Tell us five random things about yourself...

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1. One wall in my place is covered with pictures of lotus flowers
2. I always wanted to be a kung fu master
3. I can read a whole book in 2/3 hours, although then after 2 days I don't know what it was about
4. My idea of fun is fancy dress parties, or chamber music parties, or Cadavre Exquis parties
5. I can make phone calls to super important people without any problem, but I can't ask a guy what time it is
1. Studying gives me a sense of worth.
2. I practice yoga daily.
3. I love to write on whiteboards.
4. I let myself eat any unhealthy stuff I want one of 7 days of the week.
5. The medication I'm taking has made me lose my appetite.
1. I have been known to drive for years with my “check engine” light on.

2. I can find humor in just about anything. A lot of people don’t get me.

3. I’m addicted to Mt. Dew.

4. My favorite colors are red, black, and white.

5. I am painfully shy around some people, or as my father has always called me, “backwards.” Thanks for your support, dad.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I'm an oddball.
2. I teach and I love it but I dislike it.
3. I love cats so much sometimes they look like cute baby faces.
4. I actually do care.
5. I love tortoises. I think they're cute.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I like to eat burgers around to reach to the core.
2. I tend to forget my meds even though I need to take them at a fixed time daily.
3. I have an adoration for certain members on the forum, very much so.
4. Has been neglecting work since the beginning of this year (that was my resolution).
5. Don't quite favour chocolate but I like it okay.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I have a fetish for backs.
2. I have a fetish for hands.
3. "Sprechen sie deutsch"
4. Hedj
5. Chillstep
ladyforsaken said:
1. I don't like anything too bitter nor too sweet.
2. I love lemon beverages but I'm not a fan of lemon cakes. I am also not a fan of chocolate unless an odd craving calls for it.
3. I have a deep fascination over Olaf.
4. Neat freak. 'nuff said.
5. I hate sleep.

Looks like I've done this several times. Won't hurt to do another five. :p

1. I have a birth mark at the back of one of my thighs.
2. I love drinks with honey in them./
3. I have really ugly stretch marks - and only one other person has seen them properly with me.
4. I have never had a birthday party, never been to a party either.
5. I have been asked for an arranged marriage twice.
ladyforsaken said:
Looks like I've done this several times. Won't hurt to do another five. :p

3. I have really ugly stretch marks - and only one other person has seen them properly with me.

I have them too. I put on so much weight so quickly that it destroyed my skin. I have them all over my sides, my lower back, my biceps, triceps and my upper legs. If it makes you feel any better, the colour has faded over the years and they're not nearly as bad as they used to be.

ladyforsaken said:
4. I have never had a birthday party, never been to a party either.

What?! That's just not on. I demand a party for LadyF on her next birthday! I may well have forgotten this by the time that actually rolls around... :p
user 130057 said:
I have them too. I put on so much weight so quickly that it destroyed my skin. I have them all over my sides, my lower back, my biceps, triceps and my upper legs. If it makes you feel any better, the colour has faded over the years and they're not nearly as bad as they used to be.

They fade? That's awesome.

user 130057 said:
ladyforsaken said:
4. I have never had a birthday party, never been to a party either.

What?! That's just not on. I demand a party for LadyF on her next birthday! I may well have forgotten this by the time that actually rolls around... :p

I really don't mind it, don't really like being at the center of attention anyway. So it's fine to forget about this lol.
Rodent said:
1. I did an internship at a local TV station and was a newscaster for 6 months.
2. I don't have a driver's license.
3. I can't live without music.
4. I didn't have to do military service and I think I know why - but there are no reasons stated in my official papers.
5. I have burned most memorabilia of my 'youth adventures' so I don't get easily reminded of my futile attempts of socializing anymore.

1. I still don't have a driver's license but I'm working on it now...
2. I have certified 'dead hands'...oh, and feet.
3. I have a list of over 500 films I've seen consciously and I can tell the plot of at least 90% of them...I think.
4. I spend too much time properly 'layouting' my posts. The psychosis of a media designer.
5. Sometimes when I'm not in the mood to talk to people I just wait in silence till they get sick of me and walk away...
user 130057 said:
ladyforsaken said:
3. I have really ugly stretch marks - and only one other person has seen them properly with me.
I have them too. I put on so much weight so quickly that it destroyed my skin. I have them all over my sides, my lower back, my biceps, triceps and my upper legs. If it makes you feel any better, the colour has faded over the years and they're not nearly as bad as they used to be.

Only 22 years old I got them as well. Must've been the 30 pounds I lost during the last school years...doesn't really sound like that much to me now. And nobody really noticed how I went from 'slightly chubby' to 'boney' either. At first even I confused them with the scars I got from a bike accident 11 years ago.

Oh well, at least the protruding hip bones detract attention away from the marks. Not that anyone ever sees either of them.
1. I have three tattoos
2. When sitting on a chair or sofa, I struggle having my feet on the floor. I feel horrible if I have to have them on the floor. I sit on them or put them on another chair.
3. I'm addicted to tv shows. But I won't watch them on tv. I'll only watch them on Netflix or pirated.
4. There is already a couple of people on the forum that makes me smile
5. I love cats. I want to have a lot of cats. Maybe a cat hotel or something.
I've done this so many times...

1. I think of myself as like Samuel L Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.
2. I have an entire cupboard dedicated only to tea - with a single token jar of coffee.
3. Fireworks make me feel very emotional - no idea why. I love them regardless.
4. I suffer from White Coat Hypertension worse than anyone I know. My normal BP is around 125-130 over 70-75, but it is regularly measured at the doctors as 170-190 over 80-90. Panic attacks FTW.
5. When I first 'met' my ex-wife, I thought she was a dude. True story.
1. I love the snow because when it's snowing heavy enough I can go outside and the world is actually quiet for once.
2. If I had the chance to leave everything/everyone behind and go explore the galaxy with other intelligent life forms I would take it in a heartbeat.
3. There is something about me that only one person knows that everyone else would find surprising.
4. Being around people frequently and for long periods of time exhausts me.
5. I suck at sleeping.
1. When sitting, I tend to sit on one of my's habit, no clue why, it's just more comfortable.
2. I wake up twice every morning to take my dog out around 1-3 A.M., and again around 4-5 A.M. I don't get much sleep.
3. I say probably 10 short sentences in an average day, sometimes less.
4. I fired a Barrett Model 99 .50 caliber rifle yesterday. It didn't kick that much, to be honest.
5. Every time I eat or drink anything, I feel nauseous. I still eat though, being a health nut disallows me to forego eating.
1. I'm a lazy clean-freak with an OCD. Only clean when I feel like it, but when I do, everything is spotless. Don't like it when something isn't straight, faced the right direction, etc...I will mess with stuff until it is perfect.
2. I don't see the appeal of having to be in a relationship. I find the single life quite better, actually.
3. I have a bad case of acne scars all over my back. I dislike wearing bathing suits and things that reveal said scars.
4. I come from a poor family, so I have a passion for philanthropy. Always wanted to cook meals for the homeless, and build houses and support those who are less fortunate. I wanna adopt unfortunate children as well in the future.
5. Cat lover. Its best if I'm restrained when I see a stray cat. Hate seeing them on the street like that, and without a second thought, would take them in and care for them.
*I played ice hockey in my early teens

*I used to race radio controlled cars

*I like purple

*I'm extremely tactile

*My hair hasn't been allowed it's natural colour for a very long time indeed
1. I don't know my times tables.
2. I have a major crush on Steven Tyler of Aerosmith.
3. I love fake ladybugs and collect them. I get them as gifts all the time so I have hardly any room to put things in my apartment anymore (they are a sign of good fortune and good luck!).
4. I much rather give gifts than get any. I shop on-line all the time.
5. I don't have a "type" in men. I just will see a guy and out of the blue am attracted to him.
1. I am scared by organized religions
2. I get turned on by red hair
3. I mostly own books and clothes, and some musical instruments, nothing else
4. After they told me about past lives, I can't eat shrimps anymore, too many lives sacrificed for just one meal. One little piece of cow occasionally is ok, though.
5. I often talk and laugh by myself, or with passing animals
i have an extra heavy lead foot...

my charger windows are illegally tinted...

my charger has flowmasters which are loud and proud and illegal...

my charger is performance tuned...

i have many mods to increase horsepower...
i like eating healthy/i like biology/i prefer music and movies from over 25 years ago/i am wearing gray socks as i type this/i am 5 foot six
I want a baby turtle.

I like to add chili to most foods.

I hate Nextflix, but still pay for it.

I can't swim.

And I can't think of anything else :p
I still can't tie a tie (I need to watch a youtube video "how to") because I'd rather die than wear one!

I've been collecting old 45rpm records (90% from the 1960s) since i was 13, and own about 15,000.

My idea of sightseeing: going to off the beaten path places, abandoned buildings, desolate places, areas with a historical vibe so I can imagine myself back in that time period.

Enjoy talking to old-timers to learn about times past.

I loathe sushi, Indian food...gimmie Burger King anyday!

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