Something I wrote in the midst of depression and anger.

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Death Bed

The suffocation felt as night closes in
knowing I am unknown by the outside world
thoughts of swallowing the pills of despair
entering my head until cowardice overcomes
yearning to act to force people to notice me
cut myself until I'm dry, tattoo my pale skin with blood
during sleep a vision of light surrounds my naked body
bringing me hope as the angels appear
let this be heaven as I know it should be
to die alone the most romantic of all deaths
finally at peace with this ******* ball of misery
my rising soul the epicentre of an uncaring world
Very moving. You have inspired me to write something:

Sorrow is like an apple that was so big it fell from the tree. People told each other it was still good, but nobody actually wanted it. It cried out for an angel, but by the time the angel came, it had rot within the ground for all the worms to gain. It sought a purpose but to waste; a life lived in vain. If only for a taste, of heavens holy rain, but farmer only takes the good and thinks about his grain. Then a demon passed by, and its size caught his eye, "What a great forbidden fruit it could've been."

Ugh that took a good 10 minutes.

heh I think I just came dangerously close to writing a limerick.

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