Loneliness would be ok if it wasn't for music.

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Well-known member
May 4, 2009
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I don't really mind being alone most of the time, its only when certain types of music come on, I find it unbearably sad, especially music in films, films which you saw when you were young. If I'm watching a film at night and this happens...it might just be one chord or something, I feel so sad and lonely I can't breath! At these times I feel like I would do anything just to be with somebody. But in the morning I will wake up and its back to the same mundanity. It would be nice if the two extremes could mix together.
I know what you mean...I stopped lisiten to music for almost a year.
I've only watch 2 movies recently within a couple of years...

That's why I listen to music without words for a while when i get into that state.
It's a good thing I like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai...ect.
There's plenty of music free for down load...without lyrics. Any style you like.

It's suggested that you don't listen to music with lyrics or the radio..expecailly after a relationship break up..
Too many triggers. To many love songs..break up songs..then the songs get played over and over again in our minds.
A film with love story lines..is the samething.

Music is actaully healing...the appropricate music for each circumstance.

In the morning when I awaken...I go into my meditation or chill out for 1/2 hour.
My mind used to start off with crazy, stress and problems all the time..it still dose sometimes.
I have to alter that mind set and not go into auto pilot and let my day get ruin by it.

Here's a good song to fresia you up...after a break up...:p


I listen to this song alot...it's up lifting and healing.
The song is about Being reborned.
Listening to it..gives me an up lifitng spirit or mood.
Actually, it somewhat the opposite for me.
I would probably be in a deep, dark, depressed dispair if it wasn't for music.
Music has been my only friend through the years.

There are a couple of those songs that do give me that feeling.
The Delgados - Coming in from the cold
"We're coming in from the cold
And everybodies searching for someone to hold
Have a look around and there's no one there
How can we call this fair?"

That part kills me every time but I still love the song.

Romantic movies give me the feeling you expressed, though.
Quickest way to get me depressed.... but I watch quite a few of them.
In my case, it doesnt get that bad bc i dont like the quality of people anyway. when i get bored at times, i wish i had company but then go play pool, swim, bikeride, read, hit a msg board, play a violent videogame or watch a movie. its easier for me bc i am tall, handsome, make good money at an easy job, live in a lux condo & have a good sex life.
Music is an amazing thing.

id try to explain but its just simply the second best thing next to love
Renkei said:
Music is an amazing thing.

id try to explain but its just simply the second best thing next to love

I'm not saying I don't like music, I love it. Its just it can make the loneliness hurt the most. You want to share with others things you find beautiful/amazing.
It depends on what piece of music and how much in depth you comprehend music.

There's verious scales , modes that create different sounds...such as mystical, happy or sad sounds.
Some people are more emotionally moved by music than others.

Some piece of music are written so that it resolves to the ear..such as questions and answers pharsing.
This can help a person resolve problems. There' a begin, the middle, climax and the end.

There's also rythem or timing to music...music is not 2 dimensional. Music moves or in motion...such as life.

There's also harmony and unity...If you listen closely to certain songs..you can hear multy melodies
being played in harmony...not in uniformity...yet still in unity....
Such as life . We can all learn to live in harmony and untiy...but not have to be exactly the same.

Our brain also gets stimulate by various frequenzy of sound waves...You can reserch further on this subject
if you like.

Music such as art is a another form of expression or communication.
If you look at a painting...it's sort of like looking at a 3000 words essay.
Sex with women you have to blow up doesnt count. Oh look, it's Toronto sitting behind his key board. What was that you said, Torontoass or should I call you xenophoney?
xenophon said:
""" its easier for me bc i am tall, handsome, make good money at an easy job, live in a lux condo & have a good sex life."""

Ummmm, somethings growing and as I suspected last time, it's not your IQ or your tiney, tiny, little dick. RFLMAO!!!!! Stop acting like you are above everyone else. We know your full of honeysuckle.

Naleena, Im laughing at you bc I know my life and know your assumptions are wrong. You hate strong, confident and successful men, which is why you spend so much time here, judging by your PROLIFIC number of posts and time burned on the forum. keep reading de Beauvoir for shots of temporary confidence lol
xenophon said:
Naleena, Im laughing at you bc I know my life and know your assumptions are wrong. You hate strong, confident and successful men, which is why you spend so much time here, judging by your PROLIFIC number of posts and time burned on the forum. keep reading de Beauvoir for shots of temporary confidence lol

So you reply with assumptions. Are you even aware of the irony?
I have to have music around me.
Sometimes it makes me feel horrible, and I even cry sometimes. But still, I need the music...
Theyre Logical assumptions and if you didnt confuse cognitive dissonance with thinking, you would understand why.
xenophon said:
Theyre Logical assumptions and if you didnt confuse cognitive dissonance with thinking, you would understand why.

Why the hell do I always find arguing in this forum these days????
It is scaring new members off, and frankly, it's the reason I rarely bother to post anymore!!

Grow up! And please remember there are others here too, not only you people who crave fights!!!!!
sammy said:
I have to have music around me.
Sometimes it makes me feel horrible, and I even cry sometimes. But still, I need the music...

Music is one of my first loves (not far behind cigarettes actually lol) but I know what you mean about the "feeling horrible". At times I can turn into something of an emotional lottery and consequently have no idea how a song is going to affect me until I hear it.
Very true Wolfie, music affects me in many different ways.
Lately I find myself listening to 'sad' music, crying a bit, feeling bad... But still I keep doing it.
sammy said:
Very true Wolfie, music affects me in many different ways.
Lately I find myself listening to 'sad' music, crying a bit, feeling bad... But still I keep doing it.

Oh dear, it sounds like a change of tempo may be in order. If I may, I would recommend a good dose of "The Prodigy", a band who I find an exquisite remedy for melancholy.
For me, music has the power to subdue or exacerbate my mood. Referring to the original post, I can relate to the experience that hearing music from the past can trigger long hidden memories (it's interesting that our minds can tag our memories to processes and experiences like an index in a database). Mostly, I think it tends to affect people who have had a lot of emotional stress or anxiety (chemical imbalance and/or misfortune). People who generally have regrets (I know I do).

I guess the trick is to find those songs / artists that have the power to temporarily help you see the world in a better light, even if it is only a facade. (for me: listening to Beethoven's symph7, op92, Allegretto, or playing moonlight sonata on my keyboard).
xenophon said:
Theyre Logical assumptions and if you didnt confuse cognitive dissonance with thinking, you would understand why.

You mean a threashold or getting de-sentitized.
Something like...the calusses on my finger tips. It was very painful at first but now I can't feel anything.

it clashes so you'll know what harmonizing sounds like. There's rest and silent...so you'll know what noise is.
You experince noise to appriciate what silent and peace is.

In other words...you feel sad to know what sad is. So you'll know what the opposite of sad is...which is happiness.

At the sametime..if all you hear or experinceare high notes all the time ..it would become mondian and borning.
If you shift to low notes and low tempo it would feel even more boring.
Too much of anything is not good for you.

You mean experince music ...being the moment and not try to tear it apart.
You mean experince life for what it is and not over think it so **** much.

Hot and cold is on the same meter scale...it's just veri degree of that energy.

sadness and happiness is also on the same scale of emotion...it's just veri degree of it.

You mean like...I experince what a prick or pysco ***** is..to know what nice people are :p

ya mean...just like when I fucken rip into the beginning of the guitar solo on Threashold with
a harmonic minor scale that has a dissonance note in it..but it's not recommended or as a rule that I rip
into a solo doing crazy ass fast notes...But it's my fucken song...I'll do whatever the fresia I want..
It worked just fine for me....In other words...it's my life..I'll do whatever fresia I want :p

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