Sharing Secrets

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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2012
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I have so many friends. Most of them confide in me and share their personal issues with me. Then there is this, a very close friend of mine who is too much in to gossips. This friend wants me to share everybody's secret matters with her. She keeps on asking me "who is doing what" and most of the time my answer is "i don't know" and she always gets angry. Frankly speaking, i don't believe in the idea of sharing everything with your best friend. Do you?

P.S: Those who gossip with you also gossip about you.
P.S: Those who gossip with you also gossip about you.

I agree with this, I don't know about you but I find gossipers annoying, most love to hear gossip about anything and even about people they don't know; what's that all about? They act like addicts!

Look at it from your point of view; if you told someone something in confidence, would you want them telling other close mates? I don't think I would - if someone tells you a secret, it's a secret to you, nobody else.
If I give someone info..I can only hold myself accountable if it gets out. But yeah, usually I tend to wait till I know someone well enough and usually the secret sharing is mutual.
At uni a few weeks ago, there was a rumour going around our group that one of our fellow students, a mature student, was in a gay porn film. Did we ignore it? Did we say "no thank you, this piece of news holds no interest with us at all"? No, we did not! We googled the guys name and low and behold, the first link of the google search was a gay porn film with pictures of him doing what gay porn stars do.

What I'm saying is, I don't mind a gossip once in a while, I imagine everybody does enjoy it on some level consider how many gossip magazines and gossip sites there are out there.
I never have shared everything with friends. I'm certain that they haven't shared everything with me either. Everybody has things that they share with nobody.
LoneKiller said:
I never have shared everything with friends. I'm certain that they haven't shared everything with me either. Everybody has things that they share with nobody.

Like where you buried the bodies?

Someone, had to say it. :p
If someone asks me to keep a secret, I keep it. If a friend wants to know, that friend will have to get it from the horse's mouth. There is no justification for spreading others' secrets and breaking that trust. That kind of thing can ruin a person's life.
I find that keeping secrets is easier if you don't let anyone tell you any secrets. :cool:
Lilianna said:
LoneKiller said:
I never have shared everything with friends. I'm certain that they haven't shared everything with me either. Everybody has things that they share with nobody.

Like where you buried the bodies?

Someone, had to say it. :p
Yes. That's corre...ahhhh..hmmmmm...what bodies?
I do not care for the Nosey Rosie types. There is a girl I work with that cannot keep her pie hole shut - about anything - and usually gets herself into hot water over it.

So, on occasion, for my own personal amusement, when I hear her out at someone's desk spreading BS, I will call her desk phone, just to watch her trip over herself to get back to her desk. Then, I hang up right as she gets there. She bitches and bitches about the mysterious call she always seems to just miss.

She's such a tool.
It depends on what you share and who you share it with. I share virtually everything with my best friend, but that doesn't include secrets other people have told me. As long as you know the person it's about would be okay with you sharing a piece of information, it's okay. But if it's defined as a secret, it wasn't meant to be shared, so I won't.
I sometimes spread rumours about myself just to see how far it goes :D. Oh wait, that's another topic.

No sharing other's secrets for me!
I normally get people opening up to me and telling me all sorts of stuff. I don't even have to ask. I share almost everything with two people, as far as I know they don't go spreading what I say around. There are people I just don't trust, well I don't trust anyone but those I really don't trust I tell them very little. Like some of my family, they love to gossip about you behind your back. They know so very little about what is going on in my life.

I have secrets about people I will take to my grave.
Sharing everything, even with your best friend, doesn't sound like a good idea and it certainly isn't my cup of tea.

Friends sometimes confide in me and I'm a trustworthy confidant. I like to relate it to the old phrase "I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him." Most people could throw me a fair distance, so it's in my best interest not to break people's trust.
Lone Apothecary said:
Sharing everything, even with your best friend, doesn't sound like a good idea and it certainly isn't my cup of tea.

I wouldn't even share EVERYTHING with a lover or a wife.

People need their private space and their secrets. I wouldn't expect my lover/wife to tell me all of her secrets, either.

That said, I do believe in honest, open communication in a relationship. If it's something that would impact our relationship... then yeah, I'd want her to tell me and talk to me about it. But anything else, I quite honestly don't care to know. And it's not because I don't care; quite the opposite.
Okiedokes said:
If I give someone info..I can only hold myself accountable if it gets out.

The person you trust today, may not be the person you trust tomorrow.
I don't share secrets in general. If someone says it is a secret, than it is.
As well, I would never talk about anything that was said in private, since nobody would have the right to know it. Unless it is something that surely is nothing close to an secret or intimate information.

Good thing, I no longer have any secrets... I only have things that I won't talk about, unless I feel like it or unless I'm asked about them. (No, I don't feel like sharing my account or credit card information, sorry :p )

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