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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
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Since I don't see a thread on it on the first page...still one of my favorite games insofar as its mix of popularity, competitiveness, and strategy. Apparently its made enough pop culture to be on several webcomics, which I do approve of, even if it in some ways is a surprisingly simple RTS/tower defense game.


Been trying to play Vlad lately, I've been increasingly enjoying the solo top for the sense of the duelist that it promotes, and I've felt that our beloved bloodmage is an excellent combination of top lane power that can also switch to mid if no one else wishes to take the role.


No, that isn't tomato juice.

Some thoughts on playing him in a game today after being allowed to go top lane - his regeneration is nothing to write home about at first, surprisingly enough, although he is surprisingly mobile and tricky. Without having to rely on skillshots, he can run back and forth and just use Transfusion(and sometimes, Tides of Blood) to harass with the safety of minions. He also has an excellent escape move, Blood Pool, although I wasn't quite as able to employ it as well as I would have liked.

I should note that once I build Revolver, pushing him out of lane appeared to be next to impossible. Given 30 seconds or so, he regained from half health to full. Various thoughts on this, but essentially, it forces the jungler to counterattack, and can relieve a lot of pressure on other lanes.

Positioning is incredibly important to him, however, even if skillshotting isn't as is learning when to use the the Blood Pool. I think that I was a lot less effective than I could have, simply by being too eager to employ the pool and not baiting out enough attacks on him. Also, his main damage source later on is Tides of Blood, a relatively short-ranged form of area damage that requires me to essentially kite.

Anyway, in the end, my first real experiment with him resulted in a lane victory against a Lee Sin top but an overall game loss. Besides some idiotic moves, most of my deaths, I think, came from not having enough experience to have memorized his damage potential. So that's a bit of homework for me to focus on.

But overall, **** fun AP top laner and mid.
AP Sion. Easy to use pubstomper.

He's insanely easy to farm with, does a lot of burst damage, and can spend a lot of time ganking other lanes with boots of mobility. There's nothing flashy about sion and he's pretty straightforward. People say he is boring to play because he really only has two main abilities. I say he is more fun to play because of how many different plays you can choose to make during the game. After about 500 games with him I'm not bored yet. I don't get to play very often anymore though. :(
kamya said:
AP Sion. Easy to use pubstomper.

He's insanely easy to farm with, does a lot of burst damage, and can spend a lot of time ganking other lanes with boots of mobility. There's nothing flashy about sion and he's pretty straightforward. People say he is boring to play because he really only has two main abilities. I say he is more fun to play because of how many different plays you can choose to make during the game. After about 500 games with him I'm not bored yet. I don't get to play very often anymore though. :(

I'll look at him, but the issue with simple characters is that they are also predictable. With my old mainstay, Yorick, for example, it would seem pretty safe to just attack with ghouls and harass completely out of range, and trading only when there's an advantage. Vlad would seem to be able to just harass him with bliss, since Transfusion's range beats out Cryptic Gaze by 50, not mention he can completely dodge the burst with Blood Pool.

That said, I'm fond of reliable and seemingly simple characters. Skarner is one of my other mainstays, and while relatively simple with his Q-slow and flash-impale ult, its still a very strong force and a godlike ganker. A Sion solo top + a Nocturne jungle would be hellish on any enemy, because even if Sion's burst fails to net a kill, Nocturne's sheer DPS and fear most likely will.
My favorite champ has always been Shen. I prefer him solo top, but he also makes a great jungler or bot lane tank/support. Very satisfying being able to ult in to a fight and turn the tide for your team, as well. I like Vlad too. Incredibly easy to farm, very good survivability, and solid damage. His ult is also excellent in a team fight.

I've been playing support a lot more often lately, however. I played Alistar a lot for a while to great effect, but now I've started to enjoy playing Sona. She has pretty nice damage for a support, to go with along with her other useful support mechanics.

Lots of other champs I still want to try out, and I also want to work on my jungling. (Only recently started to try jungling after finding it rather unappealing for the longest time.)
You know that Janna is my favourite! Though I haven't played since they nerfed her shield, which was her bread and butter so I'm not sure if that is still going to be the case. I might end up switching to Alistar as a main or Lulu if I ever gain enough IP to buy her.
thenameIwanthasgone said:
I know nothing of these games. Do they lead to loneliness?

Yes, and Satan worship. Beware.

Limlim said:
You know that Janna is my favourite! Though I haven't played since they nerfed her shield, which was her bread and butter so I'm not sure if that is still going to be the case. I might end up switching to Alistar as a main or Lulu if I ever gain enough IP to buy her.

She's still pretty amazing with the right AD carry, though, as the shield + atk buff is makes for incredible traits. Lulu seems to handle it a little bit better, but at the end of the day, I think Janna's utility is stronger. I mean, her ability to escape is pretty unprecedented and her ult remains an unique, and awesome game changer. There are the new items to consider too, such as the Iron Locket which add to her ability to shield-a-shield.
Anyone know why I should beware of satan worship. In fact I am actually totally alone in this whole world. No one left in my life. I googled: drunk and lonely and this is where I ended up: apologising. If these games make you lonely, why do you play them?
thenameIwanthasgone said:
Anyone know why I should beware of satan worship. In fact I am actually totally alone in this whole world. No one left in my life. I googled: drunk and lonely and this is where I ended up: apologising. If these games make you lonely, why do you play them?

I believe that your inquiries may be better directed to the Social Problems board, you can find it under Issues. Good luck and try not to drink and game, that leads to me losing games and I don't want to lose ELO because my teammate is drunk and decides to dive Baron at lvl 5, kkthx.
IgnoredOne said:
thenameIwanthasgone said:
Anyone know why I should beware of satan worship. In fact I am actually totally alone in this whole world. No one left in my life. I googled: drunk and lonely and this is where I ended up: apologising. If these games make you lonely, why do you play them?

I believe that your inquiries may be better directed to the Social Problems board, you can find it under Issues. Good luck and try not to drink and game, that leads to me losing games and I don't owant to lose ELO because my teammate is drunk and decides to dive Baron at lvl 5, kkthx.

Well I apologise for not understanding most of what you just said. It's my fault you're losing a game because I'm posting on ALL because I'm a lonely person? Is that what you're saying? I'm not playing games and I'm drinking tea. Don't let me distract you.
My conscience can only take SO much.
thenameIwanthasgone said:
Well I apologise for not understanding most of what you just said. It's my fault you're losing a game because I'm posting on ALL because I'm a lonely person? Is that what you're saying? I'm not playing games and I'm drinking tea. Don't let me distract you.
My conscience can only take SO much.

Thank you, you don't need to distract me, post here plz:

I would play that game more if a bunch of MLG people weren't telling me to play with them. They take it all seriously, and I'm just playing it to be playing something.
VanillaCreme said:
I would play that game more if a bunch of MLG people weren't telling me to play with them. They take it all seriously, and I'm just playing it to be playing something.

Part of it, though, is that its /fun/ to take it seriously and see how good plays develop. I am hardly any major league, but yesterday, I literally found myself playing nearly half-asleep against a much weaker team and basically winning thanks to how I chose my positioning with the minions backing me up. So I sleepplayed my team to victory, and I can see where we want to do the best we can to smash our lanes, etc.
Sion vs Vlad wouldn't be much of champ vs champ. It would mostly be Sion blowing up the whole creep wave with his shield and running off to gank with mobility boots while Vlad farms at his tower. So vlad would probably have an easy time in lane, but not be able to pressure Sion much or gank as easily. I think that's why vlad is better top. He's not as mobile and able to gank as most ap mids. Sion can go top, but it's just not as good. It handicaps his strengths. Some people play AD sion top but AD sion gets crushed by everyone.
I reaffirmed my love for Singed last night. No other champ was built to be more of a gardenia. :)

Dyrus playing singed with the space jam song on loop in the background. If you dunno Dyrus, he's the top lane player for team solo mid. He got famous for playing singed/jax. I find him really annoying but can't really say anything bad about his skills. I found this game amusing though. In the commentary though hes venting about how people keep trash talking him and his team.

kamya said:

Dyrus playing singed with the space jam song on loop in the background. If you dunno Dyrus, he's the top lane player for team solo mid. He got famous for playing singed/jax. I find him really annoying but can't really say anything bad about his skills. I found this game amusing though. In the commentary though hes venting about how people keep trash talking him and his team.


I remember him taking Mordekaiser mid with 14 health pots. Such a troll.
This isn't the good citizen, this is son. He showed me this thread because I play LoL a lot :p

"I remember him taking Mordekaiser mid with 14 health pots. Such a troll."

Hehehe, that's just evil...

I personally play teemo a lot, while he doesn't do much damage early game, he can still poke and maybe get the kill or two with Toxic Shot and Blinding Dart. I usually play with someone else such as a Kennen or Jayce, played by my friend, and he will often tank (or dodge) the damage while I go in for an Ignite combined with a Blinding Dart and some quick basic attacks. Later on I love his attack speed and usually take Wit's End, Madreds Bloodrazor and Frozen Mallet by the end. My starting items are a Vampiric Sceptre and Beserker's Greaves for early attack speed. In the end my Teemo is a semi tank (2-3k Health) with around 2.4 Attack Speed and 100+AD with extra Magic Damage bonuses from items to give me about 300-400 DPS with Ignite to get the ones who manage to get away.

So that's it, my Teemo build, oh and LimLim, Singed is a BEAST!
Started ranked games today with a friend, god the quality of players is horrible. I've not seen so many embarassing plays and opinionated idiots since lvl 27, I swear. I've always been forgiving of people for being asses if they're competent, but being an ass and being incompetent just makes you a terrible human being.

Sad thing is, it does see mlike there is an ELO Hell and I'm in it. I went duo ranking with a friend, a top 100 player in NA and even he couldn't carry us most of the time.
The last patch broke something so now I get under 10 fps whenever any fighting happens. I used to be 40-50. I wish I knew what the hell happened. So I guess I won't be playing for a while. :( If I do play it will be on my smurf just to screw around.

My first ranked game was with Soraka. It was the most stressful game in my life. We ended up winning eventually but the experience was bad enough that I stopped ranked all together.

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