What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

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Like change is coming. Good or Bad I don't know.

I feel like kick'in some ass today, all revved up with no place to go!
Look out world!

Pretty low. I've wasted two days doing nothing. Tomorrow it's back to work.
Full I ate MacDonalds for breakfast and then we went out for lunch so I had the chicken salad. My feet hurt and my back feels like its out, where is the chiropractor when you need one.
I am feeling good and bad. I feel good to finally have freed myself from my husband. I feel bad, because a dear friend is hurting.
I'm feeling good. Got A LOT of housework done. Now I get to enjoy the long weekend with ma familia and have some good feasts and drinks with them.
I should be sleeping like a log. Its 1am and am normally in bed like 3 hours ago. Got in bed and then got back out. I can not sleep and am not the slightest bit tied. I feel lol,,lonely,,well, no surprise there then. Just sometimes the feeling is weirs then other times and to night this morning it sucks. But am in kinder a lethargic mood.
Feel like i'm 8 years old again on my way to Toys R us.

Lol, I don't know why, i think it's to do with the fact I'm of to get some fish.....some bright colored fish that I can watch swimming about, will i spend my nights at the computer.

Yea, I'm easily pleased.
afraid of zombies now. :(

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