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Jan 23, 2012
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Yesterday I had a row with my gf over a stupid thing, texting happy birthday to her friends. She had a few friends/colleagues with birthdays this week and she decided to text them all yesterday after dinner.
She spent a good 30 minutes doing this. Chatting back and forth. I didn't mind it that much, since I was driving.
Then, she said "you know, until lately I didn't know how important is it to say greeting to your friends and connections".

"I don't really have anyone to say happy birthday to. I guess girls are just more social"

"Actually its important for you too, especially connections. Guys are usually more social."

"I used to send greetings to people I know too, but it just got old."

"I'm not saying you don't."

That hit a sore spot.
I didn't take it very well and stormed out of the garage.

we're both in our late-20s.

Now that I have cooled down, I know why I reacted that way I did.

I'm socially vulnerable. I'm not a popular guy.
1. Very few good friends (I can count them all on one hand)
2. Small family.
3. I'm not particularly popular at work (other than the standard "good morning" and occasional gossip).

In fact, if I was to write a Resume or CV right now, I would not be able to list 1 reference. Not 1. No one at work would probably give me a reference. I didn't keep in touch with managers from past jobs. I didn't care to shake hands with any of my previous professors at school.

That little butt in the head with my gf exposed a deep vulnerability I've been hiding for years. And so far, I've done a good job of hiding it, for over 8 years. But today, today, for the first time, I suddenly felt ... vulnerable. That little jab yesterday about me needing more connections HIT THE NAIL RIGHT ON THE HEAD. It's been a constant worry in my mind that has been cordoned off, swept under the rug, pushed aside. And I dread the day when I switch jobs, when i have to look for a new one and need a reference. Or when I have to rely on a friend. The day has not yet come. But it will, it's only a matter of time.

She knows I have less friends and family than her, but she doesn't know the true extent of my vulnerabilities, or how much it worries me. I don't feel comfortable telling anyone about my problem. They would laugh at me. My gf would find it "weird that one doesn't have any friends" (she's one of the 'normals').

I would really appreciate any thoughts or inputs on this. Thanks
My thoughts? fresia it.

Ya, you heard me. Learn to say fresia it.

Society puts so much pressure on people. You can choose to not succomb to that pressure tho. You can make your own rules.

fresia it.
Big deal, dude. And guys are definitely less social than girls from where I look at life. You don't have to send a hallmark card to every single buddy at their occasions. Also, if you are a good worker (meaning you get the job DONE), I don't see why your boss wouldn't give you a reference even if you don't drink your beers with him :)
The whole reference thing... If you were changing jobs, that would be the ideal time to ask if someone at your current work can write you a reference. Don't see why they wouldn't if you've worked there a long time. How could they?

I think when you feel anxious about something it becomes a much bigger problem in your head. I always find some rigorous exercise makes me see things a bit clearer or just taking the advice of someone you really trust, if you have someone like that.

You don't need to worry about a reference now. Just ask when you quit.
I know you how you feel kinda. I like to think that I have between 5-10 friends. But I couldn't trust any of em' to be references. I've nothing to do with past managers either. I simply fluke it and ask anyone I can that I know and hope that they're not contacted, or that they're reliable just for once, lol.

As for your feud, honeysuckle happens. Just don't let it eat you up and spoil a good relationship.
Thank you all for the wonderful support! I know that I have my own way of dealing with these things. It just irked me the gf thought her way was superior. Part of me is jealous and frustrated that she has got so many friends/work connections, whereas I have none. I've also wondered if its a flaw in my personality that makes me so unpopular.

Then there's the other side of me, which tells me I don't need no stinking reference or whatever. I've managed to power my way through to where I am today without having to rely on them much before, so why worry? If there is an obstacle, I'll find some way of ploughing through it again.

I think the older I get, the greater the trust I will place in my own way of doing things and my own abilities, instead of trying to become a 'normal'.

At which point I will finally be able to say 'fresia it'.

Gutted said:
I know you how you feel kinda. I like to think that I have between 5-10 friends. But I couldn't trust any of em' to be references. I've nothing to do with past managers either. I simply fluke it and ask anyone I can that I know and hope that they're not contacted, or that they're reliable just for once, lol.

As for your feud, honeysuckle happens. Just don't let it eat you up and spoil a good relationship.

Lol that's pretty much how I think too!!
Thank you, she was never really mad at me, nor me at her in particular.
BeYouTiful said:
My thoughts? fresia it.

Ya, you heard me. Learn to say fresia it.

Society puts so much pressure on people. You can choose to not succomb to that pressure tho. You can make your own rules.

fresia it.

I second that.