The Perfect World

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I was really surprised, I usually type my feelings into the address box not expecting any results... but I actually ended up here. I don't know what I should say. I just feel so lonely lately. I've got a really good life. I'm so lucky in many ways, but as a result of my personality I just don't make close connections with other people. I haven't had someone I considered to be a best friend since childhood. How can a person make a good connection with a friend or family member? How can they keep it? I need someone in my life with whom I can express my real self and not hold back... is this possible? Or is this feeling of alienation from everyone else something we all suffer, and just don't talk about?
Hi Guest,

Welcome to this forum.

When I first started coming here, I felt a combination of two things: Relief, because there were honest people sharing their troubles and worries and reasons why they are lonely, which is often considered to be a personality flaw in modern society. I also felt a bit ashamed and embarassed that I 'HAD' to come to this site.

However, I think you'll find that many people here are highly intelligent, artistic, creative, and fun people. I really do think that the most sensitive people and often the most talented are troubled by loneliness and alienation from society.

Most of our great artists such as Van Gogh, etc suffered from mental illness, loneliness, depression, and/or isolation from society.

At least we here have the balls to speak what everyone else is too scared to admit.
The simple truth to the problem You describe is that we're too deep in to being the people that we think are perfect. We don't use our hearts often enough, rather than our (thanks to the world we've created) messed up minds.

Some people actually find it really easy to connect and talk about absolutely anything with anyone and i think that the simple reason to why they have the "ability" to do so is because they are being themselves; not holding back anything simply to not come off as someone odd.

There are tons of folks here who are more than willing to listen to what You have to say about Your life etc. and i'm no different. Just choose and click and You got Yourself a couple of pen-pals You never thought You'd have.
i think its possible to find what you are talking about...but it might take a lot of meeting people who may hurt or dissappiont you..or it might just happen (depends on your life)....what you have to ask yourself is it really worth it??
btw i think i'm looking for the same thing...and it may seem that bcus of my personality it's difficult ..0_o

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