Racism Is Very Well Alive...F***Ing Bullies...Curse Them To Hell...

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When an asian says watch out buddy, I know self defense, everyone sure as hell backs away!!! XD Lethal! <3

Going to a new school can be very freeing. I did that alot, and being such an awkward kid, I could reinvent myself, clean slate.

Your a good bro for taking this on :( *salutes*
Maybe it's why I only fresia hawt white women. Hahhahahaaa
It's my way of retaliating.
I'm not even Chineese...but it's realtively all the same to those fucks.
I can smell the HATE!!!!! from a mile away. On the surface or under the surface.
I can walk into a room and feel it.

Did it messed with my self esteeme?.ya bet ur ass it did.
I didn't know what the fresia it was until I moved to the USA 4 a better life..better opportunities.
Will...fresia me with a screw driver. I got slapped in the face with this bullshit.
I was the only asian kid in school...holy fresia man !!!!
I remember a man chasing me when I was a child in a toy store minding my own bussiness.
I wasnt a fucken little chinna doll that white guys wanna fresia..
Both of my sister were so..so..so fucken popular

I also remember being chased by a bounch of biggots wanting to kill me.
Yeah...a young asian dude banging hawt white chicks. On top on that they asked me out...
Reap it ya basturds..becuase i be having threesomes. They messed me, fad me, paid all the bills. i was thier sex toy.
Giving you more honeysuckle to hate me even more..honeysuckle you can only dream about. hahahahhaha

They're just a bunch of pussies. Sometimes I had to get into fights
and kick some ass...and I would get in trouble for it too...but fresia it, At least
they know..I'm not going to put up with their bullshit. U know were I stand bitches.
I don't give a fresia who your daddy is...you bleed just like me and skin aint that thick.
I don't know karatee or martail arts..that's so fucken ignorant and stereo typing.
I know how to kick your fucken ass though...

Poeple might not agree with some of my tactics...
To me its like me trying to play by the fucken rules...when motha ******* aint playing by the rules to begin with.
Will..fresia that..I'm such as bad..bad dude. I know how to hit below the fucken belt too...yeah I'm not a better person
than that...fresia that. Try walking in my fucken shoes for a day before you judge me...

I also remember sitting at the dinner table telling my ex-in laws that I was
going to marry thier daughter. They told me straight up they hated me and the
they were biggots. Too late CharleenN Fred..ya ignorant ********.I messed Michelle 5 times
a day already. IN YOUR FUCKEN HOUSE TOO...:p
Did it effected our marriage..ya bet your ass it did..It effected Michelle very
very much...the preasure from her family and friends. It ripped us apart.
It is also the reason why I still Love Michelle very, very much.
Even if I die today...too fucken late bitches. A part of me will live on. Jordan will live on.

Our love and marriage never had a fair chance.
Surround by all the fucken hatred. MIchelle's love for me made it bareable and worth fighting for.
Too bad we ended up figthing ourselves..over fucken split milk that her parents
took every to opportunity to break us apart.

I want to leave all that hate behinde..Hate begets more hatred.
I need to leave it behind...Jordan (my daghter) is back in my life now.
Yeah....bitches took my duaghter away from me too...
Well too fucken bad...LOVE. My love and her love is stronger N bigger than all the fucken hate.
Thats what Jordan represents...the love Michelle and I have for each other.
MY duaghter loves me...thats what important to me. A part of me is in her...that would be the LOVE.
I promise myself that i would not be bitter by all of that bullshit.
BTW...she got her good looks from me :p
Smexy asian dudes makes hawt asian women.hahahhaa

Yes it exsist..it sucks..Life is unfair. It's more than horrifing. Its fucken retarded.
Oh will...that's why I worked on my good self esteeme and all that good stuff.
It's not the easist thing to the world..but it's possiable.
Thats why I get up someday and feel life is so..so fucken retarded.
All the fucken promises..happiness..all men R created equal and all that good honeysuckle..it wasn't ment for my ears...

I also know not everybody in this world is like that.
I have alot of friends of different race, religion, econamics.

So..the story gose...as bad as your brother might think he has it...Life hasnt single him out on this bullshit.
it happens...it happens everyday. I'm not wearing rose coloured glasses thats for god **** sure.
This statement...is suppost to generate sometype of healing...or prevent me from going into self pity.
If that happens...then I started developing the "VICTIM ROLE", even if I'm a victim of this continous bullshit.
It's physical, mental and emtional abuse. Just plan messed up from people that has poor self esteeme to start
spreading the hate and sickness of it all...
I wish i can meet your brother...share my experince, strenght and hope...I understand.
I spent most of my life dealing and living through this bullshit.
Don't have all the answers...but i do have some coping skills

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