I still am alone but at least Osama Bin Laden is dead

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I read just this morning (Tues May 3rd) that Islam is all bent out of shape about the fact that he was buried at sea.
A flagrant violation of Islamic law (what wouldn't be?)
Anyway apparently it was done to keep his burial site from becoming a rallying point for radical Islam kooks.

And to attempt to be somewhat balanced, yesterday I read that Islamic clerics in Orange County CA
are glad he's dead and that he never represented the values of Islam in the first place.
(why didn't they speak out more forcefully when he was alive?)

May the 72 virgins awaiting him all be vicious Catholic nuns
I wouldn't call this justice, it took TEN YEARS to bring down one man, ten long years with thousands of innocent people killed and military lost. It's good he's finally been brought down but the cost was just too high. Where's the justice for the innocent people who got caught in the middle of this war? Where's the justice for those who were killed by "friendly fire", and the several "accidental deaths"? Where is their justice? There were far too many unnecessary, needless deaths. Everyone can tout "Justice has been served" but lets not forget what has been lost to get that justice.

Instead of celebrating Osama's death we should be remembering all those who needlessly died for it to finally happen in these past ten years. All of the fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends, loved ones who died.
Sci-Fi said:
I wouldn't call this justice, it took TEN YEARS to bring down one man, ten long years with thousands of innocent people killed and military lost. It's good he's finally been brought down but the cost was just too high. Where's the justice for the innocent people who got caught in the middle of this war? Where's the justice for those who were killed by "friendly fire", and the several "accidental deaths"? Where is their justice? There were far too many unnecessary, needless deaths. Everyone can tout "Justice has been served" but lets not forget what has been lost to get that justice.

Instead of celebrating Osama's death we should be remembering all those who needlessly died for it to finally happen in these past ten years. All of the fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends, loved ones who died.

Not to mention some loss of our freedom at the hands of the Bush and Osamabama administrations
Sci-Fi said:
Instead of celebrating Osama's death we should be remembering all those who needlessly died for it to finally happen in these past ten years. All of the fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends, loved ones who died.

That is a great way to put it.
So does this mean I can stop getting my balls groped at the airport? I mean we won the war on terrorism right.... right?
Limlim said:
So does this mean I can stop getting my balls groped at the airport?

Dear slavelings peons citizens,

It is my pleasure to announce that there will be a one day reprieve from Ball Groping and the prodding of your wife and your whiny, spoiled children. This day will grant us the needed time to find another reason to stay in the middle east sending soldiers to their deaths evil terrorist to bring justice to. In the mean time, please continue singing patriotic country music, and don't forget to report your suspicious neighbors to 1-800-TIPS if they do shady things, like talk about something besides the Superbowl or Charlie Sheen. They might be Islamist collaborators!

Routine groping and prodding will resume shortly.


Yours truly,
Janet Napolitano
United States Secretary of Homeland Security
As a New Yorker (Not currently in New York), news of Bin Laden's death gives me some consolation, knowing that the mastermind behind 9/11 has been brought to justice even if it has been ten years since.

It's not much but at least it's progress.
Limlim said:
... I mean we won the war on terrorism right.... right?

I don't believe that i have seen that claim made yet. While some just see it as pay back for his past actions, there have been some making overly hopeful claims about what it means for his type of extremism in general. It would seem for that to work, all extremist would have to belong to one central organization and this organization would have to be incapable of functioning without him. Of course neither is true.


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