Mommy issues

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Jan 13, 2009
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I've been thinking a lot about why I stay this way, and have realized a big element is unresolved anger at my mother. I'm trying to fight against her by showing how miserable I am. I know there are people on this board in the same situation, although they my not realize it yet.

It goes back to old, old times when I was little and my mother would yell at me a lot. I couldn't get over it. I'd go into the world (meaning school) thinking that I don't deserve to assert any kind of desire around other people. I could have business-like dealings with others, but I was too ashamed to show any kind of self-centered desire or emotion, like just sitting next to someone and talking, or asking to go to lunch together. I'd think about her yelling and wanted to shrink into the background. And the anger may have started then and been an element. I was defenseless so the only way I had to fight back was to show how unhappy she was making me. But I'm not saying that's the complete story of what made me.

My brother took it even worse than I did, yet he never had these problems. He would fight back right there, yell, storm out, forget about it and go live his life. He's not shy at all about asserting his wants, always has lots of friends, and goes from girlfriend-to-girlfriend with almost no interruption. It might come down to brain chemistry and personality, with my mother's yelling playing into my natural inclinations. And the reinforcement is still there. My relationship with my other isn't the complete picture of my problems; we can maybe call it the frame.

Even in the depths of my unbearable misery, I get some sort of pleasure out of telling my mother how unhappy I am, and I don't let myself change since that would spoil the revenge. Rationally it doesn't make any sense. I'm not even angry at my mother, who did the best she could as a single parent with a lot of stresses and problems of her own. There were some tantrums (and I feel some anger rising as I remember, she was using her children to blow off steam), but I'm the one who latched onto them and won't let go. I just realized this yesterday night, and it was quite an experience. I had been talking with her over the phone, being miserable, she was trying to help, I was resisting, she was getting frustrated and I felt bad for making her feel bad. But I wouldn't stop it. Hmmm, I thought about what I felt, what was going on in my mind at the lowest level while on the phone with her, and about an hour later while getting some soup out of the microwave it hit me. I was angry. I can't stop my unhappiness until I give up the anger. Suddenly a lot (maybe not everything) made sense. I'm not yet sure what I'll do with this new understanding, but at least things are clearer now.

I think a lot of people reading this may need to come to the same realization.
well - i can totally understand you...
both of my folks are pretty much this way, and yes - it does give you alot of trouble with your life later...


i know how it is, to start your life with your self-esteem firmly lodged in the deepest chasm on earth, lol...

at least - you understand it now, so i'd suggest - find better means of revenge.
(having fun and being happy was mine. there's no better way to show that you've won.)

good luck dear!

don't hesitate to chat to me, if you want to.
I felt that way towards my father...while my father is trying to help me
and his make amends and doing the best the he can now.

I had a tape of him running in my head from the experince of my childhood.
I still react to it as an adult....mostly when dealing with my father...but sometimes
I'll act out with those mind set or emotions if I feel threaten or when people attack me.

I knew I had to forgive my father in order for me to heal. There's nothing none of us
can do about the's gone and over.

Relizing I had a broken record playing in my head sort of speak,
I knew or accepted I needed to re parent myself.
Get rid of those negative mind talk or critical vioce or negative conflicts or dialog i was having.
I came across an article pretaining to the negative inner vioce...I simply followed the simple instructions.

It was really wierd at first when I started to get rid of the negative inner vioce.
I was taking a stroll in a park oneday...nothing was wrong. i was having a good day.
A subtle vioce of my father was playing in the back ground of my mind..It came out of nowhere.
Then i started feeling bad about myself... i started to recognize what was happening inside of me or my mind.
The more I practice or became more aware of what was going on inside of me...the more I catch
myself faster and faster.

I wish it was as easy and as fast as just formating a HD of a PC to clear out my mind.
But I also knew it was possible to get rid of the trash in my head if i work at it.
The article also explain that my inner vioce will always be a part of me...I accepted it.
Now I just use it as my encourage me, praise me and love me.
Bascailly replace the negative vioce with a positive vioce...reparenting
Rather then having a vioce saying " you can't do that..becuase you suck"
I just replace it with "you can do that becuase your good enough"

It dosn't happen father didn't say all that crap to me overnite.'s just a matter of me being consistent. Or i incorporate it into my life.
it is one of the reason why I get up in the morning and have alone time to myself.
I start off my day being positive...lots and lots of positive re-enforcement.
I notice the differencs in my attitude wihtin 30days...but for me it's like a life time effort.
I make that time for myself eachday. It's a habit or routine in my life now.
practice...practice..practice....I'm a muscian, i know if I practice playing becomes graceful
after a while. The same principle applies with my self esteem or being positive.

You know...for the longest time..i didn't know why I felt like crap or depress for no particular reason.
Now i know why and where some of those low self esteem or negative feelings were coming from.

Being positive and having a positive attitude...helped me a lot.
But it's just so much easier after I got rid of the neagtive inner criticle vioce.

I'm not saying this will solve all of my living problems...but I don't
feel that deep un resolved anger or feel bad about myself anymore.
For the most part..I'm a happy go lucky person.

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