Loneliness causes cognitive impairment

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Well known loser
Jul 26, 2011
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New Zealand
Along with problems concentrating due to loneliness, I've always had trouble keeping up in social situations; people talking too fast, being unable to follow an argument or only thinking of something to say after the subject has changed. It's like an underutilized part of the brain is struggling. Which re-enforces low social worth and contributes to being seen as having nothing to offer.

Then chances run out with age..
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People talk to fast? Is this a 45 rpm at 78 rpm? Those are record speeds. You'd adjust, and it was Alvin and the chipmunks
Since Ive been deeply lonely, meaning no talking with anyone any day of the week (except for some of my close family), my brain has messed up a lot.

Spending so much time just talking with myself in my own mind. The problem is that when you are just with yourself you dont even need to use words. I watch TV, I get emotions. So then when I go out I still feel "stuck in my own mind". I for
get words.
My native language is Spanish, that we use where I live, and Ive been using sites in english a lot since this last years, like this forum, I also read the news in english, I watch shows in english without subtittles, etc, so I even think in english ! Sometimes Im thinking about something in english and I cant find how should say it in spanish !

Im slow sometimes when I have the oportunity to talk with someone using my voice, I take time to pick the words, because Ive been so long without talking with anyone that Im not used to say words. People have a common set of words that use daily, expressions, common phrases, I lost that, so every time I speak is like I have to pick my words from my mental dictionary. It feels like if you learn a language, but never practiced talking in person with someone else, and suddenly you have to speak it, so you start remembering those words, and making sentences while you are having the conversation.

Pretty mess up, hu ?
Since Ive been deeply lonely, meaning no talking with anyone any day of the week (except for some of my close family), my brain has messed up a lot.

Spending so much time just talking with myself in my own mind. The problem is that when you are just with yourself you dont even need to use words. I watch TV, I get emotions. So then when I go out I still feel "stuck in my own mind". I for
get words.
My native language is Spanish, that we use where I live, and Ive been using sites in english a lot since this last years, like this forum, I also read the news in english, I watch shows in english without subtittles, etc, so I even think in english ! Sometimes Im thinking about something in english and I cant find how should say it in spanish !

Im slow sometimes when I have the oportunity to talk with someone using my voice, I take time to pick the words, because Ive been so long without talking with anyone that Im not used to say words. People have a common set of words that use daily, expressions, common phrases, I lost that, so every time I speak is like I have to pick my words from my mental dictionary. It feels like if you learn a language, but never practiced talking in person with someone else, and suddenly you have to speak it, so you start remembering those words, and making sentences while you are having the conversation.

Pretty mess up, hu ?
I know the feeling,you know the truth is you and yourself only are the one that talk to you the most yourself,because no one can think what your thinking,and your thinking 24 7 a day,you might as well think nice thoughts and be nice to yourself.
I kind of laugh because when I do speak to someone IRL, which is rare, not much sound comes out. I also usually have to clear my throat. My voice is scratchy. It's almost a struggle to speak. I think, ****, WTH? It is becoming annoying. I also feel like I don't want to use much effort to communicate with others.

I totally like Curious George. He doesn't speak instead he gestures, uses body language, and makes all kinds of cool monkey noises. He seems to get along just fine. Maybe I should try that next time when I need something. Ha! Ha!

Along with problems concentrating due to loneliness, I've always had trouble keeping up in social situations; people talking too fast, being unable to follow an argument or only thinking of something to say after the subject has changed. It's like an underutilized part of the brain is struggling. Which re-enforces low social worth and contributes to being seen as having nothing to offer.

Then chances run out with age..
I feel like I just have to knock the rust off when it’s been a while without major socializing.
Lots of sugar, alcohol and processed meats can also cause dementia....as can a Vitamin D deficiency. Lots of things can increase your risk of basically everything.

But, there are also ways to help reduce the risk.

Health is never a guarantee, even if you're extremely careful. All you can do is live your life the best you can right now. fresia the past, fresia the future, live for today.
Along with problems concentrating due to loneliness, I've always had trouble keeping up in social situations; people talking too fast, being unable to follow an argument or only thinking of something to say after the subject has changed. It's like an underutilized part of the brain is struggling. Which re-enforces low social worth and contributes to being seen as having nothing to offer.

Then chances run out with age..
If you haven't seen the movie, "sweet bean (2015)," I recommend it. Japanese, with substitles, really good.

I've always had trouble keeping up with the social circuit. I was never good at it, even when I wasn't lonely and isolated. A lot of us are like that. The socio/sexual circuit is very competitive. That's why people who are very assertive/aggressive do so well there. Just like people who are 6 foot 8 inches have a better chance at being a pro basket ball player...

I would bet the farm, that, it's not so much loneliness that causes brain changes, as the research the article addresses, contends; but, rather, it's the chronic stress of the pain of lack of connection. Plenty of people choose lives of greater than average solitude and quite enjoy their solitude.

I do think people are less likely to go out of their way, lately, to make new friends, and pull people out of the muck. But, the world is going through some tough honeysuckle right now, so consequently, everyone is primed to think resources are tight and scarce.

Yeah, many things decline with age; but, on the bright-side, some things get better with age.

Wisdom, knowledge, and experience (hopefully anyway)...

Take it easy..
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