Something I Shouldn't Be Crying About

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Jul 9, 2009
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So, I've never exactly been a confident person. At 13 I had the works: I was about 5'2" and 185 lbs, my hair was frizzy, I had braces, my ache was horrible, and I wore thick glasses.
These days I've lost a lot of weight and ditched the braces, so I'm not sure why I still feel so self concious all the time. I'm absolutely obsessive about my weight, and I always feel ugly or plain next to my friends (which is made worse by the fact that they are hit on by guys left and right).
I also let my curly hair grow out and died it black. But recently I decided dying it every month is a pain so I was just going to let it grow out. Mom insisted that I have my aunt just take the colour out and dye it blonde (my natural colour). But, after I took the bleach out of my hair and tried to comb it rather large chunks started coming out of my already thin hair. Now that its dry I also realize that it lies flat and fried, and it is no longer curly.
I'm normally not much of a crier, but I seriously burst into tears. I have no idea why. I'm not normally obsessive about my hair... Am I just going nuts?
There's always that little thing that will push us over the edge. Everything will just build up and then the whole world just goes ka blooey. I remember once my dad just asked me to get him some water and I exploded....It wasn't the water that was the problem though, I just never talked about how I feel with my parents. You need to get these emotions out. It's good for us to vent. Find someone you can talk to and that will really listen. And if they say that you sound too whiney, then they're obviously not the right person to talk to about this. And no, you're not going nuts

I can't really help you much about your hair though, I'm just a teenage boy and I just use head and isn't really my thing... I just let it do whatever..go with the "bedhead" look :p Sorry I can't be of much help other than this! Just keep your chin up! I know someone with a bit more experience than me will come by and post some better advice soon...
sometimes when we're really stressed out or have pent up emotions like naval said,

just one little thing can open it up and it will all come pouring up
i remember crying at the end of the 3rd star wars movie revenge of the sith becuase i was dealing at honeysuckle at home

and i cried at the end of juno cuz i was all alone :(

oh and of coursse at the end of half blood prince that got me crying a lot

); makes me sad just thinking about it

a lot of times we can't really help what we feel or when we start to cry, so don't fret over it

the little things get to everyone

i can emphathise with your hair though, for us our hair can be a real pain in the ass,

just maybe give it some time, and your natural curls will probably grow back you can also use a curling iron too
so don't fret,

get it out and relax
take a logn shower and maybe get some sleep, when you wake up after a cry you will almost always feel better

i hope you feel better


*hugs lostbutton*

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