Story of my life

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2010
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Allright, I've never been to a shrink som this might get long. Actually I have but we'll tap into that later. (Sorry for a some what lacking english you guys)

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So, I entered a pretty deep depression - At least i feel it was pretty deep. New school, new class - time to meet some new friends. Well, not for me. I didn't talk anymore, I always looked down. Hell, I didn't even shower during the worst period. And I guess you could guess what I brought upon myself. Oh yeah also I stopped all activity and ate A LOT. So I gained weight ridiculously fast. I got bullied a lot. Or well, more like really nasty comments, mostly about my weight and the fact that I smelled.

Back at home, my sister had some issues on her own. Anorexia, cutting her self and whatever. All this obviously put my father in a difficult spot, and he did his best, I must say... But, like 6 months after my mother died, my sister left the family and joined a woman that wanted to take care of her (my sister lied to the authorities about the conditions at home). This was for the best anyways. Me and my father obviously had some problems of our own. Allright fresia I'll try to make this possible to read.

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I ******* sucked. Got picked on, got shitty grades and oftentimes I just didn't go. I came out of middle school with bad grades, and it was time to join a high school. In *mod edit* you have a right to get into a school no matter how bad your grades are. I got into a vocational school. It sucked, it wasn't for me, and so after 6 months I just quit. This was around February 2010. This school was far away from where i grew up, and although I did get to know some people there (some of which I am still friends with today), I'd much rather go to school where all those i knew from elimentary school went. So, I got into the high school where I grew up. Obviously I had to go in a class where everyone was one year younger than me, but they were all really nice and I knew so many from that school and so this year I really enjoyed.. Kindof.


Sleeping problem:

I do not know if this is because of my depression, if it is because i spend a lot of time infront of the computer, if its because there is no sun here in the winter.. I have no idea and its annoying. Some times, I get real motivated. I want to change my life, I want to do what is expected of me. I want to get that education! These were my thoughts fall of 2009. But, my problem with sleeping hit me, even though I tried hard. Basicly, my problem is this: I often can't sleep no matter what, and when I do sleep no alarm can waken me. I can sleep for 20+ hours even though I am not deprived. I can also be awake like forever, and still I can't sleep at night. I can go a couple of weeks with a good sleep schedule, but the problems always return. I have tried everything except the most logical answer: Seeing the doctor.

I don't really need help on this part, I know everything there is, almost.


The computer:

Remeber I said my father bought me a computer? Yeah, he did. And I played on it A LOT. Mostly counter strike online. The game is basicly 5 guys playing 5 other guys, you got some objectives (mainly to just kill them off 16 times before they can kill your team of 16 times) and then you win. There is a competitive enviroment and I've won some money doing it.

The reason this is relevant is first off because I have played this game since 2006, and I stopped playing it in 2010. In other words, it has played a big part in my teenage life. Looking back, I have split feelings about it all.. It ruined me. I had few friends, actually just one, that I met on a regular basis. I skipped school to play the game, hell I skipped EVERYTHING to play this game. This game kept me from being physically active, it kept me from caring about anything except the game.

But then theres the other part. This game gave me confidence. I got quite good, and I met friends online which I later met in real life. The community around the game was quite friendly, and obviously no one could pick on me for anything other than my skill in the game, which was quite good. So when I played online, I was happy. I got accepted, I saw all these other thousands of people trying to get good at this game which I was so good in. It gave me confidence, especially when I saw people sucking up to me for being good. Look, I'm sure ya'll get the point: I was a loser in real life, but online I was famous. I've changed my game over to something not so time consuming because its 1v1 and one does not need to plan with other people when to play etc. Its not really a problem anymore.


So where am I now? Well, when i went to high school last semester, i got a crush on this girl and lost some weight. I think i peaked at about 280lbs, and when i started training i lost maybe 10 lbs. I gave up after like a month, and went back to doing nothing until march 2010. Me and my cousin (he's the same age as me) started working out together. I lift weights and run/jog. This, combined with a healthy diet has enabled me to lose about 60lbs, and I'm still losing fat whilst gaining some strength. This is all well and good, but my teenage years has left me a very lonely person. With depression all the time (varying in severity), I've avoid hanging out with friends. On big celebrations like new years eve I meet everyone again, everyone seems very happy to see me, and I feel very accepted. I have no enemies, everyone I interact with seems to like me, I have lots of acquaintances.

But, I still feel that I've got some kind of social anxiety. In social situations, friends or strangers, I don't get nervous, I get along fine. I don't know what it is, but I just don't want to be with people.. Often times, when some of my friends call me, I just ignore them. I try to call back when I kind of feel better, but often I just.. Don't want to ******* talk to them. Actually, often times i dont want to talk to anyone. The thing is, no one knows that I'm lonely. No one knows that I'm hurting inside. I've told my cousin that I had some issues in middle school, but he does not know I have these problems today. My sister, my father. Nobody knows. Sometimes its just to much. I get all emotional, and although I haven't cried or anything like that, I get this feeling of nothingness inside, and I feel that there is no way in hell this will ever end. Its been like this since my mother died (6 years), and it will never end. My life is falling apart, the opportunities that I'm given, I'm wasting.

This summer me and a group of friends + two guys I met online went to this music festival in Denmark. I had a blast, it was great and for the first time I felt good again. I had a great vacation, at home my life felt stable and I was losing weight. Well, after the summer, which is like couple of months ago, depression hit me again and here I am.

Now I'm attending a private high school after I messed up two years of the public school thingy. It's going OK. I'm a smart kid, I'll get good grades, and although i have problems attending class because of the sleep issue, its okay because my grades are decided by an exam and nothing else.

Knowing my story, I'm sure you have all guessed that my experience with girls are zip. Nothing. I've been pretty good at ignoring this, but lately its bugged me increasingly. After losing weight I look myself in the mirror, but I can't make up my mind if I'm looking okay, good, or just ******* repulsive. I have absolutely no idea. This gives me no help in my quest to get girls, because I have no idea who's in my league, and I'm to afraid to miss completely and go out of my league (up or down, dont matter), so I kindof just never take the initiative in social situations. Seeing how I try to live as healthy as i can, i never go out drinking, and since I just sit at home all day I don't really get that many chances to speak to women, and when i'm kind of counting on THEM hitting on ME because I'm to insecure to approach them, I think a qualified guess on my chances to get someone is right up there in the 0,0001% range. Make no mistake tho, I can talk to girls. I guess I got a sense of humor, I can be upbeat, and mostly I get good signals from those I talk to. So my main problem here is, I don't know if im ******* ugly or ok-looking, and I'm not taking any chances here, I can't afford getting hurt.

******* hell, I could write much more here but I got a lot of my chest - A first. It felt good. I have no idea what you guys are supposed to do with this post, but if you feel like replying to my thread feel free.

Dude... I know it sucks....I dont knw what to tell you and I havent read this full cos I didnt have the energy.. If you wanna talk. Feel free to pm.
You sound like overall you're on the upswing and working really hard after having a really ******* tough younger life. I think 0.001 or whatevr % is an underestimation, most people have a better chance at getting with soeone than they think. You need friends who are girls Ithink at first, then you can get a better idea about stuff like that without getting hurt.
Hey Welcome to the pack my friend. I hope you find some answers or inspiration here. There's a chat room, and people post many, many interesting things.
Hi guys. Thanks for the replies. It was really good to let it all out after years of holding it in. I'm glad I found these boards. And yeah I guess I am on kind of an upswing. It is weird for me looking back on how terrible life once was, and then not be happy about where I am now, because I have it so much better now than in comparison to then.

Thanks guys.
Hey, good to hear that you're trying to turn around your life!
I'm glad!

Like you, I spent a lot of my free time in the past playing videogames.
When I was younger, I would usually spend most of the night on the computer playing games.
In the past year i've been kind of on and off, and now finally i've completely stopped.
I would usually much rather stay at home and play on the computer than go out with friends.
There's nothing wrong with gaming, but when it becomes an addiction, that's bad.

I don't think that was a huge problem in my life, but I think it has caused some of my shyness, and lack of social skills.
I'm not THAT shy, but I can be at times.

Hmm, what else.
Yes, actually in the past few months i've felt very empty.
I quit my job mostly because of anxiety, I stopped seeing all my friends because of anxiety and sickness, I wasn't able to get very good grades in highschool due to anxiety and sickness, so I wasn't able to go to university this september (although, i probably wouldn't have gone anyways). I felt pretty empty inside. No purpose, very lonely, no hope feeling like i'd never get over my sicknesses, depression or anxities.

Right now, I really would rather be alone. I don't like being with other people as much as I used to. But you and I just gotta make the effort to force ourselves to go out with people, and enjoy ourselves.
I've been truely alone, no responsiblities, no school, no friends, no job since July 1st. It isn't as great as you think it is. It's ******* lonely.

Anyways, I know the people on this site have helped a lot, there's always someone around to talk to if you need it.
If you still need to talk, PM me.
Or try checking out the Xat chatroom, i'm usually in there :p.

Good luck with losing that weight, i've never had a trouble with my weight, but i can imagine how difficult it'd be.

And good luck with finding some female friends. Maybe try posting a picture in the Let's See the Faces Thread, we'll give you honest oppinions :p.

Take care,
Hope I helped.

Thanks Sean.

The weight issue is extremely hard for many, but the weight is only a problem when you're not doing anything about it. For me, it was just another reason to not care about anything. "I won't go anywhere in this life, what does it matter what I look like" typical thing i could tell myself. After I actually got the training going, its fun, it helps alot on my mental state, both on a day by day basis and in general. And ofcourse, losing weight is positive for the self image. But for me, as I said, I have no idea if i look hideous or not, so for me, losing weight have just been good because I felt that I indeed could get something done, and that I had the dicipline to go through with it.

I believe extremely few people are truly addicted to games. I think they can seem addicted because they play games a lot, and think about games a lot, but really its just that when that is the only thing that matters in their life (because they are having issues in the real world), they naturally spend a lot of time on it. The scary thing about computer games is that its a reason to not do anything about your life, because hey why not just play alot of games. Its just a easy way to not having to do anything about your own life.

Is double posting super frowned upon? I'm taking a chance here, but feel free to delete / notice me if im crossing a line here.

So this weekend I had this really positive vibe going. I went out drinking with my friends for the first time since summer (i stopped because of my training regiment). We had a blast and I finally felt like.. "I don't have to be lonely!". Today reality hit me. I sat at school and thought about how I really didn't have any friends that I talk to on an everyday basis - I don't have a girlfriend and I can't say its looking good for that either. On top of this I have a special preference in girls which means I feel the chances of getting a girlfriend is even smaller.

I came home now and looked myself in the mirror, and for the first time since I can remember I felt this extreme self loathing. I almost cried, and it was all very exhausting. What the hell happened here? Seriously, everything was looking so great.

hey. i know that's an old post - i hope you're feeling better tonight.

(and by the way. what do you mean, that you have a special preference in girls? what would that be?)
Hi dead, thanks for the reply!

I'm feeling much better these days, even though I'm physically sick lol. I went on the town on a couple of times, and I went to a concert with some friends and it helped a lot on my state of mind.

My taste in girls, that's kind of hard to answer actually. Thing is, loud girls are fun and all that, they work well as friends to arrange things with, but for relationships I'd much rather want someone more quiet. Now the problem with this is that they don't really give out any signals about what they are thinking of you, so its super hard to actually know where they are so to speak. I, as most other men, am afraid to get rejected, so instead of making a move I just back off unless I'm 100% sure whats up. On top of this, I have this thing for asian girls, I can't really explain it, its not something I have control over exactly.. But I live like super far north in Norway, so there are almost none of them here, and I really would prefer someone asian.
trZ, I know we've talked in the chat room but this is the first I've read this and wanted to respond. (I don't really read the forums as much as I use the chat.)

My mom died from cancer, too, so I sympathize there. :( But I was 19 and in college then, and I can't even imagine losing her as a 12-year-old. That's such a big time in a person's life, between childhood and being a teenager. And my dad is a good guy, but I don't think he would have really known how to raise me. I'm so sorry that that happened in your life; it sounds pretty shitty, everything that followed.

But like someone else said, I think you're on an upswing. I can't blame you for having depression/anxiety problems considering everything. But you're only 18, you seem to be on the right track, and I think you'll end up okay. :)

Good luck!

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