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e.m.e. said:

Ya, you put a bone of some kind into pop/soda and within a few days all the calcium is leached out of it and it gets all rubbery. Which is why it rots teeth so bad, though it does harm in other ways to to the whole body (It can really screw up peoples bones and joints and their stomachs). I always thought it was only the sugar and other chemicals in it that did this. It's a common science fair project that kids like to do. It's pretty easy and straight forward. Most commonly people use chicken bones.

Distilled water is fine in some instances. I just never realized it had a PH of 5 :( . It's fine to drink for short periods of time as a way to detox from harmful chemicals and heavy metals and stuff that can get into the body, but not such a good idea to regularly drink it for extended periods of time. It doesn't discriminate and will take all kinds of stuff with it, both good and bad.

Due to this discovery I have come to realize that reverse osmosis water, alot of other very finely filtered waters, distilled water, very softened water... They all will be reduced down towards H2O's base PH which is apparently 5ish. Depending on how pure the water is. I have tested several types of water in the last few days just trying to make sense out of it and verify things. This would make them all largely the same thing.

I love orange juice and still will drink it, but just tested it earlier and it's ph is 3 or 4ish. At least OJ has some vitamins and nutrients in it. I'll just have to remember that and not go chugging pints at a time... hehehe.

Anyways, pop and soda are just nasty health wise. If I was to guess it probably has an even lower PH then OJ. Might be interesting to test some since we have had the PH strips out, but kinda a waste of money since no one drinks it here. From what I know cola's tend to be the worst. Pop is even used by some car mechanics in a pinch as a degreaser and to losen bolts. It's so acidic it can eat rust and grease right off of things.

Pop is like a thief. It just robs, robs, and robs. It never gives anything back. Plus it has some pretty weird stuff in it.

Calcium and other minerals are needed for proper muscle, heart, organ, and brain function. It's part of tons of processes in the body. Of course you can get to much as well as to little. It all just depends. Making pop a regular part of your diet though is just dangerous. There are very real consequences. Once you haven't drank it in a while and are unaddicted it starts to taste absolutely terrible. I would rather drink oil then a cola.

armor4sleepPA said:

Have you considered seeing an Osteopath? They often focus on the whole patient, rather than treating individual symtoms scientifically. In addition to whollistic medicine, they also offer herbal treatments. Of course, they're fully credentialed for any other treatments as well.

For example, when I told my doc (an osteopath) that I was feeling really fatigued last year, probably from depression, she first asked me about how my job and family life was going, rather than an M.D. telling me to pop a pill and report back in a few months.

Let me know...

I just googled this word. Is osteopath just another name for chiropractor?
I really wouldn't worry so much about the pH of drinks.

Firstly, anything that you eat or drink has to pass through your stomach, which is lined with a protective lining. Also, anything processed in there is usually immersed in HCl, a strong acid (secreted by the parietal cells of your stomach).

Secondly, your body has a bicarbonate buffer system specificially designed to counteract any change in your pH balance. If the acidity level in your body does tend to fluctuate too much, your respiratory system will change to accomodate. This same bicarbonate system comes in handy after contents leave the stomach, as well. Your pancreas secrets alkaline, pancreatic juice high in concentration with the bicarbonate buffer solution. This ends up neutralizing any highly acidic contents from your stomach to a slightly basic pH, one that your small intestines are comfortable with.

It doesn't matter what pH your food or drink is (assuming it's edible), because it's going to be changed when going through your digestive tract, anyways. In short, don't worry about the pH of drinks.
blak000 said:
I really wouldn't worry so much about the pH of drinks.

Firstly, anything that you eat or drink has to pass through your stomach, which is lined with a protective lining. Also, anything processed in there is usually immersed in HCl, a strong acid (secreted by the parietal cells of your stomach).

Secondly, your body has a bicarbonate buffer system specificially designed to counteract any change in your pH balance. If the acidity level in your body does tend to fluctuate too much, your respiratory system will change to accomodate. This same bicarbonate system comes in handy after contents leave the stomach, as well. Your pancreas secrets alkaline, pancreatic juice high in concentration with the bicarbonate buffer solution. This ends up neutralizing any highly acidic contents from your stomach to a slightly basic pH, one that your small intestines are comfortable with.

It doesn't matter what pH your food or drink is (assuming it's edible), because it's going to be changed when going through your digestive tract, anyways. In short, don't worry about the pH of drinks.

That isn't the point bubba. You totally don't understand.

Everything has to come from somewhere and the bodies’ resources are finite. If you drink something to acidic then your body will raise it to balance it out. This is done at the expense of elements like calcium and other basic minerals. Which is exactly why things like pop do what they do. Something to alkaline and the body will bring it down with acid secretions. The body is all one inter contained ecosystem so to speak. It has to keep many parts of the bodies fluids within rather tight parameters or damage can be caused. Every chemical in the body is created by chemical reactions that require base resources and elements to create in the first place. Many of which are recycled into all manner of different things. They don't just appear like magic out of thin air though. Imagine if you will that he body is a bowl of water with different things swerling around in it. If you pour something of a certian PH into that water, how then do you remove that change? The body can't just make it go away like magic as if it was never poured in in the first place. It doesn't work that way. What you say would appear to be true if you look at the body from an anatomical perspective where you disconnect all the organs and study them individually. You have to remember that is not how the body actually works. It's a web of interconnections with everything working as a team or a web so to speak.

I will be concerned, I have 100's of hours of research into the subject and still don't understand a great many things and get it all screwed up. Plus almost any source of information is nutoriously only like 50% accurate. Some of what is said is true and some isn't. It's a lucky day when you run across the rare tidbits where people aren't at least partly wrong or leave out important details. I also need to keep much better notes then I have in the past. I know everything you said, but the truth of the matter is you have to dig much much deeper :) . The problem isn't drinking that once, twice, or even three times. The problem is over time it can have a drastic effect. Small wonder my electrolytes and potassium levels were low for so long. I had no clue that distilled water had a PH of 5 :( . Whoopsy..... I always seem to miss something. :(

And hey don't try too hard to prove to yourself what you seem to be inclined to want to believe. Ya, I see you and I can propose a theory as to what your thinking is.... Don't waste your time, I am sure you have better things to do. Ya, I see you *wink* You will only ever see what you want to see, if that is all your looking to see. Just take some slow deep breaths and chill out.

Anyways I appreciate the effort.

I haven't gotten much research in lately or bothered with a log, but things all in all are going good. Have even gotten some extended running in. I have two logs actually, the lesser one is actually on here. I have to force myself to keep better notes, it's a moral imperative.
Skorian said:
That isn't the point bubba. You totally don't understand.

You know, I was merely trying to be helpful. And considering that I have an educational background in physiology, anatomy, organic and inorganic chemistry, and am currently studying to be in the health profession, I think I do understand.

And hey don't try too hard to prove to yourself what you seem to be inclined to want to believe. Ya, I see you and I can propose a theory as to what your thinking is.... Don't waste your time, I am sure you have better things to do. Ya, I see you *wink* You will only ever see what you want to see, if that is all your looking to see. Just take some slow deep breaths and chill out.

Wow, I don't say this to too many people, but you're a dick.

Anyways I appreciate the effort.

Somehow, I seriously doubt that.
Dude, I really don't know where you're getting your information from but seriously you really need to reconsider your dietary inputs. As for what blak000 said, I can assure you that is correct as I too have a strong backround in health science... I'm completing my majors in health & disease as well as nutritional sciences, and take my advice (although i just skimmed through your posts) and stop referring to whatever sources you have. As an example, drinking distilled water is highly dangerous due to the osmotic gradient that it produces (causing your cells to lyse as solvents will move out), low pH (as in 2 and lower) is dangerouns if consumed in HIGH quantities (causes ulcerations). You need not have concerns about your intakes because as mentioned by blak000 (in simple terms) your gastric acid is of pH 1 and only excessive concentrations of additional acid (of LOW pH) will have possible detrimental effects.

If you are worried about depletion of bone, i recommend that you eat food not ONLY high in calcium but vitamin D too. vit. D aids in the absorption and mineralisation of calcium with phosphate to produce hydroxyapatite (major crystal in bone)... if you are past the age of mid 20s, (ie. reached your PBM) unfortunately you (like every other human) is losing on average 1-3% of your bone denisty per year.

As for the interconnection of entire body... you are absolutely right! And by limiting yourself to these diets that i don't know where you are getting them from, you are MOST definately limiting the necessary nutritional requirements needed for proper function of certain organs... i.e the neck spasm you had could most probably be accounted for by your improper intake of sodium (which caused your muscle action potentionals to enter a state of hyperpolarization)

For a person who is so concerned about eating properly, you are most definately not getting your research from appropriate medical sources. I advise you to alter your habits before you cause substantial damage to yourself.

All the best
blak000 said:
Skorian said:
That isn't the point bubba. You totally don't understand.

You know, I was merely trying to be helpful. And considering that I have an educational background in physiology, anatomy, organic and inorganic chemistry, and am currently studying to be in the health profession, I think I do understand.

And hey don't try too hard to prove to yourself what you seem to be inclined to want to believe. Ya, I see you and I can propose a theory as to what your thinking is.... Don't waste your time, I am sure you have better things to do. Ya, I see you *wink* You will only ever see what you want to see, if that is all your looking to see. Just take some slow deep breaths and chill out.

Wow, I don't say this to too many people, but you're a dick.

Anyways I appreciate the effort.

Somehow, I seriously doubt that.

Ya, well whatever. Obviously you’re just trying to prove yourself right. It's so hard to do... Like stating you can drive a car into a lamppost and then doing it.... I can't stop you from thinking what you already want to think, so just go ahead and prove my theory right.... It's to bad you don't use your free will to make choices that allow you to not fall prey to your own humanity/bubble headedness. Even after I explicitly ask you not to and even thank you. So please go right ahead and assume some more what I think with such undeniable certainty. It's so easy to be so certain when you’re only looking for your own personal validation.

I really don't want to see you self destruct yourself, but if that's really what you want to do. Well, go right ahead. Since obviously there is nothing I can do to stop you. Just remember your the one throwing insults... Though I am glad you have the courage to get that out of your system. Anything else?

Just remember if you take it to far that there are consequences.

And by the way, this thread is an on topic thread and I don't really appreciate you taking it off topic. Not that I am not also now guilty of this. *Sigh*
Guest said:
Dude, I really don't know where you're getting your information from but seriously you really need to reconsider your dietary inputs. As for what blak000 said, I can assure you that is correct as I too have a strong backround in health science... I'm completing my majors in health & disease as well as nutritional sciences, and take my advice (although i just skimmed through your posts) and stop referring to whatever sources you have. As an example, drinking distilled water is highly dangerous due to the osmotic gradient that it produces (causing your cells to lyse as solvents will move out), low pH (as in 2 and lower) is dangerouns if consumed in HIGH quantities (causes ulcerations). You need not have concerns about your intakes because as mentioned by blak000 (in simple terms) your gastric acid is of pH 1 and only excessive concentrations of additional acid (of LOW pH) will have possible detrimental effects.

If you are worried about depletion of bone, i recommend that you eat food not ONLY high in calcium but vitamin D too. vit. D aids in the absorption and mineralisation of calcium with phosphate to produce hydroxyapatite (major crystal in bone)... if you are past the age of mid 20s, (ie. reached your PBM) unfortunately you (like every other human) is losing on average 1-3% of your bone denisty per year.

As for the interconnection of entire body... you are absolutely right! And by limiting yourself to these diets that i don't know where you are getting them from, you are MOST definately limiting the necessary nutritional requirements needed for proper function of certain organs... i.e the neck spasm you had could most probably be accounted for by your improper intake of sodium (which caused your muscle action potentionals to enter a state of hyperpolarization)

For a person who is so concerned about eating properly, you are most definately not getting your research from appropriate medical sources. I advise you to alter your habits before you cause substantial damage to yourself.

All the best

How about this MD as a source?

As much as I have tried to make sense of what you have said, you jump around alot and don't even seem to complete your ideas. Can you please expand on what your saying and finish one thing before leaping to the next? I would appreciate it.

And please realize this is just an online diary and some thoughts I have had at that time.
LOL... it's kinda funny how you accused me of being a "know-it-all" in the back channels.

I think if anyone is arrogant and overconfident of his knowledge, it's you. You seem to find it incredibly difficult that you might be wrong about something. Just because you can google some health websites doesn't mean you're a doctor, my friend. I've had the opportunity to learn from prominent professors who have a broad knowledge and experience working with the human body. Believe me, they would NOT agree with your personal assessment. I don't have to convince myself of anything; this is common knowledge in the medical world.

By the way, haven't you noticed that they're trying to SELL you something on the same page as those sources??? LOL.

You know all those tips I post that you claimed teach people to be fake? Those are tried and true methods recommended by social psychologists. They've been successful in helping people with social anxiety, healing relationships, and saving marriages. You've got to get off your high horse, man. All the advice I've been giving people on this forum came from men and women much more knowledgeable and wise than both you and I (e.g., Dale Carnegie, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, etc.).

You see me? OOOOOOO! lol.. believe me, you're not nearly having the impact on me that you think you are. You actually gave me a good laugh, today. Thanks. There are consequences, huh? Is that a threat? Go ahead, do your worst. I have a feeling you're all bark and no bite. You know want to know something? I felt bad about the way we started off. I was trying to patch things up with you. After your reply, though, forget it.
Skorian said:
How about this MD as a source?

As much as I have tried to make sense of what you have said, you jump around alot and don't even seem to complete your ideas. Can you please expand on what your saying and finish one thing before leaping to the next? I would appreciate it.

I would like to expand on what i have said.. i will tomorrow (as it is late)...

as for your source, unfortunately I just searched for any scientific research paper published in the scientific community (my univeristy has online access all credible scientific journals dating back to 80's) and I got no results back with the name Robert Young... unfortunalty with the internet, you need to be causious, because someone might have some education but no more than that...

you might have possibly came across a Dr. called Mikhail Tombak, Ph.D. This man is also claimed to be a world known researcher... yet non of these so called claims of published works can be found in scientific databases. If you read his books, they are ridiculous... some of his guides are beyond ridicolous... yet people follow it. We had a case where a patient refused chemotherapy (had a malignant form of carcinoma) making claims to this "doctor" and how he stated that the treatment doesn't work (she decided to turn to his herbal treatment)... unfortunately her cancer quickly evolved in the brain and she passed away with more suffering (after being readmitted)...

as i said you need to be careful with people like that... I see no reasearch papers with the name of Robert young... if you find any please inform me... i'm interested if he is actually a credible source.
blak000 said:
LOL... it's kinda funny how you accused me of being a "know-it-all".

I think if anyone is arrogant, it's you. You seem to find it incredibly difficult that you might be wrong about something. Just because you can google some health websites doesn't mean you're a doctor, my friend. I've had the opportunity to learn from prominent professors who have a broad knowledge and experience working with the human body. Believe me, they would NOT agree with your personal assessment. I don't have to convince myself of anything; this is common knowledge in the medical world.

You know all those "fake" tips I post? Those are tried and true methods recommended by social psychologists. You've got to get off your high horse.

By the way, haven't you noticed that they're trying to SELL you something on the same page as those sources??? LOL.

You see me? OOO! lol.. believe me, you're not nearly having the impact on me that you think you are. You actually gave me a good laugh, today. Thanks.

Dude, the only one having an affect on anyone is you on yourself. You have your own free will, use it.

And yes, they are selling something.... That doesn't always mean anything, since it really just depends on the kind of people they are.

I generally give people the benifit of the doubt, but the more you continue your behavior the less respect I will have for you as a person, as you seem to lack self control which will not help your credibility one bit. You seem to be seeing me as a mirror to yourself in some strange way or something, it's really your problem and not mine. Whatever your issue is, "get" "over" "it".

As far as everything else, I have my own oppinion. Get over it. Nothing you say will make me not have my own oppinion. As far as the medical world goes, I only listen so much to allopathic medicine. I have my own reasons for this and nothing you say will make me think otherwise. But go right ahead and waste a whole bunch of time we will never get back.

I am sorry for the things that have happened to you, but that really isn't my fault and it seems like your now trying to take your own problems out on me.

Oh and I sorta figure "guest" was probably you. Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Bluey, did you guys forget to lock guests out of this topic thread?
Your logic is absolutely ridiculous. First, you come to my threads that I put there to help people, insult me and imply that I'm being fake. You say things like "you totally don't understand," you call me "silly," and imply that the growth in the bond between me and my family is an illusion. You send me PMs insulting me further. When I try to offer some helpful advice about your dietary intake, you insult me yet AGAIN, and now you're trying to backpedal and act like your an innocent victim now that I'm calling you out. LOL. Wow.

I don't have a problem with you having your own opinion. My philosophy is: if it's not hurting anybody, then who cares? What I have a problem with, though, your rude manner and your hypocritical reasoning. How can you accuse me of lacking self control? Dude, you just threatened me. You've openly insulted me.

I told you in my PM: I respect your opinions, and I asked you to respect mine. But you didn't show me any. I tried to be civil, but you failed to show me any civility.

You don't want me to take my problems out on you, huh? Fine. Let's do this: you stay out of my threads, and I'll stay out of yours. Deal?

And it doesn't bother me in the least if you lose respect for me; I've lost complete respect for you already.
Skorian said:
Oh and I sorta figure "guest" was probably you. Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I do not believe that "guest" is same individual as blak000. The guest poster writes in a significantly different manner, and blak000 does not strike me as someone who would feel either the need to separate his arguments and/or evidence he has into another name, or need to masquerade as another person.

IgnoredOne said:
Skorian said:
Oh and I sorta figure "guest" was probably you. Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I do not believe that "guest" is same individual as blak000. The guest poster writes in a significantly different manner, and blak000 does not strike me as someone who would feel either the need to separate his arguments and/or evidence he has into another name, or need to masquerade as another person.


They are not the same ppl as there IP's are different.

Heated diabet is fine guys but there is a fine line as you all well know :)

Just a note to keep on topic that means no slagging of.
blak000 said:
Your logic is absolutely ridiculous. First, you come to my threads that I put there to help people, insult me and imply that I'm being fake. You say things like "you totally don't understand," you call me "silly," and imply that the growth in the bond between me and my family is an illusion. You send me PMs insulting me further. When I try to offer some helpful advice about your dietary intake, you insult me yet AGAIN, and now you're trying to backpedal and act like your an innocent victim now that I'm calling you out. LOL. Wow.

I don't have a problem with you having your own opinion. My philosophy is: if it's not hurting anybody, then who cares? What I have a problem with, though, your rude manner and your hypocritical reasoning. How can you accuse me of lacking self control? Dude, you just threatened me. You've openly insulted me.

I told you in my PM: I respect your opinions, and I asked you to respect mine. But you didn't show me any. I tried to be civil, but you failed to show me any civility.

You don't want me to take my problems out on you, huh? Fine. Let's do this: you stay out of my threads, and I'll stay out of yours. Deal?

And it doesn't bother me in the least if you lose respect for me; I've lost complete respect for you already.

I will gladly post the PM's if that will make you feel any better. Though I think if you read closer you will see that everything your saying is largely your interpretation to what I said and not what I actually said. Which instead of giving me the benifit of the doubt, you just seem to keep going. Stop reading more into my words then I actually say... I am sorry you feel the way you do.

And I probably have made a comment or two I shouldn't have, but no one is perfect man. You just seem to keep wanting to keep it going.

Anyways, I am going to bed and we can work this out tomarrow sometime. Maybe you have just had a rough day eh? I really don't know. I had a pretty decent day myself, but that's really besides the point.

IgnoredOne said:
Skorian said:
Oh and I sorta figure "guest" was probably you. Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I do not believe that "guest" is same individual as blak000. The guest poster writes in a significantly different manner, and blak000 does not strike me as someone who would feel either the need to separate his arguments and/or evidence he has into another name, or need to masquerade as another person.


Ya, they do talk differently, your right there. Though the timing is a bit strange and they are posting as a guest... So doesn't that make you wonder? Someone could check their IP addresses and verify if it was that big a deal.

bluey said:
They are not the same ppl as there IP's are different.

Heated diabet is fine guys but there is a fine line as you all well know :)

Just a note to keep on topic that means no slagging of.

Thanks Bluey.
I'm not the same person as blak00... I joined yeaterday, but I have been reading certain posts here since a week or so. Personally, I'm not here to argue or display my knnowledge of medicine, I'm here for a similar reason most of you are... either way, after reading this particular thread, I felt responable to at least share the information that I learnt over the years because there are several akward and potentially dangerous dietary practices mentioned.

As far as coincidence goes... I'm sure blak000 felt the same way to convey what she/he (??) knows about this topic. I probably wouldn't even write anything if Skorian trusted blak00's information given in the first place.

Take care.
Ya, I also had the thought that you might know him personally or something as the timing just seemed odd. Sorry for assuming anything.

Anyways, just realize that we can disagree and have some respect for a difference of opinion and it's all-good :) . I will gladly look at what you have to say. Just try to fully form your ideas and please recognize some of the assumptions you seem to have made in some of the things you said. Right now though, how about give it a couple days? This whole think with blak needs to work itself out. How come you haven't registered?

Hijacc I love your artwork. I wish I could draw like that. I am really glad to not have to see all that endless violence against all those poor zombies..

blak000, I am not making any deals with you what so ever. At least not about what you seem to want to make deals about. It's really just that simple. I think it's great alot of the things you have said to support others. My personal recommendation at this time is that you need to talk about yourself. Not some book you read, or website you read, yourself and what you think about and how you feel about that. What you’re doing today or tomorrow. You have a little, but somehow I feel like your leaving something out. It kind of seems like you blurted more out in the little PM conversation we had then you have really said openly to others. Which is the only reason I would even hesitate to not just pull it all into word and post it. If you want me to though just say so and I will. I will not play games though, it's just yes or no. As far as how you feel, I encourage you to seek more then your own opinion on what I have said. I will just flat out say, it seems like you just pull single words or phrases out of sentences and then declare that that is what I said. Only, I word things the way I do for a very specific reason to try to say what "I" think. Communication is always haphazard at it's best and it's easy to make assumptions.

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