Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
*Ramblings so no need to respond*

Was thinking about this earlier today as me and my bestie were out last night, and reminiscing about school days.
I was the only “WOC” at school until my best friend burst through the doors… she dealt with the bullying with sexual humour, like even one guy called us “slaves” and I remember my bestie blew him a kiss and said “only for you”… I never knew just being flirty was a excellent defence against men but it worked… 3 months after she came… no more bullying…
I have adopted this approach in most areas of my life, I flirt to get what I want, and to stop men from bullying me. I am always the girl they want to hurt, idk if its because I look sexy when I cry or what but if someone is going to be picked on.. it will always be the princess.
So, now its so hard for me to stop lol its my defence mechanism. I flirt without even knowing it. Rob actually accused me of flirting with his friends and family who didn't like me… he must be right as they like me now

I was told trust is everything, and he trusts me, but when I flirt right in front of him it makes him angry… I immediately went to flirting to avoid the conflict… and said something you know… he got so pissed at me… Idk I find when I anger people, I laugh at times, not sure if I laugh because I dont wanna cry… but I started laughing uncontrollably and he just hugged me and said we can work on it. (Ughh I love him so aggressive and sooo understanding)
Is being the flirty, cute, princess…me? Or can this change? Even my mother is a flirt and shes old