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Aug 25, 2013
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I want to be a person that someone wants to get to know. I try to be as kind as possible, but it just does not work with some people.

I have so much love to give, but there are so many people that won't accept it because it's not how they expect it to be given. Maybe that sounds a bit creepy, but I don't know. I just am who I am, and I don't want to wish to be someone else.

I've screwed up with people and wish I could apologize and make them see that I'm actually not so bad.

I really don't know where all of this is coming from, but this is a good arena for me to get it out there. I want to thank all of you for always listening.
Yeah, that did sound a little creepy. :p

Sometimes people won't accept apologies, and will just treat you like you are a awful person no matter what you do or how you explain it. They give up, and stop trying to look for the good in you. It may seem selfish, but people who do that are just trying to protect themselves. It's sad, but it's what a lot of people do. There are a few people who won't give up on friendship though, and will be willing to stick it out with you no matter what happens. Those real friends are hard to find, but they're out there.
People nowadays close their personal feelings in shells, and prefer to express themselves in small talk, so when someone urges them to open up it only makes them shield themselves even harder. I get what you are saying about wanting to give love to people, I sometimes feel that way too, but the sad truth is people only see this as creepy, or even think that you want something from them.

I've found that lonely people generally accept these kinds of gestures, though, and many times it does good for them, so maybe you'd like to give some of your love to people on this site? It's up to you really. ;)
Red914 said:
I want to be a person that someone wants to get to know. I try to be as kind as possible, but it just does not work with some people.

I have so much love to give, but there are so many people that won't accept it because it's not how they expect it to be given. Maybe that sounds a bit creepy, but I don't know. I just am who I am, and I don't want to wish to be someone else.

I've screwed up with people and wish I could apologize and make them see that I'm actually not so bad.

I really don't know where all of this is coming from, but this is a good arena for me to get it out there. I want to thank all of you for always listening.

I could have been writing that, word by word.
Sometimes apologizing doesn't make it any better. Sometimes just forgetting about it like it never happened is the easier way to go, especially if that person still talks to you. There's no need to always apologize and explain yourself because that in itself can do more harm than good.
You cannot force someone to accept your apology or to embrace your love like you'd like, sometimes you have to accept how some people are. If you're naturally "not so bad" then you shouldn't have to prove yourself.
To add to what people have said. Sometimes relationship just don't work period. You're just too incompatible. You can be as caring and embracing if you wish. But if the other person isn't feeling the same, or doesn't want it. Then there is simply nothing you can do.

Ultimately, there was a quote someone used in the signature that sums it up best.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter won't mind."

Just be yourself and meet as many people as you can. The right ones will stick and stay in your life.
I understand you completely, OP. Sometimes you just wonder, "What is it about me that is so unappealing?", right? That's what I wonder. What is it about me that people don't want to get to know? I was having a conversation with my mom last night, and she said something I wholeheartedly agree with. "Don't try to figure out people. It's a waste of time."
Wow Red, you sound very much like me. I have a lot of love to give, but no one wants it. It would seem that everything that I am is overshadowed by everything that I am not. I once had the goal of trying to prove that nice guys don't always finish last, but that hasn't panned out. One can only get knocked down so many times before wondering what is the point of getting up. Wish I had something more positive to offer you Red. You seem nice and I hope your situation improves
Hi Red. Most people are wary of strangers, so if you are really affectionate upfront, they might find it weird or be suspicious. When you find someone you want to be loving towards, don't flood them all at once. Get to know them first. See if they are worthy of that love.

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