Relationships really aren't all they are summed up to be.

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
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I... Like many on here was one of those people that created one of the "I am really lonely, wish I had a gf" topics... But now that I have actually had one I have come to the realization that all I was doing was wanting to rush headlong into something I wasn't ready for.

I met a girl and for a time yeah... Yeah it was great I was happy. But if your young like me you'll realize that settling down just yet isn't exactly the best route to take. And it hurts a lot worse to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. because oncesyou've had that... your going to want it more and it'll hurt you in the end.

If there are any Teens out there like me... Just chill out man it'll come to you in time and rushing into it makes things worse, you'll be happy just give it time.
i read your bio cause i was curious of your age. :D i like the sunstreak lol and yeah at your age you dont need to be settling down. girl friends are suppose to be like best friends, or friends with benefits. once you turn 18 and finances become more important, relationships become more important. then stuff like having someone sign their name next to yours is pretty nice.
h i said:
i read your bio cause i was curious of your age. :D i like the sunstreak lol and yeah at your age you dont need to be settling down. girl friends are suppose to be like best friends, or friends with benefits. once you turn 18 and finances become more important, relationships become more important. then stuff like having someone sign their name next to yours is pretty nice.

lol can't let them escape I need the extra Income XD

see, the age I'm at now is for messing around meeting new peopel and having fun not worrying about girls too much.
Hijacc said:
I... Like many on here was one of those people that created one of the "I am really lonely, wish I had a gf" topics... But now that I have actually had one I have come to the realization that all I was doing was wanting to rush headlong into something I wasn't ready for.

I met a girl and for a time yeah... Yeah it was great I was happy. But if your young like me you'll realize that settling down just yet isn't exactly the best route to take. And it hurts a lot worse to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. because oncesyou've had that... your going to want it more and it'll hurt you in the end.

If there are any Teens out there like me... Just chill out man it'll come to you in time and rushing into it makes things worse, you'll be happy just give it time.

I'm sorry things didn't work out for you my friend. The fact is though, at least you've experienced a relationship. That surely must count for something.
As someone who got married at the age of 21 and ten years later is now in the middle of a divorce, I can agree. There's a lot to be said for learning to stand on your own and be your own person rather than relying on someone else to be the source of your happiness. I'm still open to the idea of finding love, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna go through all that dating crap again. I thought it was silly in my teens, and it seems even sillier now.

And to all the teens/young 20s griping about never having had a're really not an abnormal freak. LOTS of people I went to college with managed to graduate without once being in a relationship, or even going on a date and they were happy, fulfilled people. Oddly enough though, it was usually the girls that were happy, a lot of the boys had the "I'm a freak cause no one loves me" attitude that I see here. I wonder why that is?
I agree in part to what you say. I am an older teen myself. I think that I would rather have a relationship and have that experience rather than to pass it by. No I should not be looking for the love of my life yet (Still do tho :p). I need to experience a little more life before I get married to someone just as inexperienced at living as I am. ;)

Those are some pretty darned good attitudes I'm seeing on here! I think it should be a law that people can't get married until they're 25 (joking, obviously)...but that would make things a lot easier for a lot of people. Take some time to play around & have fun!

Why do we feel like we have to PAIR UP at such a young age? There's just no call for it. Use your late teens to live a little and gain experience...and find out what kind of girl you may eventually want to end up with. :D

Badjedidude said:
Those are some pretty darned good attitudes I'm seeing on here! I think it should be a law that people can't get married until they're 25 (joking, obviously)...but that would make things a lot easier for a lot of people. Take some time to play around & have fun!


Its a law in my country. 18 for girls and 21 for boys.
Well, the U.S. it's 18 (or earlier if parents agree)...but my point was that people should wait until they're a bit older to start getting serious and thinking about marriage. :)

coricopat said:
As someone who got married at the age of 21 and ten years later is now in the middle of a divorce, I can agree. There's a lot to be said for learning to stand on your own and be your own person rather than relying on someone else to be the source of your happiness. I'm still open to the idea of finding love, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna go through all that dating crap again. I thought it was silly in my teens, and it seems even sillier now.

And to all the teens/young 20s griping about never having had a're really not an abnormal freak. LOTS of people I went to college with managed to graduate without once being in a relationship, or even going on a date and they were happy, fulfilled people. Oddly enough though, it was usually the girls that were happy, a lot of the boys had the "I'm a freak cause no one loves me" attitude that I see here. I wonder why that is?

Why is it? Explain, please.
those women chose to be single...

those men didnt choose to be single...
h i said:
those women chose to be single...

those men didnt choose to be single...

I agree sadly enough if I'm getting what you're saying or responding too. I don't know why its like that but it does really seem that its mostly just guys that talk about being single forever. Most women tend to have always been in at least some relationships or had the chance to go on dates. Where as many men haven't even had the chance to go on one date and I don't know why its so common. This is all rather depressing because aren't there more females on the planet than males?

Maybe its because like hi said that most of the time many girls had the chance to date but chose to be single where as guys who wanted to date got turned down everytime. They never chose to be single and it makes them feel worthless. Maybe some guys who feel worthless are ugly and get turned down by every female they try to talk too.I know not all are so maybe they are just talking to the wrong girls who dont want a relationship I don't know.Before I hear that bullshit though that women are far less visual creatures than men are. All human beings can be just as shallow as the next and gender doesn't mean honeysuckle. I know that you are tired of hearing all the guys saying that they are worthless because they have never been in a relationship. One thing I'm tired of is hearing "I never seem to run into anyone but guys who are jerks". Like the types of ******** who just try and get with someone to fresia them. I feel really bad that this happens to women but like I can't stand hearing that line anymore. I mean I know there are plenty of guys out there who are not anything like this but we are all overlooked. Maybe some people just have to look harder or maybe some of these men are just far too ugly to be considered dating material. I know for one that I'm a caring and kind guy but I've never been in a relationship so yes I am bitter and stupid like all these other guys who feel worthless. Maybe its because I was created too ******* ugly and worthless to be worth anything to anyone anyways.
Remedy said:
Maybe its because I was created too ******* ugly and worthless to be worth anything to anyone anyways.

C'mon, stop being so negative about yourself! That certainly isn't going to help you find a lady. I wouldn't want a guy who just because he's not had a girlfriend before beats himself up about it. :p

I am a girl who only hangs around with guys as friends. I have had a few relationships in the past and there are a few guys in the group I hang with that haven't had any - the only reason I can come up with is because they are not outgoing enough and they hang around in a group all of the time.

Most of the guys I see around hang around in a group, or in a pair, so that it is hard to just mingle off somewhere and find a girl to chat to. I find it easy as the only girl, because if I go to a party I can just wander off and speak to who-ever I like. I'm not 'one of the pack' so to speak, like the rest of the guys in the group seem to act with one another.
I'm not saying that this is how it is with all guys, just with the guys I know.

Maybe it is easier for girls too because if they want to find a man that night they can easily send that message out to everyone by wearing a short skirt and a low cut top. Most men who sees her will instantly assume she's up for it and go for it. Whereas men can't really project that they want some, because what would they wear? Shorts and t-shirt? They'd look the same, surely, or out of place if you lived in the uk because it's bloody freezing!

To the original topic: relationships can be over-rated. People shouldn't get married young, because you'll only end up getting a divorce. The only good thing about relationships is that you get the snuggley stuff and sex...But I'd rather just use my fingers anyday - they're just as good and that way I don't have to compromise on the films I watch/music I listen to/what I want to do/where I want to go at any time. And I certainly don't have to put up with petty arguments, disagreements, jealousy, sharing a bed, having to put somebody else first, worrying about someone else or the hassle of having to contact others when all you want to do is be on your own. Yup relationships are over-rated. :p
There's a huge difference between a relationship and love.

I've lived with a girl for 3 years, which i truly loved. Of course the major downside is you have to think for two, and you cant be selfish. But if you find a partner that you truly connect with and have a lot of common with, its the best thing in life.

I believe the main issue with some guys who haven't ever had a girlfriend is that they put there requirements extremely low and will just accept any partner, even if they do not like her just for the sake of not being alone. This is the biggest mistake you could possibly make as in the end you will get hurt very deeply. I can tell because I've been there
h i said:
those women chose to be single...

those men didnt choose to be single...

Actually, that definitely wasn't it. We had a 3:1 girl:guy ratio at my college, so there were a LOT more single women than men.

Although, maybe in some ways that helped. You weren't the only gal flying solo, where if you were a guy, maybe you felt like you were being left out? I dunno.

C o l d said:
There's a huge difference between a relationship and love.

I've lived with a girl for 3 years, which i truly loved. Of course the major downside is you have to think for two, and you cant be selfish. But if you find a partner that you truly connect with and have a lot of common with, its the best thing in life.

I believe the main issue with some guys who haven't ever had a girlfriend is that they put there requirements extremely low and will just accept any partner, even if they do not like her just for the sake of not being alone. This is the biggest mistake you could possibly make as in the end you will get hurt very deeply. I can tell because I've been there

Words of wisdom there.
kelbo said:
The only good thing about relationships is that you get the snuggley stuff and sex...But I'd rather just use my fingers anyday - they're just as good and that way I don't have to compromise on the films I watch/music I listen to/what I want to do/where I want to go at any time.

LOL kelbo, you crack me up sometimes. Priceless! The blunt honesty is so damned refreshing to me! :D:p

Yeah I think the problem is that people seem to put a relationship on a pedestal. Here's the truth: A relationship won't magically solve loneliness or unhappiness. How many people here are IN relationships and are still lonely?

All the young 20-yr olds...just enjoy your freedom. There's no rush to find "the one" or anything. I made that mistake myself and now I'm reaping the consequences of it.

Use this time to check around and find out what kind of girls push your buttons (the right way or the wrong way)...and also work on yourself. Your loneliness and unhappiness issues have to be solved by YOU, not by a foo-foo sunshine-unicorn relationship that will somehow alter time to create a vortex of 'yay-space' in which you feel no pain.


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