Triple Bogey said:
people who don't look so good won't post a pic
I know this post of TB's caused a lot of controversy a month or so back. As an (objectively) ugly-looking person I'd like to insert my opinion.
First, I'd like to say that I am not at all insulted by what TripleBogey said. And I will elaborate on some reasons that may back him up in the paragraph below this.
I've found that showing my picture to others online has sometimes been a detriment to me. People who formerly liked me, can become reserved, or stop talking to me completely. Sometimes they even avoid commenting on my apperance whatsoever and ask where/when the picture was taken. This has hurt my feelings on numerous occasions. Or, people have bluntly told me how ugly I am, or have made fun of me (this has even occured in real life, when I did nothing to provoke it). They'd come up to me in the halls at school and tell me how ugly I was to my face. It dumbfounded me.
However, I feel liked enough on ALL that I feel safe posting my pics. I know I am not conventionally beautiful. I know my appearance shocks people when they first meet me and makes people avoid me in real life because they don't know how to deal with me due to my appearance. It makes making friendships difficult. In fact even when people call me beautiful…for example (maybe people will laugh at this) but a few weeks ago I was at a strip club with some classmates (my first time at one) and a stripper came up to me and said "Aww you're so beautiful!" and gave me a kiss on the head. It made me cringe inside, because, she might as well have said "You're really ugly." Because the words were so insincere, that they meant the opposite. Like people commenting on a disabled girl's page on facebook about how beautiful she is. They don't mean it….(I've run out of words to describe this phenomenon I've run across sometimes, insincere, empty flattery for disabled persons.)
However, I feel safe here and I know the people who care about me the most like me regardless of my appearance and some even manage to find aspects about me (like my crooked nose, or my eyes, that they consider cute or beautiful).
But yes, according to the world, to the majority, to the uninitiated to…strangers. I am ugly.
To people who genuinely love me, I am not.
So yes, there are several reasons why someone with a congenital condition or someone lower on the scale of beauty may not want to post. It's terrifying putting yourself up for review and your self-esteem/sense of worth being hit based on how you look (which sometimes cannot be helped).