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So i hate my parents. They always nag me to look for a job, even though i have, and am still, they want me to do it look harder, so they keep nagging me. Then they pester me about volunteering for college, and both take turns. It gets so frustrating..maybe I don't want to volunteer..., but nope, i HAVE to. Probably cause my sister is such a hot shot, she volunteered over 100hrs, 10000X smarter than me, she goes to Kalamazoo college in Michigan. i on the other hand, am the idiot of the family. not as good in school, i haven't volunteered a lot, and im depressed allll the time. so i mean i HATE my parents all they do is TELL me that i have to do things for a good future. I don't want to do anything they say anymore, its so annoying, i hate being in my own house when they are here. whenever they open their mouth they ask me if i have done something, and will say you should do this blah blah, check here, do this and that...i don't want to...and yeah, i sound like a whiny loser, and i know someone will say, don't they feed you, and give you clothes you? you have to love them! no i don't so shut up.
You don't HAVE to love your parents. It would be nice, though. Nice for them, and nice for you.

It sounds as though you're putting the low self esteem issue on them--

And sibling rivalry does suck, I know how you feel. I have a sister who has ALWAYS been my parent's favorite. She's the golden child, and the rest of us are just chopped liver, I guess! lol I know my parents love us too, but it's not fair when they obviously prefer your sister, or make you feel as though you don't 'live up' to her example.

Are you going through an existentialist crisis? Give it time, as you grow up more and get out on your own, you will savor your freedom.
I am the smart one of the kids, and I know that this has always bothered my siblings. Nonetheless, we all have a great relationship because, even when my parents congratulated me on my academic achievements, they always found the best traits in my brother and sister. And that was because they knew how to show it! Your parents want you to do something great with your life: that is why they nag. If you don't show them that you are putting some effort into it, then they will assume you are doing nothing at all. Look at what you are outstanding; perhaps you are good in social sciences rather than natural sciences. That is the case of both my brother and sister.
i'm like Leon said, the smart child in my family, but my sister was never left out...maybe it's that our parents really knew how to do this; still sometimes i do hate my parents for more then one reason, but then again don't we all from time to time hate them? i think it's quite normal...bu ti think they just want to be sure you have a bit of a better life...and if you think about it they are right....seeing you on this site i assume you are if you won't have a good future you might end up in a very bad situation and then your lonely problems might seem like candy....but then again they do make i big mistake...i hate it when my parents...nag me about doing smth, i always tell them, just don't press me, tell me once and i'll do it, so i do understand you compleatlly when you hate the nagging; they should tell you once and sooner or later you would understand everything; I hope you'll manage to solve up all of your problems! a big hug!
My parents have always treated me all right, and for that I'm thankful, but I've always been puzzeled by their relationship. I've never asked any questions, but I've observed them for 21 years. I just can't seem to figure out why they haven't gotten a divorce yet. Most of the time they get on eachothers nerves. The smallest thing one of them say can turn into a fight. They automaticly disagree to everything the other say. When my mother ask my father for a favor he always reply with a no. They can act like kids sometimes. I can't remember ever seeing any love between them. It's quite sad to see =/

If I ever get into a relationship, I would never allow it to turn into this. I hope... ^^

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