Ignoring/avoiding people with certain fetishes/obsessions?

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Pedophilia is NOT a fetish. It's a mental disorder. You really should be more careful of what you say. Meh. I keep starting to say things, but I don't want to start ranting. Just, you know. When you start throwing folks with mental illness under the heading of "Kinky", you end up insulting a lot of people.
Fusion200 said:
... they want everyone to know and wears them 24-7 for no real reason other than the kink, I just can't take the thought because I find it gross XD

They need a good whipping, whack! whack! whack!

Mmmm... thats better.
Fusion200 said:
Actually, I was thinking of some people, like, on Deviantart, that only draw, like, diaper stuff, talk about it, their name includes the word "diaper" and their signature talks about how much they love it, they want everyone to know and wears them 24-7 for no real reason other than the kink, I just can't take the thought because I find it gross XD

Well, see. You could've said that from the beginning. I'd avoid them, too! I avoid anybody who is incapable of displaying an identity outside of their sexuality.
Yeah what a person does in their own time is of no concern to me (as long as both parties are willing) but I do find people who define themselves by their kinks extremely ******* irritating. Heck I have a few of my own but don't feel the need to broadcast it.

I seriously have no problems with kinks, fetishes or sexuality, but for example people that just HAVE to introduce themselves as bisexual or polymourus (sp?) Just make me think they're an annoying idiot right from the start. It's not the lifestyle choice, it's the person making them.
Yeah, painter's. I understand where you're coming from.

I am not my fetish. I am a person. I have normal sexual desires, aside from that, so I don't feel the need to broadcast it. In fact, the only reason I mentioned it was because this thread was about that.

Girls tend to sometimes figure out that I have a FF, though, when I look at their feet (if they have nice feet.)
nerdygirl said:
Pedophilia is NOT a fetish. It's a mental disorder. You really should be more careful of what you say. Meh. I keep starting to say things, but I don't want to start ranting. Just, you know. When you start throwing folks with mental illness under the heading of "Kinky", you end up insulting a lot of people.

Up to 200 years ago or in some cultures today having sex with a 12 year-old is not a mental illness, but a perfectly normal thing.

I do feel that pedophilia is a fetish, a illegal one of that. I'm lucky to not have that particular fetish.
perfanoff said:
I do feel that pedophilia is a fetish, a illegal one of that. I'm lucky to not have that particular fetish.

I agree with this. Everything is classified as a mental disorder these days. If you've read the DSM-V, you know what i mean.
Rosebolt said:
perfanoff said:
^ So you're ADD or OCD? :D

Probably a mixture, with Borderline, Autism, and Shizophrenia mixed into it as well. :p

Can we arrange a meeting with Napoleon one of these days? I have to troll him for losing, twice :p
drr26 said:
I have a fetish for womens feet. Please do not hate me lol

A foot fetish is becoming so common these days. Everyone from Quentin Tarentino, to Britney Spears, to Elvis Presley, to Tori Amos has one.

The amount of women that appear to have things for their own feet is also mind boggling. Face it, if you get pedicures and paint your toenails and wear high heels to accent your tootsies, you obviously understand that there is a reason that they might be attractive...

A foot fetish is becoming so common these days. Everyone from Quentin Tarentino, to Britney Spears, to Elvis Presley, to Tori Amos has one.


I just need a girlfriend now, and to persuade her to let me enjoy her feet :p

Not surprised about Quentin lol, he's a funny bloke

Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, not a fetish.

In fact, this makes me angry. I hate to have child molesters thrown in the same category as someone who has a stocking fetish for ADULT women.
I have a fetish myself; A couple, actually. I would hope I wouldn't be avoided because of it.
Final thing said about this.

Everyone has kinks. Why are some socially acceptable, and some aren't? I mean, if someone has a BBW fetish, and dates only obese women, that's not hurting anything. Same if someone has a thing for people with glasses, or people with blond hair, or goth, or...whatever.

There are certain things out there that I think are just gross (diaper fetishes and furries), and some things that are just criminal (beastality and pedophilia), but if your fetish isn't hurting anyone, who's to say that it's a bad thing? It's only bad if it rules your life and ruins it.

/off my soapbox
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation, not a fetish.

In fact, this makes me angry. I hate to have child molesters thrown in the same category as someone who has a stocking fetish for ADULT women.

Then why should it be in the same category as grown men who are attracted to grown men? :(

What separates pedophilia from attractions that aren't considered immoral is just the subject. Pedophilia is not contagious and won't infect bondage, stockings, or feet, so we don't have to play "hot potato" with it.
Whatever else it might be, pedophilia is a disorder, and bringing it into this sort of thread can only derail the topic- as well as stir up a lot of upset feelings. Pedophilia is a disorder, as it involves sexual excitement from an act that causes harm to others. Homosexuality doesn't cause harm to others. Foot fetish doesn't cause harm to others. Sadism/ masochism involves HURT, but should never involve HARM to others. Pedophilia needs to be recognized as the disorder it is, so people who have it can get help without fear of condemnation.
Fetishists and people with obsessions aren't weird or unhealthy or scary/dangerous or any different than anybody else really.
The most ******* otherwise mundane people I know are fetishists.
There's no harm in a fetish or an obsession provided it is not negatively impacting on your life or anybody else's life.
Some people think I'm messed up because of my fetishes and obsessions, on the other hand, I think foot fetishes are strange because feet (including my own) disgust me somewhat.

AB/DL's? I know a few, really nice people, but dull people aside from all the diaper loving and that.
Or you know, we could just stop being stupid and stop thinking that whatever category pedophilia is in doesn't make you a pedophile just because what you want to have sex with shares a similar nomenclature for your less common unusual sex act or desire. :p

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