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Jun 7, 2010
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U.S. Desert
I am wondering:

How many people here are extroverts and how many introverts?

I myself am an introvert who was led to believe that there was something wrong with me for being who I am, thinking that I was a dysfunctional extrovert...I guess in some ways I am learning to appreciate who I am, and grieving the life I thought I was supposed to have....

How many here are introverts who still think they are extroverts and try like hell to be one?
Well, according to Myers-Briggs, I'm an ISTP; which makes me a primary introvert, secondary extrovert.

To be honest I've never really questioned who I am. Why waste time with that? Just enjoy life, don't worry so much about "great purpose" or "who you are."

I never understood people's drive to find out "who they are." What? To me it seems unbelievably more simple than that: YOU ARE WHO YOU MAKE YOURSELF. I believe that people can change themselves into whatever they want to be. If you want to be a good person, then you'll do good things and work to develop a positive attitude. It's that simple.
I feel like I am an extrovert but my social anxiety/depression is hindering me. Ever since high school, I've been very quiet and not very involved socially. I'm often called out as being too quiet, but not as much anymore. One thing I don't like to do is cause attention to myself by being loud and obnoxious. The thing is, I love talking to people and I want so badly to be able to participate, but again my social anxiety/depression holds me back. I'm constantly trying to overcome this. I do have introverted qualities, though. I enjoy being alone a lot of the time and do feel I need time to myself to "recharge". I guess I'm a bit of both, probably leaning a bit more towards introverted.
I am an introvert who would like not to be but as a previous poster said, anxiety and depression inhibit me from being extrovert. I need time to think and mull over the day's events.
Badjedidude said:
Well, according to Myers-Briggs, I'm an ISTP; which makes me a primary introvert, secondary extrovert.

To be honest I've never really questioned who I am. Why waste time with that? Just enjoy life, don't worry so much about "great purpose" or "who you are."

I never understood people's drive to find out "who they are." What? To me it seems unbelievably more simple than that: YOU ARE WHO YOU MAKE YOURSELF. I believe that people can change themselves into whatever they want to be. If you want to be a good person, then you'll do good things and work to develop a positive attitude. It's that simple.

While I agree with you, Jedi, some people's desire to find out "who they are" basically makes a place for them in life. Feeling like a nomad within yourself must feel strange and awkward. Knowing who you are typically makes you know what to do and where you want to go in life. It's a sense of direction.

But, yeah, don't harp on it. I took that Myers' test, but I don't remember what I got. I don't even think or care about things like that.
I'm a bit of both, depending on various factors. I definitely lean more towards introversion though.
I've always know I am an extrovert. According to the Meyers-Briggs assessment, I am an ENFP.


BrassMonkey said:
I feel like I am an extrovert but my social anxiety/depression is hindering me. own problems with a mood disorder have caused me to feel/act more introverted when I am in a depressive episode. At my core though, I am an extrovert, with little problem talking to or relating to others.
Once I accepted my introversion as another personality trait, I found I interacted with people a lot better.

Like you say, it's not a problem like it's made out to be. Even researchers agree with that nowadays. An introvert can -be- extroverted during the day. But we need time to ourselves to think, regroup, and ultimately recharge.

I actually love being around people most of the time. I laugh and joke with my coworkers all day long and enjoy their company. But in the evening or when the weekend comes, I -need- to have time to myself in some way or another to let my mind rest and think about things. I think by doing that, we're prone to having more insight in to certain things than people who don't. But who knows.
Introvert, and proud of it. I know I'm INTJ, but I've long since forgotten what that acronym even stands for.

Venetia said:
I am an introvert who would like not to be but as a previous poster said, anxiety and depression inhibit me from being extrovert. I need time to think and mull over the day's events.

You make it sound like an introvert is an extrovert with mental problems. That's not how it works. Social problems are not a requirement for introversion, nor do they exclude a person from being a extrovert. However, knowing which one you really are can help in how you handle your anxiety/depression.
coricopat said:
You make it sound like an introvert is an extrovert with mental problems. That's not how it works. Social problems are not a requirement for introversion, nor do they exclude a person from being a extrovert. However, knowing which one you really are can help in how you handle your anxiety/depression.

So true.
It's like being lactose intolerant; you just don't drink dairy.

Once I figured out that I'm an introvert and that it's just a different wiring scheme as opposed to an illness, I actually had more success socially and became generally happier. I still have depression and anxiety problems, but not nearly as bad.
I think I was assumed to be an extrovert when I was young, I was pretty hyperactive and outgoing when I was little, then somewhere down the road I learned to do everything alone because people around me don't really share the same hobbies as me, I had nothing to share with others so my social skills becomes underdeveloped. Some people were born kind of introverted, but I certainly wasn't, it has to do with how I was raised and where I was raised, no one really cared so I continued to go down that path.
Can you be both? because i'd classify myself as an introvert today, but will probably be an extrovert tommorow. This is completly why I hate psychology.. Not because their trying to learn about the human psyche.. But because they get a little bit of information and create "traits" and "disorders" that apparently were all going to fit into. You don't fit a "normal life" plan, and you obviously need drugs to fix all your problems... opps off topic rant.. Sorry, im new lol
it's hard to say what i am.

i mean, what i am? when? at birth? during childhood? teen years? adulthood?

events in life unfold to make us who we are. i remember periods of being quite introverted and also periods of extroversion.

what am i ... naturally? option 3: psycho :D
I'm an introvert. It'd be interesting to see if there was some kind of correlation between being introverted/extroverted and loneliness.
carabelle said:
I'm an introvert. It'd be interesting to see if there was some kind of correlation between being introverted/extroverted and loneliness.

I think loneliness hits pretty equally among the two groups, but the cause of the loneliness is probably pretty different. Would be interesting to look into more.
coricopat said:
carabelle said:
I'm an introvert. It'd be interesting to see if there was some kind of correlation between being introverted/extroverted and loneliness.

I think loneliness hits pretty equally among the two groups, but the cause of the loneliness is probably pretty different. Would be interesting to look into more.

I was just wondering this myself when I happened upon this thread. I think I'm both or in-between myself, but I'm thinking that it's my extroverted qualities that are making me lonely. I feel my extrovert side is really pining for more social contact! Some people I know who are more introverted seem perfectly okay spending all day at home by themselves -- something that would drive me nuts.
I'm a little bit of both. Introvert because I like to sometimes be by myself, or listen to music without having to worry about listening to the person next to me, blah blah. And extrovert because I WANT to have friends, be loud, have fun, talk to everyone, etc. :D
i'm an introvert. i also used to think that there was something wrong with me because i was always so akward in social gatherings and the like. from what i've researched, 1/5 people are introverted, and of those 1/5, many do not even realize that they are introverted. i read a great book titled "the introvert advantage" by dr. marti laney, and it really helped me understand myself. i've never tried being an extrovert. i've always been reclusive and introverted, but i've learned how to be more extroverted whenever it was neccesary.
freedom said:
i'm an introvert. i also used to think that there was something wrong with me because i was always so akward in social gatherings and the like. from what i've researched, 1/5 people are introverted, and of those 1/5, many do not even realize that they are introverted. i read a great book titled "the introvert advantage" by dr. marti laney, and it really helped me understand myself. i've never tried being an extrovert. i've always been reclusive and introverted, but i've learned how to be more extroverted whenever it was neccesary.

So do tell........what IS the introvert advantage?

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