Jobs and Relationships - Analogy

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
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Hello people :)

Well, I'm here once more to 'internet battle' you all in the hopes to change your way of thinking to the same kind as my own, through helpfull advice. <---- All that was typed with the [sarcasm] key pressed down, so...

Ok, now I'm going to try and explain this the best way I can. For I am not very good at expressing myself or my ideas. So I'll give it my best shot. This idea was thrown at me some years back and I just love thinking of ways to say things through different forms and situations, such as this one. I've really tried to tie it all together and it seems to work for me so wonderfully when trying to me knew people, but especially a female companion. Now, this message is more directed at the men, not being a jerk though, its just thats if pretty much their JOB to do well... their freakin JOB to find that someone, and they just don't seem to be doing their job for some reason. Which could be many reasons, but whatever it is, to each his own problems and to each his own doubts and fears that block them from persuing their special someone. I hope that this analogy that I've used so well recently, will help guys better understand the playing field and actually not fear the unknown of, well... playing the **** field. I've had such a great success that trying this out with anyone, and NO I'M NOT WHATEVER YOU CALL IT, I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER WHAT HES CALLED, SAYING HES THE PERSON WHO CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO GET THE HOTTEST GIRL AND STUFF, NO NOT ME, NO I'M NOT TRYING TO BE THAT GUY, NO I'M NOT GOING TO ASSURE YOU OF A HOT GIRL TO TAKE TO BED. I'm just trying to help you out to understand that you are the man here and you need to play the mans role. Now, I'm not going to tell you how to do it, I'm just going to help you get your "mindset" into the right perspective to do whatever you are capable of doing. I've been thinking this way for some time now, and deffinetly can say that I'm much better at meeting woman, anywhere and whatever the situation and blah blah blah. I just hope you get the idea and get out there and not stumble over yourselfs anymore (after reading so many threads). OK, enough of this stupid disclaimer thing. let me get to the point of my thread.


Relationships are alot like Jobs, well better well said, trying to get into a relationship is alot like trying to get hired into a job. Now if your old enough to have a job, and remember how hard it was to get that job. Maybe you went to a lot of different places before you even landed that job you currently have or had. Or maybe it was just too easy that you don't even recal how it was that you even got hired. Alright then, now you can say that keeping that job is a lot like trying to keep a relationship in good standing. But just like jobs, there will be more in time and there will be more of that effort to find that new job. But what happened, did you get tired of that job? Didn't like how much work you had to put in? So on and so forth, you get the idea on that, but this is not the message I want to impress in your heads.

Trying to find that special someone is a lot like trying to find a job. If you aren't looking for that job, what are the chances your going to land a job???? Now granted there are those times where people just get lucky. They go somewhere and people their just like each other, like -"hey, I like this place I should work here", -"yeah you should work here! let me get you started", get my drift? Some people just like each other that well, that they just get together just because attraction is just that powerfull. But it doesn't matter how powerfull the attraction was in the beginning, it will still take a good amount of effort and devotion to keep that relationship going or else, you back onto looking for another job. Now that was that particular case, then we have the common kind where you actually go and look for someone you like (job). Some people would go looking for an electronics store, some would go looking for a fastfood place or restaurant, some at a clothing store, hell some with a good standing may go for those high paying jobs that some folks cant get (plenty of metaphors here, anyone catching them??) It all depends on who the person is and what he is interested in, now also it depends if the job is also looking for what you have to offer them too. It's vise versa with jobs. So if you know you can't get a job as a doctor because of your own current standing or background, why the heck would you even think to try and apply for one??? (meaning, if you know she's out of your league, yes you can always try to apply, BUT most likely your gonna get turned down because you don't have the background to fit the Job) So look for the girls that are in your "reach", Now I'm not saying aim low!!! I'm saying aim for who you are and what you feel comfortable working in and then to build up on it. I hope I'm not sounding like a know-it-all jerk.

There is something I need to say, just like jobs. GIRLS ARE THE CHOOSERS, MEN ARE THE PICKERS. YOU DO NOT CHOOSE THEM, THEY CHOOSE YOU. THEY ARE THE DECIDERS, we can not do anything about that, even if we feel like we want to be in control. All we men can really do is "ask", if they like you, they will chose you (in time sometimes). But you can in no way make them chose you, if you somehow managed to do so, then you have "failed" from the beginning to start a healthy relationship. No woman should be forced into a relationship or us men think that we can make them fall in love with us. They choose to fall in love, but by our effort and acts and "work" that we put into the relationship or perhaps to be. But without a doubt, all us men can really be is the PICKERS. We see someone we like, we try to talk to them make them notice us and so forth. We pick the person, but they choose you. But just like a job, they may not choose you, for many reasons, whatever they may be, too many to type down. But because what ever reason she doesn't want to be with you, don't be a prick about it. It was just not what she wanted in a boyfriend, its just not what that job was looking for in an employee. But you know what you do????? You freakin go out and find another freakin JOB!!!!!! You don't ***** and moan that this job didn't want to take you, hell if you were that great of a person, its their loss!!!!! Your find another job that will truly notice your potential and greatness, you just have to go out and find that JOB!!!! No, you don't quit there!!!! on just one job that didn't want to hire you!!!! You need a JOB! what next??? HHHMMMMM.... Lonelyness forever????? NOOOOO!!!! You stay on the lookout for the next job opportunity!!!!!! ok I'm going to calm down now..... it just gets me how some guys think its the end of the world just because one girl, just one! doesn't want to be with them. Come one dude! That job was not for you!!!! Just how bad would you look if you kept going to that one job that you wanted so bad, and kept banging on the window asking and telling them to please hire you. Man, leave that girl/job alone, their going to call security on your ass, worse yet everyone thats looking at you is noticing how desperate you are and will only make that job even further from reach and so on and so forth. So just let her go, let that dream job go. Go find the right job for you. But don't stop finding that job!!!!!

Now, here is something that guys may not know. Girls are always, ALWAYS accepting applications, EVEN if they're NOT hiring. Meaning, that girls are always open and welcome compliments and such, they love to know that you are interested in them, but with a good deal of respect involved, (NEVER, EVER PUT ASIDE YOUR RESPECT TOWARDS A WOMAN, WHEN IN THE ACT OF FLIRTING OR COMPLIMENTING). So you don't need to fear of expressing yourself to a girl, no matter how dumb you may sound. You can perhaps say girls live for the attention of men or men's desire for them, so compliments are welcome, keep in mind that there is no garuantee that she will hire you, also not to the point of overdoing it! So leave your application, how ever you may want do it (just don't leave too many all at once, almost all the time you need to give things time) She will let you know if she's currently not hiring, but that doesn't mean you should back down from going forth and trying to perhaps see if you can land that job. She may have a boyfriend already, she may be married, she may not be ready to be with someone, or she just doesn't want to be with you. For what ever reason, you will never know if your right for that job until you go there and ask for an application or SEE IF THEY'RE HIRING. fresia, some girls are always hiring!!! No matter if they're married or with someone, they will always have a position for you, all you have to do is find out by asking her, well not that direct, this is an analogy. But work "your moves" and get into the GAME!!! You will never know until you ask. Your the man, they are waiting for you!!!! I hear so many girls say, where are all the men, but really they are around, but they are not being men and approaching these girls to find out if she wants to choose him.

Oh well, its late and I'm getting tired in my busy life. I just hope this helps anyone get into the right mindset and go out there, don't be afraid of the unknown, pretty much if you found a job, you have almost the same idea on finding a girlfriend.

Remember, girls are always accepting applications, no matter if they seem to ignore you and look like they are not interested. YOU LEAVE YOUR APPLICATION ON HER FACE!!!! Let her know you are interested, she will choose to acknowledge it or not. WHO CARES IF SHE DISCARDS YOU, YOU ARE NOT DOING THIS FOR HER!!! YOU ARE DOING THIS FOR YOU!!! YOU NEED TO KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND FIND THAT RIGHT PERSON/JOB THAT FITS YOU. Stop hating yourself for not having the things that job is asking for. Just keep looking and keeping an eye open for that right one, You will be chosen. YOU WILL, you just have to NOT stop looking and hanging yourself in missery because no one wants you. Someone does!!!! Their is a job for that every someone, there is a girl for that every someone.

Well, I hope you got a grasp on what I am trying to say. I just go easily to girls now and just spark anything, it doesn't have to be romantic and crap, just anything friendly, just to get to know that person. In time you just get hints that she likes you, and you drop hints that you like her. Then you can in no time "ASK" are you HIRING????????? you know what I mean.

Ok, thanks for reading, yes my grammer and spelling sucks I know. And yes there can be a lot of flaws in this analogy. But come one, its not ment to be perfect, just a good idea or mindset to have when meeting that special someone. Well, can't wait for the flaming and goodnight.

take care guys :)
Sounds like you had an epiphany ^^ I agree with some of the points in your post, and relax, you don't sound like a know-it-all jerk.

But, be careful about complimenting women. They get it all the time and you just kind of seem to be "just a face in the crowd" when you 'suck up' to them.
This analogy seems to work out in an odd number of ways. When both a company and a woman get too large, they end up separating and spawning child divisions under different names. :D


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