiety because of bullying. Frankly, when it comes to bullies, they will find whatever your vulnerable spots are, and that's where they'll attack. Bullies don't have to believe the mean things they say for the bullying to be effective. The victims are the ones who believe it- and you did!
Because I've been hearing it for 15 years, and from family members as well. It's hard not to believe it. Maybe I read his post wrong, but I know it's because people kept saying that I was ugly that I ended up getting social anxiety. I wouldn't have developed social anxiety without it. So I know that being called ugly is the cause of that, even if I view myself that way.

Ok fine your ugly I said what you so desperately want people to say what you have grown accustom to. Now that thats out the way what more do you want from it. If your mother and sister said your ugly then that is there problem not yours. If you had a child would you tell them there ugly? You would want the best for your child and to spare their heart not rip it apart. Your therapist said your unattractive not ugly. No matter what you think there is no such thing as ugly there are millions upon millions of people in the world. Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours. My advise to you is if you truly accept yourself to be ugly then get passed it easier said then done but thats what must be done. When you accept your own truth then what do you want from it or after it?
Honestly, yes that's what I want to hear. All I want is to find people who can relate, and to get advice without people telling me I am probably not ugly. I am 27 now, and this all started at 12. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in. All I am asking is that people believe me, and to go on from there. I don't mind advice, encouragement, or anything. The only thing I don't like is if someone doesn't believe. So yes, when you started this message by saying: "Ok you're ugly..." that is exactly what I want to hear, because then I know people believe me. But to be honest, I didn't really understand the rest of your post.

I just want to be able to move on through life with acceptance that I am ugly. That's all.
Hopefuldreamer said:
nerdygirl said:
I understand your frustration regarding people who don't believe you. I go through it every time I say that I'm overweight. But... 9006 didn't do that. You originally stated that you developed social anxiety because of your appearance. 9006 didn't comment on whether or not he believed you were attractive. He simply said that the issues you mentioned are most likely due, in part, to the way you see yourself.

It was during your defensive post that you said that you developed social anxiety because of bullying. Frankly, when it comes to bullies, they will find whatever your vulnerable spots are, and that's where they'll attack. Bullies don't have to believe the mean things they say for the bullying to be effective. The victims are the ones who believe it- and you did!
Because I've been hearing it for 15 years, and from family members as well. It's hard not to believe it. Maybe I read his post wrong, but I know it's because people kept saying that I was ugly that I ended up getting social anxiety. I wouldn't have developed social anxiety without it. So I know that being called ugly is the cause of that, even if I view myself that way.

Ok fine your ugly I said what you so desperately want people to say what you have grown accustom to. Now that thats out the way what more do you want from it. If your mother and sister said your ugly then that is there problem not yours. If you had a child would you tell them there ugly? You would want the best for your child and to spare their heart not rip it apart. Your therapist said your unattractive not ugly. No matter what you think there is no such thing as ugly there are millions upon millions of people in the world. Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours. My advise to you is if you truly accept yourself to be ugly then get passed it easier said then done but thats what must be done. When you accept your own truth then what do you want from it or after it?
Honestly, yes that's what I want to hear. All I want is to find people who can relate, and to get advice without people telling me I am probably not ugly. I am 27 now, and this all started at 12. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in.

But honestly I don't understand this part at all:
Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours.
I am not saying I walk in anyone's shoes, and I would never ever insult anyone on purpose. I kind of need this part explained because I just got completely confused by it.

What I meant is that there is so many people in the world that not all will find you ugly and you can say that they will no matter how twisted your mind has become from either yourself or others you cant see through everyones eyes. If someone wants to say that your not ugly on a forum let them. Move past it and get on with what you really want from the forum. You may want understanding but you may never find it if you try and shove your mind set down another persons throat. Just leave the whole ugly part of it out of it. Thats not you in real life so why bring it here you dont go up to people in real life saying im ugly I look like a man. How many people are going to agree with you that they look like a man? You can take what I say for a gain of salt it doesnt matter. What people can really relate to is your social anxiety or you being bullied you can find common ground there. Then when you find someone you think can relate to you then start with the whole ugly thing if you wish instead of trying to shut down a whole community. We are not the enemy we can only understand if you allow us to.
I believe that what GearsOfWar93 was saying is that we all have different ideas of beauty. You cannot decide for another person whether or not you are attractive. I was thinking the same. After all, we have models and actresses out there with unconventional beauty. Some examples are Grace Jones or Tilda Swinton. Some people would think that they're ugly, while others think they're beautiful.
nerdygirl said:
I believe that what GearsOfWar93 was saying is that we all have different ideas of beauty. You cannot decide for another person whether or not you are attractive. I was thinking the same. After all, we have models and actresses out there with unconventional beauty. Some examples are Grace Jones or Tilda Swinton. Some people would think that they're ugly, while others think they're beautiful.

Thank you nerdygirl you expressed that better then I could
GearsOfWar93 said:
Hopefuldreamer said:
nerdygirl said:
I understand your frustration regarding people who don't believe you. I go through it every time I say that I'm overweight. But... 9006 didn't do that. You originally stated that you developed social anxiety because of your appearance. 9006 didn't comment on whether or not he believed you were attractive. He simply said that the issues you mentioned are most likely due, in part, to the way you see yourself.

It was during your defensive post that you said that you developed social anxiety because of bullying. Frankly, when it comes to bullies, they will find whatever your vulnerable spots are, and that's where they'll attack. Bullies don't have to believe the mean things they say for the bullying to be effective. The victims are the ones who believe it- and you did!
Because I've been hearing it for 15 years, and from family members as well. It's hard not to believe it. Maybe I read his post wrong, but I know it's because people kept saying that I was ugly that I ended up getting social anxiety. I wouldn't have developed social anxiety without it. So I know that being called ugly is the cause of that, even if I view myself that way.

Ok fine your ugly I said what you so desperately want people to say what you have grown accustom to. Now that thats out the way what more do you want from it. If your mother and sister said your ugly then that is there problem not yours. If you had a child would you tell them there ugly? You would want the best for your child and to spare their heart not rip it apart. Your therapist said your unattractive not ugly. No matter what you think there is no such thing as ugly there are millions upon millions of people in the world. Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours. My advise to you is if you truly accept yourself to be ugly then get passed it easier said then done but thats what must be done. When you accept your own truth then what do you want from it or after it?
Honestly, yes that's what I want to hear. All I want is to find people who can relate, and to get advice without people telling me I am probably not ugly. I am 27 now, and this all started at 12. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in.

But honestly I don't understand this part at all:
Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours.
I am not saying I walk in anyone's shoes, and I would never ever insult anyone on purpose. I kind of need this part explained because I just got completely confused by it.

What I meant is that there is so many people in the world that not all will find you ugly and you can say that they will no matter how twisted your mind has become from either yourself or others you cant see through everyones eyes. If someone wants to say that your not ugly on a forum let them. Move past it and get on with what you really want from the forum. You may want understanding but you may never find it if you try and shove your mind set down another persons throat. Just leave the whole ugly part of it out of it. Thats not you in real life so why bring it here you dont go up to people in real life saying im ugly I look like a man. How many people are going to agree with you that they look like a man? You can take what I say for a gain of salt it doesnt matter. What people can really relate to is your social anxiety or you being bullied you can find common ground there. Then when you find someone you think can relate to you then start with the whole ugly thing if you wish instead of trying to shut down a whole community. We are not the enemy we can only understand if you allow us to.
Fair enough. Even if someone doesn't think I am ugly on a forum, that is perfectly fine. My point is, even if they don't believe I am ugly, I'd still rather people believe that I do get called ugly. You don't have to think I am ugly, but it would be nice for people to believe me about my experiences. I'm just making this topic based on what I have experienced in my life for the last 15 years. And in two different places. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in. I started hearing it at a very young age, and from people who are supposed to love me. I don't intend to go on every forum topic and mention my looks. It was just this topic alone. I've already had a few people message me who believes me and can relate, and a few others give advice which was my intentions with this.
Hopefuldreamer said:
GearsOfWar93 said:
Hopefuldreamer said:
nerdygirl said:
I understand your frustration regarding people who don't believe you. I go through it every time I say that I'm overweight. But... 9006 didn't do that. You originally stated that you developed social anxiety because of your appearance. 9006 didn't comment on whether or not he believed you were attractive. He simply said that the issues you mentioned are most likely due, in part, to the way you see yourself.

It was during your defensive post that you said that you developed social anxiety because of bullying. Frankly, when it comes to bullies, they will find whatever your vulnerable spots are, and that's where they'll attack. Bullies don't have to believe the mean things they say for the bullying to be effective. The victims are the ones who believe it- and you did!
Because I've been hearing it for 15 years, and from family members as well. It's hard not to believe it. Maybe I read his post wrong, but I know it's because people kept saying that I was ugly that I ended up getting social anxiety. I wouldn't have developed social anxiety without it. So I know that being called ugly is the cause of that, even if I view myself that way.

Ok fine your ugly I said what you so desperately want people to say what you have grown accustom to. Now that thats out the way what more do you want from it. If your mother and sister said your ugly then that is there problem not yours. If you had a child would you tell them there ugly? You would want the best for your child and to spare their heart not rip it apart. Your therapist said your unattractive not ugly. No matter what you think there is no such thing as ugly there are millions upon millions of people in the world. Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours. My advise to you is if you truly accept yourself to be ugly then get passed it easier said then done but thats what must be done. When you accept your own truth then what do you want from it or after it?
Honestly, yes that's what I want to hear. All I want is to find people who can relate, and to get advice without people telling me I am probably not ugly. I am 27 now, and this all started at 12. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in.

But honestly I don't understand this part at all:
Your insulting them by thinking you can see through their eyes. You dont want people to judge you and go against what you find to be true then why do you want to go against what others may find to be true. We dont walk in your shoes and you dont walk in ours. We dont see through your eyes and you dont see through ours.
I am not saying I walk in anyone's shoes, and I would never ever insult anyone on purpose. I kind of need this part explained because I just got completely confused by it.

What I meant is that there is so many people in the world that not all will find you ugly and you can say that they will no matter how twisted your mind has become from either yourself or others you cant see through everyones eyes. If someone wants to say that your not ugly on a forum let them. Move past it and get on with what you really want from the forum. You may want understanding but you may never find it if you try and shove your mind set down another persons throat. Just leave the whole ugly part of it out of it. Thats not you in real life so why bring it here you dont go up to people in real life saying im ugly I look like a man. How many people are going to agree with you that they look like a man? You can take what I say for a gain of salt it doesnt matter. What people can really relate to is your social anxiety or you being bullied you can find common ground there. Then when you find someone you think can relate to you then start with the whole ugly thing if you wish instead of trying to shut down a whole community. We are not the enemy we can only understand if you allow us to.
Fair enough. Even if someone doesn't think I am ugly on a forum, that is perfectly fine. My point is, even if they don't believe I am ugly, I'd still rather people believe that I do get called ugly. You don't have to think I am ugly, but it would be nice for people to believe me about my experiences. I'm just making this topic based on what I have experienced in my life for the last 15 years. And in two different places. I live in a different city than the town I grew up in. I started hearing it at a very young age, and from people who are supposed to love me. I don't intend to go on every forum topic and mention my looks. It was just this topic alone. I've already had a few people message me who believes me and can relate, and a few others give advice which was my intentions with this.

People believe that. That you were called ugly. People can be cruel and if anyone says others wise there just in denial. I wish you the best and I hope you find what your seeking.

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