Oh Christ get me out of the UK!

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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
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So it was election time here in the UK and for some reason the population voted for a government that is to the right of Attila The Hun.

Thier first orders of business: scrap the human rights act, have total and unlimited surveillance of the population, privatize everything, dismantle the welfare state and price the poor out of existence.

Our prime minister just made this horrific and creepy statement - "For too long we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law we will leave you alone".

My god. I seem to have found myself in a totalitarian plutocracy Stalin would have been proud of.

Loneliness, depression and suicide are all on the increase here. No wonder.
cumulus.james said:
Our prime minister just made this horrific and creepy statement - "For too long we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law we will leave you alone".

You gotta be kidding!!! What the hell else is your PM expecting out of people? That's horrific. Time for society to stop being passively tolerant of government.
I can't believe how this country has gone. I'm ashamed to be British, thoroughly ashamed. Where the hell can I go there must be somewhere better than this dump, with nicer kinder more compassionate people.
cumulus.james said:
I can't believe how this country has gone. I'm ashamed to be British, thoroughly ashamed. Where the hell can I go there must be somewhere better than this dump, with nicer kinder more compassionate people.

It's like the movie V for Vendetta. The U.S. close to civil war, and U.K. closing in on total control and surveillance.
He said that??? God help us! I haven't heard his latest gem and, like you, it makes me despair. If you do find somewhere decent to go, please let the rest of us Brits know so we can join you.
Oh god the wacky philosopher Slavoj Zeizek is right when he says we are living in the end times.

Oh god. I'm not even joking - this stuff makes my teeth itch and gives me the shits.


Oh Jesus Christ.
Things get even worse the chair of the police federation has come out and said that we are going to have paramilitary style policing in the UK. Essentially by the time this government's finished if you do a protest against climate change or something like occupy your gonna risk a spell in the gulag or a bullet between the eyes.

The UK is not more progressive than the US - the US can't piss off its citizens too much because they have guns and civil war is possible. We have no way to stand up for ourselves, we have to bend over and take it because we are all too aware if we cause too much fuss they will, if they have to, just ******* shoot us.

With the internet snooping and vague concepts of "terrorism" and "radicalisation" the activists will be silenced.

I'm keeping a watchful eye on the activist David Graeber (who was kicked out of the US for being too radical). If he disappears I'll know we truly are in a dystopia Orwell or Stalin never had a nightmare about.
And what can we do about it??? Nothing. Protests are no longer allowed so we are effectively silenced.
I wonder if these posts will be considered as breaking the law?
Probably. Off to the gulag with us. Freedom is a thing of the past. Thoughts and speach are now sanctioned.

I am considering going to North Korea, I might be more free there.
Couldn't agree more cumulus.

Anyone from ALL going to london on june 20th?
Never mind London we should all piss off to Frankfurt or Norway where we might have some human rights.
cumulus.james said:
Never mind London we should all piss off to Frankfurt or Norway where we might have some human rights.

Welcome to 1984 I suppose. :/
You have it way better than us in the US in my opinion. David Cameron is a joke but at least your prime minister campaign season lasted about 6 weeks or so. We already have about a dozen candidates actively campaigning for the presidential election, which isn't until November 2016! They are also all expected to spend about $10 billion dollars on their campaigns with the 2 frontrunners spending about $2 billion each. That's billion with a "b". http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-04-26/how-record-spending-will-affect-2016-election
Where do you suppose they get all that money? From wealthy interests who expect a little quid pro quo after the election. Disgusting! How much of a voice do you think someone like me has with our elected officials? None because I can't buy them off.
I would choose the UK over he US any day. I only wish I had stayed there after living there for 2 years in the 90s!

Bernie Sanders 2016!! He wants to topple Citizens United and voted against going to war in Iraq/Afghanistan and the Patriot Act that spawned the NSA spying!

He has my vote!

HoodedMonk said:
Bernie Sanders 2016!! He wants to topple Citizens United and voted against going to war in Iraq/Afghanistan and the Patriot Act that spawned the NSA spying!

He has my vote!


Ok, is he the fellow from Vermont?? He is the only candidate that I've taken seriously so far. The rest can stuff it!


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