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stumble said:
Thank you all for the welcomes!

drkslr4 said:
Hey stumble, I am new here too. Hopefully you end up having a good time :)
Btw looking at your post, you say that you are interested in photography. I am into that quite a bit too mainly interested in taking Landscapes and am desperate to start off with macros have been saving up for a long time for a decent camera and a lens...

Anyways nice to see you. Have a great time :)

I'd like to do landscapes too unfortunately its not too pretty where I live. I'd love to take my Polaroids to the seaside too. I first got into photography through a more macro route then a couple of years later I got into the artistic self portraits and things. I know that could come across as vain but honestly I couldn't be less vain if I tried!

Good luck saving up! I'm not really into the fancy dslr's or anything. I have a digital bridge camera though. I love vintage film cameras the most and my little collection of Polaroids.

Oh where do you stay if I may ask? I got some of my best shots in Wales and in Scotland. Self portraits can be really interesting if you take them well and with a couple of years of experience I am sure you've got a knack for it :) Hmm, polaroids is something that I have never worked with. I guess I am quite young to have actually used film cameras. They were around for a few years but when I got down to buying my first cam. They had all but disappeared.

I like DSLR's coz after getting used the features available, I, at least, tend to have very strict opinions about what I want to do with the photo (read quite a strong affinity to long exposures) and most other cameras just don't let me do that.

Well it's been nice talking to you :)
drkslr4 said:
stumble said:
Thank you all for the welcomes!

drkslr4 said:
Hey stumble, I am new here too. Hopefully you end up having a good time :)
Btw looking at your post, you say that you are interested in photography. I am into that quite a bit too mainly interested in taking Landscapes and am desperate to start off with macros have been saving up for a long time for a decent camera and a lens...

Anyways nice to see you. Have a great time :)

I'd like to do landscapes too unfortunately its not too pretty where I live. I'd love to take my Polaroids to the seaside too. I first got into photography through a more macro route then a couple of years later I got into the artistic self portraits and things. I know that could come across as vain but honestly I couldn't be less vain if I tried!

Good luck saving up! I'm not really into the fancy dslr's or anything. I have a digital bridge camera though. I love vintage film cameras the most and my little collection of Polaroids.

Oh where do you stay if I may ask? I got some of my best shots in Wales and in Scotland. Self portraits can be really interesting if you take them well and with a couple of years of experience I am sure you've got a knack for it :) Hmm, polaroids is something that I have never worked with. I guess I am quite young to have actually used film cameras. They were around for a few years but when I got down to buying my first cam. They had all but disappeared.

I like DSLR's coz after getting used the features available, I, at least, tend to have very strict opinions about what I want to do with the photo (read quite a strong affinity to long exposures) and most other cameras just don't let me do that.

Well it's been nice talking to you :)

I'm in north west England and I'm sure I'd be able to get out and take more landscapes if I drove which unfortunately I don't so for me its limiting. After spending most of my childhood family holidays in Scotland I can easily believe you got some great shots there, its a stunning country and Wales rocks too.

I shared a film camera with my sister as a kid (I might be a bit older than you!) but by the time I got into photography in 2007 there was of course a lot of digital about. Not that film has disappeared! You can still get them, they are still made! That said I love vintage ones, most of my film cameras are older than me!! Polaroid can be a hard hing to get into as the expired film costs a fortune and the new stuff is somewhat temperamental. I love it though and for the joy of it being there in your hand its worth it!

I can understand wanting something for the features. Its great having all the manual controls like you say and its true you can't always get that with these little compacts. I though would go for a film srl myself. I just love the qualities of film so much!

Eek I'm getting a bit preachy!
stumble said:
drkslr4 said:
stumble said:
Thank you all for the welcomes!

drkslr4 said:
Hey stumble, I am new here too. Hopefully you end up having a good time :)
Btw looking at your post, you say that you are interested in photography. I am into that quite a bit too mainly interested in taking Landscapes and am desperate to start off with macros have been saving up for a long time for a decent camera and a lens...

Anyways nice to see you. Have a great time :)

I'd like to do landscapes too unfortunately its not too pretty where I live. I'd love to take my Polaroids to the seaside too. I first got into photography through a more macro route then a couple of years later I got into the artistic self portraits and things. I know that could come across as vain but honestly I couldn't be less vain if I tried!

Good luck saving up! I'm not really into the fancy dslr's or anything. I have a digital bridge camera though. I love vintage film cameras the most and my little collection of Polaroids.

Oh where do you stay if I may ask? I got some of my best shots in Wales and in Scotland. Self portraits can be really interesting if you take them well and with a couple of years of experience I am sure you've got a knack for it :) Hmm, polaroids is something that I have never worked with. I guess I am quite young to have actually used film cameras. They were around for a few years but when I got down to buying my first cam. They had all but disappeared.

I like DSLR's coz after getting used the features available, I, at least, tend to have very strict opinions about what I want to do with the photo (read quite a strong affinity to long exposures) and most other cameras just don't let me do that.

Well it's been nice talking to you :)

I'm in north west England and I'm sure I'd be able to get out and take more landscapes if I drove which unfortunately I don't so for me its limiting. After spending most of my childhood family holidays in Scotland I can easily believe you got some great shots there, its a stunning country and Wales rocks too.

I shared a film camera with my sister as a kid (I might be a bit older than you!) but by the time I got into photography in 2007 there was of course a lot of digital about. Not that film has disappeared! You can still get them, they are still made! That said I love vintage ones, most of my film cameras are older than me!! Polaroid can be a hard hing to get into as the expired film costs a fortune and the new stuff is somewhat temperamental. I love it though and for the joy of it being there in your hand its worth it!

I can understand wanting something for the features. Its great having all the manual controls like you say and its true you can't always get that with these little compacts. I though would go for a film srl myself. I just love the qualities of film so much!

Eek I'm getting a bit preachy!

Wow that's a lot of photography. 2007 is around the time I got into photography too, well actually got into it, meaning not just dabbling with the camera. Although I am not quite sure if I am not doing the same thing these days as well.
Yup, I know that they use a lot of film cameras and some people are ardent believers that developing the film yourself gives you some form of insuperable control over the photos that you can never achieve with all the "digital" stuff. But, then I just had a friend who couldn't find anyone to sell off her old film cameras too. I myself like to stick to photoshop for all the effects that I want to achieve.
North west of England hmm I have never really been around over there. Well staying in England for the most of the time, I have actually seen it the least. However the place that I liked the most is this island called Arran, its just off the coast of Scotland and it is really amazing over there.
And now I can safely say that my ramblings are a thorough match for your preachiness, if that's a word at all...
Oh yes some people can be very snobby about it. Don't get me wrong digital has its plus points especially when doing self portraits and when you want an idea just so. Film is better for days out and playing around with. I don't develop it myself either it just gets dropped off at the local supermarket!

I pretty much can't photoshop to save my life!

Wow funny you should say that I recently tried to sell off some film cameras and Polaroids and I was hard pushed to give them away. I was not happy. Especially because of what I'd paid for them.

I really don't want to come of as some of photography bore because I'm really not. Its just a fun hobby. I started off taking doll photos!

I yes I know Arran, or I should say I know of it. I've never been there.
stumble said:
Oh yes some people can be very snobby about it. Don't get me wrong digital has its plus points especially when doing self portraits and when you want an idea just so. Film is better for days out and playing around with. I don't develop it myself either it just gets dropped off at the local supermarket!

I pretty much can't photoshop to save my life!

Wow funny you should say that I recently tried to sell off some film cameras and Polaroids and I was hard pushed to give them away. I was not happy. Especially because of what I'd paid for them.

I really don't want to come of as some of photography bore because I'm really not. Its just a fun hobby. I started off taking doll photos!

I yes I know Arran, or I should say I know of it. I've never been there.

Well not to sound rude, but I feel that you are missing out on a big aspect of photography, albeit (I know archaic) just a hobby but either developing them yourself or photoshopping them adds a whole another dimension to the photos. Not too difficult stuff, but playing around with hues and saturation and contrast and all the basics is so much fun. I agree that most of the time you might just end up with photos that can only be classified as funny mistakes, but over a while a few of them just click and become unimaginably better than you could have you would have ever thought them to be. Ok I got a little carried away there. Sorry if I sound condescending or something.

And about doll photos, umm somehow rather than putting an image of a cute frilly little thing, it puts the image of a devastated desolate town with a gloomy room with a frayed doll sitting in the middle of it. I know weird but there it is and now I am thinking about the Lady of Shallot. Ok for further reference I tend to ramble a lot about completely off topic things.

Anyways photography is very much a hobby for me too and these days I hardly get time for it, so most of the times I am boring people talking endlessly about it. So I know how you feel like. I am more into reading, computers, mathematics and to some extent writing and table tennis and oh yes philosophy. So feel free to switch topics if you want to :)
Not rude at all! I think I'd always be too scared to develop myself just because I'd probably be funny about the chemicals. I bet it is fun though. Oh I always do edit my digital photos. Not loads but like you say I mess around with the colours and the lighting and things. I just always do it simply and with online editing sites rather than photoshop.

I think thats a pretty cool image for doll photography. Though mine unfortunately never was like that I'm not sure it would fit into everybody's idea of cute either! I once did an Ophelia shot in the sink. I was always very proud of that...

Oh I read too, though I'm a dunce when it comes to computers and I suck at maths! Ah now I want a game of table tennis! :D
stumble said:
Not rude at all! I think I'd always be too scared to develop myself just because I'd probably be funny about the chemicals. I bet it is fun though. Oh I always do edit my digital photos. Not loads but like you say I mess around with the colours and the lighting and things. I just always do it simply and with online editing sites rather than photoshop.

I think thats a pretty cool image for doll photography. Though mine unfortunately never was like that I'm not sure it would fit into everybody's idea of cute either! I once did an Ophelia shot in the sink. I was always very proud of that...

Oh I read too, though I'm a dunce when it comes to computers and I suck at maths! Ah now I want a game of table tennis! :D

Yeah some of the online sites are really cool. Especially pixlr.com, that one once saved me a lot of trouble when I had to design an interface. That sounds interesting. I have always wanted to read Shakespeare but the only play that I have managed to work my way through is the Tempest. His plots are so awesome, but the language always puts me off, they have always been on my list of things to try. You can post the photo over here if you want :) Would be really interesting to have a look at it.

I miss table tennis so much. I haven't played regularly for years now. Every time I see a table though I am all for having a game :)
Oh yes I've used pixlr.com. I just don't know what it is about photoshop, I downloaded a trail once and could barely work out how to crop. Oops. I can use layers and things but only in terms of digital painting. Which is something I love doing too.

Unfortunately I lost the photo. I lost a lot of work when I deleted my flickr account. It was all over a stupid reason I've sort of mentioned elsewhere. I do regret it. Over a years worth of work gone. I've managed to salvage the odd bit here and there but thats it. I try and look at it as a chance to try new stuff and improve...

I can't remember the last I played, I know it would be fun though!
stumble said:
Oh yes I've used pixlr.com. I just don't know what it is about photoshop, I downloaded a trail once and could barely work out how to crop. Oops. I can use layers and things but only in terms of digital painting. Which is something I love doing too.

Unfortunately I lost the photo. I lost a lot of work when I deleted my flickr account. It was all over a stupid reason I've sort of mentioned elsewhere. I do regret it. Over a years worth of work gone. I've managed to salvage the odd bit here and there but thats it. I try and look at it as a chance to try new stuff and improve...

I can't remember the last I played, I know it would be fun though!

Yeah the interface for the new version of photoshop sucks, it is very very confusing and from what I have heard about it, coding for it isn't fun either. Digital painting.. that sounds very artsy :) I haven't really gone through this particular set of forum posts so apparently I don't know the reason. But that really sucks losing a whole year's worth of work must be quite awful. Reminds me of the time I crashed my hard-disk and lost a whole bunch of things. Still in the process of getting them back, though some of them I never will.

I have sort of been caught in the idea recently of trying to photograph an object colored similar to the background and yet completely out of place. May be like a cue ball in between the clouds. I have been trying to find the right object and the right colors. I feel like going with green. But, am sort of out of ideas about how to implement it. I feel that we are having a good talk here and if you don't mind would you like to shift to PMs, coz I am a bit shy about revealing anything more about me out here :) That's just a suggestion. Feel free to refuse :)

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