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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
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Where the faeries live, Silly.
I know we all hear about the worst in human beings. We see stories all the time on the television of unspeakable acts of violence. I guess as people, we tend to remember the bad things that others do. This thread is to remember the good in humanity and to thank those who have helped us. If someone was nice to you or helped you out, especially if they are in the forum, give a shout out and thank that person :)

Here are some people I would like to honor today and who inspired me to remember that there is yet hope for the world and people who care enough to look beyond themselves. I am my brother's keeper.

Sailor Called Hero for Helping Save Five Others

Four students and two safety officers had less than a minute to escape their sinking ship. The survivors praised one of the boat’s safety officers, 53-year-old Roger Stone, for rushing them off the craft within seconds of realizing it was taking water, putting their lives ahead of his own. Mr. Stone was killed rescuing the students. When the keel fell off the boat, it capsized, and Mr. Stone drowned. The sailing team was competing in a race in the Gulf of Mexico when the accident occurred.

Virginia Tech Massacre

Romanian-born Liviu Librescu, a dual US and Israeli citizen, moved two decades ago to the United States where he taught in the Engineering Science and Mechanics Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He was a Holocaust survivor who gave his life to protect his students. Students described how the 76-year old Librescu used his body to barricade the door against the shooter so they could escape by jumping out the classroom's second-floor window. Some broke legs in the fall, but they survived. Mr. Librescu was shot to death during the rampage.

Hope's Story

Hope Stout was an incredible twelve year old girl, who after being diagnosed with a rare type of bone cancer was offered a wish by the Charlotte, NC Make-a-Wish Foundation.

When Hope Stout found out that there were 155 children on the waiting list in front of her, she wished that they could have their wishes granted first. When told the funds to do this were not available, Hope refused to take no for an answer. She lead a fund-raising effort with her friends and neighbors that touched the hearts of millions.

Hope raised more than one million dollars in thirty days allowing all the children to have their wishes granted. Hope died shortly thereafter, knowing her wish came true. A movie has been made to honor her called Hope's Wish.

NYC Subway Hero

A 50-year-old NYC construction worker jumped into the path of a moving subway train to save the life of a stranger: Mr. Wesley Autrey was in a station in upper Manhattan while another gentleman, a student, also waiting on the platform, seemed to collapse during a seizure. Mr. Autrey used a pen to get Mr. Hollopeter's tongue out of his throat, then when he stood up the student staggered and fell between the tracks.

As the train neared, Mr. Autrey pinned Mr. Hollopeter in the trough by lying on top of him, face to face. To the horror of bystanders and Mr. Autrey's daughters, the subway screeched to a halt only after two subway cars passed overhead. Mr. Autrey's quick thinking and incredible heroism saved the students life at the risk of his own.
Eve, thank you for listening to me when I was down. You always make me feel better. You know all my secrets and I know they are safe with you. I love you, Sis!

Sloth, thank you for helping me by taking your time to look up and find a sound card for my computer. I am really enjoying the music!

Grundel, Thanks for calling me and being my friend. Cheese burger!!!! ;)

Dave, Thanks for being my friend and checking in on me when I was feeling down. And I felt really good when you called me all the way from England! :) I love you, little brother!
My thanks go to all those that have ever replied to any of my posts...

But in particular I have to thank my counsellor for every weekly session we have, my beautiful Karen who has made me very, very happy and my sister across the pond, who I really would like to speak to later.

Naleena you are a star...and my bestest friend.
Bah! I almost boo hoo'd reading what Nal wrote. If I actually get into thanking everyone who has done something nice for me, or helped me, or made me laugh (especially here on the forum), I'd be A) typing all day and B) Crying into my keyboard. Well, I have a three year old, so typing all day is out of the question. As for crying into the keyboard, well, this is a laptop and water won't mix well with its electronic functions. It might short out and catch on fire! Then, the room might catch on fire! Then, before you know it, my entire house might go up in flames!! I would lose everything, end up living in a hotel, waiting on the insurance company to rebuild my house! Can you imagine keeping a three year old inside a hotel room all day? Me either, so in the interest of public safety, I'll just say a heart-felt thanks to EVERYONE here on the forum for being the special people that they are. Plus, you are welcome, Nal, as you are always there for me too! You're the very best sister a person could have! Love ya, Sis!
I'd like to thank a person I met for giving me hope when my path was unclear ......... I'm on my way and can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank You Superman, for saving the planet from that giant meteor.... and from Apokalyps. Oh and from Lex Luthor.

No thanks to Aquaman for sucking.

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