Is lying always wrong?

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White lies are ok.

By my definition, a white lie is told to spare someone's feelings. If I am invited to a party which turns out to be boring, then I will say that I am tired, or have to get up early in the morning, and yes, I did indeed have a good time, and its a shame more people didn't turn up.

Because telling the host/ess that their party sucked, and nobody came because their parties are invariably dull would probably seriously hurt them.

Also by my definition, a black lie would be one where I seek to profit. So sidling up to a woman at a party and telling her that I am an international spy/billionaire/astronaut would be intentionally misleading her for my gain.. and something I wouldn't do.
You are a fisherman smuggling a few families of Jews away from the Nazi occupied mainland so that they don't get tortured and/or killed.

A Nazi patrol boat stops you for being outside normal territory, the officer asks about your cargo. If you tell the truth, you will most likely be executed, and probably all the families inside.

This is beyond a white lie, would it be good to tell the truth?
Steel said:
White lies are ok.

By my definition, a white lie is told to spare someone's feelings. If I am invited to a party which turns out to be boring, then I will say that I am tired, or have to get up early in the morning, and yes, I did indeed have a good time, and its a shame more people didn't turn up.

Because telling the host/ess that their party sucked, and nobody came because their parties are invariably dull would probably seriously hurt them.

Also by my definition, a black lie would be one where I seek to profit. So sidling up to a woman at a party and telling her that I am an international spy/billionaire/astronaut would be intentionally misleading her for my gain.. and something I wouldn't do.

I strongly agree with this. Its going to sound bad the way I say this but sometimes telling the truth will just bring so much trouble to yourself that you will be the only one who gets the worst consequence.
Unacceptance said:
You are a fisherman smuggling a few families of Jews away from the Nazi occupied mainland so that they don't get tortured and/or killed.

A Nazi patrol boat stops you for being outside normal territory, the officer asks about your cargo. If you tell the truth, you will most likely be executed, and probably all the families inside.

This is beyond a white lie, would it be good to tell the truth?

Of course I would lie. Just because its a much bigger scale than a typical white lie does not make it any less of one.
When someone asks, "do i look fat in this?" it doesnt hurt to lie lol.

If everyone told the truth ALL the time, im sure you wouldnt have many friends lol Ever watched "A moment of truth"? That show destroyed lives lol
DayvanCowboy said:
Steel said:
White lies are ok.

By my definition, a white lie is told to spare someone's feelings. If I am invited to a party which turns out to be boring, then I will say that I am tired, or have to get up early in the morning, and yes, I did indeed have a good time, and its a shame more people didn't turn up.

Because telling the host/ess that their party sucked, and nobody came because their parties are invariably dull would probably seriously hurt them.

Also by my definition, a black lie would be one where I seek to profit. So sidling up to a woman at a party and telling her that I am an international spy/billionaire/astronaut would be intentionally misleading her for my gain.. and something I wouldn't do.

I strongly agree with this. Its going to sound bad the way I say this but sometimes telling the truth will just bring so much trouble to yourself that you will be the only one who gets the worst consequence.

same here, I agree with u guys…

"Lying is always wrong, but telling the truth isn’t always right…" this was said by Carrie Bradshaw in one episode of Sex and the City….

When telling the truth means being not tactlessly brutally frank,that’s a different story…I think it all just depends on the situation and the person whom you are lying to.
Some of you guys need to learn constructive criticism. There is more than one way to tell the truth.

I'd rather be honest than agreeable. It's not really polite to leave other folks in the dark who could benefit from input.
Well, i have to work a honest program.

I have to be very careful with constructive critism or being frank.
Most of the's just my perception of what the truth is.
In other words just because I'm right dosn't mean others are wrong.
It's not always black and white.

well, if you ever lived with women before.
It's like a set up if they ask you certain
I have no clue of why a 110lb woman would ask me why she's fat. know, when she spend 2 hours
making her first dinner for you and becuase out of love you said " I do" to being a genie pig too.lmao
Of course she'll ask you how it taste.
mmmm.....If you want better eat your
Lonesome Crow said:
Well, i have to work a honest program.

I have to be very careful with constructive critism or being frank.
Most of the's just my perception of what the truth is.
In other words just because I'm right dosn't mean others are wrong.
It's not always black and white.

well, if you ever lived with women before.
It's like a set up if they ask you certain
I have no clue of why a 110lb woman would ask me why she's fat. know, when she spend 2 hours
making her first dinner for you and becuase out of love you said " I do" to being a genie pig too.lmao
Of course she'll ask you how it taste.
mmmm.....If you want better eat your

I lived with a lady for three years. I know all about those questions and what is expected of one. But you said so yourself, if she weighs 110 lbs, she can't look overweight. In what way is that lying to say no?

Also what kind of an emotional leper or mental wreck would you be with who can't take simple criticism on a meal? Sounds like a woman who needs confidence instead of basing her self worth on the fact she might have put too much salt on some dish.
Unacceptance said:
Lonesome Crow said:
Well, i have to work a honest program.

I have to be very careful with constructive critism or being frank.
Most of the's just my perception of what the truth is.
In other words just because I'm right dosn't mean others are wrong.
It's not always black and white.

well, if you ever lived with women before.
It's like a set up if they ask you certain
I have no clue of why a 110lb woman would ask me why she's fat. know, when she spend 2 hours
making her first dinner for you and becuase out of love you said " I do" to being a genie pig too.lmao
Of course she'll ask you how it taste.
mmmm.....If you want better eat your

I lived with a lady for three years. I know all about those questions and what is expected of one. But you said so yourself, if she weighs 110 lbs, she can't look overweight. In what way is that lying to say no?

Also what kind of an emotional leper or mental wreck would you be with who can't take simple criticism on a meal? Sounds like a woman who needs confidence instead of basing her self worth on the fact she might have put too much salt on some dish.

To call anyone who dislikes being criticised "an emotional leper or mental wreck" is ridiculously over the top.

To me, an emotional leper would be one who shows such callous disregard for the feelings of others...
What kind of stupid retard is going to critized someone that just cooked you a meal ?
That's like biting the hand that's feeding

Obviously some poeple don't like in getting laid. (For the retarded people)

It's not any different then get pass the ?

I'm giving constructive
Well, for someone who does their best to tell the truth, (and expects it in return), I have to say it's interesting to read other peoples views on lies.
I myself will tell the truth, even at the expense of sounding a little rude or mean. For example, the party...I agree I may say I'm a little tired or need to get up early, but if they ask me whether I had a good time, I may reply "I had a good time (to my friend), but maybe you should consider adding a few more upbeat activities next time to get people up and going." I would hate for them to continue to keep having such parties, and then no one ever wants to show up.
There are even ways to tell the truth, without totally telling it. Like the German example. They want to know about the cargo. IDK what kinds of things were shipped, but you could talk about delivering important clothing items or whatever a person may have been wearing that was needed or disposing of waste, or anything related, but not direct.
I myself, (as a woman), appreciate the truth from a man. If my food sux, I want to know, so I can fix it next time I make it. I want to know if I'm gaining too much weight, (as if my clothes don't already tell me that), if it's a problem and you aren't liking it, then exercise with me or quit eating so much of my cooking :D.
On the same note, I will tell you when you get on my nerves, upset me, make me want to cry, hurt me or are just really acting like a retarded jack-azz. The people I deal with always know exactly where we stand with each other and how I feel about them.
We are only honest with others when we are honest with ourselves first.

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