Seeking Love

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Are you sure you want to seek love over the net at such a young age? especially on a site where many of its members are spread out through different countries?
sweetestbaby said:
Are you sure you want to seek love over the net at such a young age?

well i am almost 20...and a 19-20 years old are not a little least not me..I am mature enough to save me from bad people.
Match-Making websites, they are the best way there is the look for love, go to one of them and register today and You'll be on Your way.
I agree with Robin.

The internet can bring people together! Why not, just be cautious when agreeing to meet people. Don't believe everything people tell you online--
Do as you wish but just so you know, unless you live near each other a relationship over the net is often not a real relationship and requires a lot of communication, just wouldn't want to see you get hurt.  A breakup adds a ton to loneliness/depression. Hopefully it won't be a long distance relationship or else you'd have to have your own life too otherwise it gets very easy to become clingy then things can turn bad in a hurry if your partner's out partying on a Friday night while you're sitting at your computer waiting to be e-mailed.
I agree with you, sweetestbaby.
Once I've had a relationship over the net and it didn't feel really good to be far away from your partner. Moreover the breakup has been devastating to me, as well as any other breakup.
So You two actually had "real" relationships over the internet? One of the most important things You should look for when searching for a mate is someone close to You, practically. Why would You search anywhere else?

How do You actually define "relationship over the net"? You found someone You could share Your life with by writing and perhaps talking to that person? I'm just curious, i'm not trying to insult You or anything, Keeper!
Some of the matchmaking sites that I have seen have a section where you tick the boxes, about the distance you want, to find your partner. eg if you live in the nothern suburbs, they will match you with people in the northern suburbs.
actually i have know several friends who have met over the internet and are happily together some even married ,after several years of long distance dateing.

i think its sad how people make fun of alot of people who go online for relationships ,and its closeminded to put them all online relationships into one basket .they are definately not all the sameas each person around the world is very different than the other,look we are online here and do you think of yourself as a sexual predator ? no ,exactly ! so what makes you so special but everyone else all below you or evil ,superiority or fear complexes ,superiority in that yu feel you being online but your a good person just everyone else isnt ...........or fear ,people use to fear electricity too when they 1st started putting electrical lighting in homes , hell a radio show called war of the worlds caused mass hysteria but we got over it and eventually we will get over the fear of the internet and join the future instead of makeing up things to sooth our fears of technological advances.

just like any relationship you have to meet somewhere its funny how in this day and age peole think its more ok to meet someone clubbing or at a bar and take them home for meaningless sex hopeing that they get a call back for more meaningless sex,expecting relationships to bloom ,and yet the internet still has that myth of predators lurking everywhere behind every keyboard ,honestly there are far more educated decent people online writing emails than in bars or clubs trying to hookup.

why people may date online ,many are too shy or dont have many ways of meeting other people due to thier job , age , location, or the fact that they dont go to bars maybe they also dont go to church because they arent religious, or perhaps they want to relocate to another country , are interested in foriegners as a possiable future mate, many many reasons to look online just because you go online to find a child to adopt doesnt mean your buying stolen babies or getting only foriegn orphanes with AIDS , mythes ,fears and just foolishness ,you can do anything online now and usually for the most part quite safely.

when dateing online however if you are only emailing and chatting with words its true you can be decieved and it is very hard to read if it is sarcasm or if they are talking straight it can be easily misleading or mistoaken the wrong way resulting in th other partner suddenly disaappearing over a small misunderstanding ,anyone seriously considering online dateing MUST use a microphone at least with a webcam even better because just typing is what leads to all the problems and all the horror stories you hear of the guy who showd up but was a midget or the woman was like 20 years and 200 pounds heavier than they thought and so takes alot more openess and honesty to build trust .here is how a few relationships i know that lasted for 2 years or more .

they chatted by messenger for a week or two , then went to microphone (=phonecall irl) then they went to webcam calls(=talking face to face) then they would prepare and eat meals together on webcam (=dinner dates) then they would leave mics open and on 24/7 to build trust that they are who they say they are (no wives,husbands,lovers) and have nothing to hide , if you pick up the headset you can hear your partners coming and goings will know if they are talking up others online or offline while saying your the only one ,.....some would say creepy sounds like a invasion of privacy , i would say not because if you were that far invested in real life with someone its the eqivalent of giving them your apartment key or living together .then some may have a laptop in thier bedroom and leave mics open when you sleep (= sleeping together not sex just companionship) many find hearing someone sleeping next to you very comforting .

not to get distracted but i myself personally have someone (1 .5 years now) that when i cant sleep i call them LD and they turn on thier comp and mic and go back to sleep ,for me its a god send to some it may sound crazy but if your a woman who is use to sleeping with a man for 17 years who snores very loudly and then you find yourself in a divorce and lonely....... you cant sleep with all the silence and no, sorry tv doesnt help !it gives me nightmares personally so yea i have a "sleeping partner " myself and it has gotten me thru many bad restless nights and i sleep much easier w/less nightmares just to know someone is there if i woke haveing nightmares.

now if your in love with this person you may start sending each other care packages through the snail mail of things like , food , candy,personal items ,maybe the perfume that you wear so they can spray it ,close thier eyes ,hear your voice and feel as if your there ,or maybe a lock of hair, a piece of jewelryor a article of clothing maybe he sends his large sweater that you see him wear on webcam alot that smells of his cologne or she sends a silky scarf of hers that she had her hair pulled up with , these things can give comfort over long distance relationships. to actually feel them in real life when they send you things makes it all come together feel as if you ar almost touching

eventually when you build up enough trust people they may even move on towards online sex (=telephone sex) i hear people say well how do you do that???? i cant understand it!!!!! .....well thats ignorant!!!! cause if you cant then 1900dialsex numbers would go out of business its a multi million dollar business to do telephone sex and yea webcam sex is basicaly the same thing except its looking as well as hearing someone you care about mutually , some only use a mic some use a webcam if your more brave, unihibitated and trustful of your partner but always remember desktops can be recorded easily with software such as" camtasia " so dont think just because there isnt a record webcam button on msn/yahoo/aol messanger that they arent recording you they could be i also know people who have been recorded with "camtasia" it is often used by online gamers so caution , it is less risky and is just as satisfying to be useing a microphone , basically once again telephone sex without the phone bill and the concept is mutual masterbation , lol and if the word masterbation (a natural act) is upsetting then definately those who get offended or deny masterbating are too uptight anyway to ever have a online relationship so no need to even worry about it.altho many wait til they meet in real life to have sex everyone i know who has a online relationship eventually have had sex online way before they met in real life ,either they cant wait because they want to be with that someone so bad or they want to find out if they work, sexually compatable and that they both have the same ideas of what they like in sex before exposing themselves to the vulnerability of actually meetingor inviting the other for a stay etc. ..basically many do it out of curiousity or like a test drive and find that they enjoy the companionship online as opposed to masterbating alone .something that they never realized until they actually tried it ,to each thier own .

some people find these relationships to be very satisfying as they usually spend very large amounts of time building trust and talking before falling in love with each others personalities which happens long before falling for just thier looks like what happens lot in real life so many are pleased to know the relationship was based on similar interests and personality likes way before thier looks ever came into the equation .you can do everyting online that you can in real life except touch and you can almost get around that too nowadays by incorporating all of the online techniques listed above.

if you have gone full circle then after a year or two most either cant stand how close and yet how far apart they are and it either makes them or breaks them , meaning one moves to live with or live closer or at least they start going for short trips escalating to a move eventually ...........or they are unable to move due to work , job, visa or family objections and then they break up and in that case it can be just as if not worse than a real life breakup because it is unrequinted love,...... it is where you feel you were so close to being with that perfect someone but just that one thing (parents, location, money) kept you apart and you never got to ever feel them in your arms , kiss thier lips or smell thier hair while you layed next to them in bed and it can hurt bad but it could also work out and end up in marriage with someone that you searched the whole world over for instead of setteling for the available billy bob or suzy Q in the local town beer hall . so i actually feel dateing online is not the evil people hype it up to be at all on the contrary it can be a very good experience or very bad just like any other relationship in life.

be careful stay safe and have fun ,yea you are a adult and it is your choice and there is nothing wrong about it , so good luck hope you find someone.
lonely2beeme said:
actually i have know several friends who have met over the internet and are happily together some even married ,after several years of long distance dateing.

do anyone recommend any good dating site? I registered with few of those...they keep send me junk e-mail and list od local call girl!!
Well if there sending you a list of call girls, I think that your registered on the wrong type of sites. There are many good dating sites depending on where you live of course. Many of the sites you can register for free, but this only gives you limited access to the site, so to gain full access to sending emails, chat etc... They charge you a monthly fee. Good Luck.
lol @ odd local call girls
no most met thru online games , runescape , knight online , or WoW
some met on forums like here or other forums or chat rooms of thier interest.
others met thru as easily as yahoo personals seems to be a favorite of many
alot of others use specialized sites for what your interests are
example ,single parents , divorced , handicapped ,mormon, BBW etc.
i have personally used the free site if your a thick woman (me) or like thick women
or which is a paid website but free area is useless unless you pay but a much better group of people (probably because you have to pay,gets rid of the freeloaders ) which includes large men and women or people who like large men or women .
being im heavy and i like very big men i go to those sites it does get boreing after a few monthes and the same people over and over haunt the same sites so i give you 3 monthes tops till you get bored same as i did lol and then removed my profiles .but i understand the feeling of just haveing to try so that you dont feel like your whining about being lonely while not haveing tried all your options , now i can say i honestly tried it all ,and i actually did met a very nice man that i talk with everyday now who has become a very good friend so i have no regrets.

some people say is someplace they like i didnt! i was there for like 3 days .....
but like i said google your interest with the combination of interest plus the word dateing and you usually find a datefinder for that interest.
it is so much more common nowadays ,most people out of ignorance or embarassment will snicker and make dumb comments because they think the way they live is how the whole world does , they forget the whole world is not the usa and in many places around the world the concept of looking for love in even arranged marriages is not uncommon and online dateing is very popular in india,china ,japan and many asian countries where arranged mariages are not uncommon, online dateing is just a computerized version of the old way of getting the details on paper with a picture to choose from before makeing arrangements to meet.

you do what you feel is right ,it just takes alot of research to find the place/site suitable for you ........alot of trial and error just like in all other ways of meeting people .but let me warnyou keep away from words like adult friendfinders those usually leead to sexually orientated sites filled with spam and fake female profiles ,plus they arent used for meeting people just quickie sex ,so keep away from the fake ones or sexually explicit sites and you may meet a nice person online. =)

You're a sweetheart...I personally don't find you to be all that big at all! Years of being around those petite Japanese women may have given you a false sense of your body? I know that man women suffer from Body Dysmorphic Disorder--people who think they are much bigger than they really are.
Robin said:
So You two actually had "real" relationships over the internet? One of the most important things You should look for when searching for a mate is someone close to You, practically. Why would You search anywhere else?

How do You actually define "relationship over the net"? You found someone You could share Your life with by writing and perhaps talking to that person? I'm just curious, i'm not trying to insult You or anything, Keeper!

Hi Robin,
Don't worry, feel free to ask. Yes, actually I've had a "real" relationship over the net. I don't know if we may call it "real", but it was simply "real" enough to make me feel real emotions and sentiments.
It was 5 years ago. It wasn't really a good experience because in the end I did find out that this girl was just trying to have a new year's eve party far away from her hometown and ...from her real boyfriend.:) All in all this relationship lasted really short (about 2 months.) On November she insisted for meeting me somewhere, then we decided to have a short holiday in order to spend new year's eve together. But things went wrong and I couldn't leave, so she decided it was better to cut our relationship. The whole thing left me really disappointed and depressed. Finally I felt exactly like I felt last year when a real relationship broke up.
I wasn't actually looking for this kind of relationship. I was chatting to that girl and she insisted to meet me etc. At the beginning I didn't expect this at all. But above all, one fact is the most important reason why this relationship could come into existence: I was (and still am) a lonely person and the girls don't even look at me cause I'm ugly, bad-tempered, not funny, etc..:)
I'll put my vote in here against both online relationships and dating sites.

In well over 95% of occurances online relationships fail and for good reason too. People tend to hide too much online and you never really know who you're "with". I've seen countless people hurt online and that includes myself. I'm sure there must be some successful matches but the numbers are extremely low. Anyone who has been online for more than a few years knows to stay away from these situations.

On the other hand dating sites are brutal for males. Unless you're very secure I would say stay away from that also. Most people on those sites are playing games of 1 type or another and have been there a while. In fact most people you'll see on 1 site are on several others. There is also a high level of dishonesty there too.

Try to find someone in real life. Dating is difficult enough without all of the online games.
Vortex said:
In well over 95% of occurances online relationships fail and for good reason too. People tend to hide too much online and you never really know who you're "with". I've seen countless people hurt online and that includes myself. I'm sure there must be some successful matches but the numbers are extremely low. Anyone who has been online for more than a few years knows to stay away from these situations.

Wow, if You didn't made that number up Yourself i would really like to know the source of them and check them out for real; that seems as stupid in my eyes as saying "95 % of all rainforests are as dry as a desert".

Here we go with the "online relationships" again. Ofcourse they fail; they lack the most important part a real relationship gives You! Having a partner which You only can contact indirectly will leave You dependant of those machines and another (or increased) obcession is not what people here need.

You've seen people get "hurt" online? Well duh, and You haven't in real life, have You? You know with all the stalks, rapes murders etc. I could go on with a long list of bad examples of offline relationships as well, Vortex.

There are more succesful matches around the world thanks to MM sites because some people don't have the guts to ever look for a partner in real life! I don't know which MM sites You've been to, but some of the REAL one's i've seen here in Sweden (which You pay for to use) are so confident You'll find one that they actually guarantee You'll do so within a month, or You'll get Your money back for another try. There aren't many people who would pay to fool people online!

Seriously, i can't imagine how stupid one must be to be fooled by someone's prank on a match-making website, or online in general put frankly. The immaturity will reveal the real person behind the profile quite fast, especially if You've been online for a couple of years. If You've been chatting via the net for some time a MM site is the perfect place to find love. Real match-making (the one's You pay for) is all about finding just the one You're looking for, fast. And that REALLY does work very, very well.

Vortex said:
On the other hand dating sites are brutal for males. Unless you're very secure I would say stay away from that also. Most people on those sites are playing games of 1 type or another and have been there a while. In fact most people you'll see on 1 site are on several others. There is also a high level of dishonesty there too. Try to find someone in real life. Dating is difficult enough without all of the online games.

You schock me. You say You'd have to be "secure" with Yourself to go online and chat? We could start a poll right here and ask people with low self-esteem what they think would be easier and more secure; dating online or dating someone they don't know in real life. Have You been raised with flesh-eating computers that take a crunch of You every time come close to the web-browser icon? There is no better way in existance to find love than seaching online! Those are REAL facts conluded by REAL tests with thousand of people, which don't exactly take an Einstein to figure out all by Yourself anyhow.

Online messaging is so many times much easier for insecure people because they can start looking, at all, to begin with, and dare to get much more personal with a person via the net than they ever would in real life. If You really are looking for love the internet makes dating MORE secure since You'd get to know a person much faster, and here's the best part; without actually having to meet and date with that person first. Once You're getting ready to meet up; You'll know!

I don't know anyone who've been hurt by being pranked by someone online and i think that You are an extreme example of distrust towards the online dating-scene due to some trauma in Your childhood.

If You're good at it, searching for love in real life probably will leave You with someone which physically attracts You, without knowing much about that person. I You're bad at it, searching for love online give You the opportunity to get to know someone very, very good before You dare to meet him/her. Love is about two people joining eachother's lives, not two shells to attract eachother; i think we both agree on that.

Online dating is the most efficient way of getting to know a person, so if two people looking for love meet online... You do the calculation. Meeting someone at a restaurant (for example), for sure, can be a heck lot worse way of experiencing dating than You'd ever have online. Dating is about two persons to find out as much as possible about eachother, and doing it in real life (especially at first) can leave You scarres for life which probably will make You end up in a forum like this.

Heck, anyone could find love right at this very board if they'd only find someone living close enough to them. Traditional dating is inefficient and time-consuming. I sure don't want anyone to go and find someone which seems like the dream-person just like that. I'm saying people should get to know eachother BEFORE they meet and start a real life together.

Real-life relationships which have started due to online dating have proven to work out much, much better than the avarage classic dating-couple; and especially in lenght!

Dare to take the step to send a little something to the profiles You like and be patient with finally meeting; e-mail the person back and forth for a couple of weeks or months. Be smart, don't trust the one's that don't fit their description; get them to start a live video-chat with a client You trust once You feel secure enough. Be personal; ask the questions You want to find out but don't reveal any practial information, like Your adress and phone-number, if the person incists to get to know such information You should know what to do. If You're not 18 yet, make sure You know that the person on the other side really is who he/she indicates he/she is.
like i said above ,alot of people who write off online dateing as impossiable or garunteed to fail just cant see the whole picture or are very narrowminded ,limited experiences because online dateing has quite a high sucess rate ,with many reasons why people would choose this way to meet people, and it all boils down to fearing the unknown and new ways or what society around them is saying about it .
you have just as much a chance of meeting predators in real life as online , people online dont come from another planet or more dangerous places lol its a percentage of the same people you meet everyday as you would online.
i know internet dateing works ,just depends on who is comfortable with what? its a personal choice
Online is theoretically an opportune way to meet someone. Afterall, one can put aside the physical, spend a large amount of time communicating, and get to really know one another.

Unfortunately this just isn't how it works out most of the time. I wish it were.


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